I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 163 Apologize

Taito District, Tokyo.

"They all said that they couldn't be defeated twice by the same trick... Uchimura Ryuu, you messed up twice in the same thing! This'factory' on the sea and inland has been seized by the police, and you said that I support bliss. Yes, what's the use besides letting the police follow me?"

In the gorgeously decorated office, Kazuo Amato, who once had a close relationship with Sosuke Araki, "the head of the Tokyo branch of the three-member group", was sitting at his desk holding a newspaper and looking at it.

The front page of the "Sankouzu Shibao" in his hand is impressively printed with titles such as "Japanese comedians have a lofty status: the helplessness behind Yusuki Nozomi's choice." and "Senior Officials Fishing Diary".


It seemed that someone was kneeling vigorously on the wooden floor.

"Minister Tianteng, this time is indeed an accident. Who knew that a powerful resentful spirit was born in the factory at the foot of the mountain!"

In the empty office except for Kazuo Tento, a panic voice suddenly rang from Uchimura Ryuu.

The figure of him kneeling and kowtow appeared.

Facing the calm question of the man in front of him, Ryuu Uchimura was terrified at this moment.

Kazuo Amato, as the head of the three-member team and the head of the Tokyo branch, is the top-ranked core cadre in the entire three-member team.

What is even more frightening is that, in addition to his Jidao status, he is also an official member of the "organization" who is qualified to participate in the sacrifice himself, the legendary godly favored one.

You should know that the "miracle things" are very poorly adaptable to the human body. The users often have less than one-fifth chance of surviving. The rest will either directly explode and die or become out of control monsters... …

Only those who have successfully consumed the "miracle thing" three times or more can be called the favored person within the organization.

Of course, there is also a technique that can greatly increase the survival rate after taking it.

That is, only take the parts from the same kind of ghost.

However, for randomly given "miracle objects", such an opportunity is as difficult as collecting a full set of ghost cards.

"Will it? If you encounter such a thing, if it is not for the ability to restrain, there is really no way..."

Kazuo Amato flipped through the newspaper lightly and said calmly.

"You can understand my difficulties, I am really grateful!"

Hearing what he said, Ryuu Uchimura was so moved that he cried.

In his opinion, that weird puppet must have been produced by a large number of resentful spirits from the dead who were "unloaded" in the "factory".

The organization's understanding and handling of this type of supernatural beings is completely incomparable with those who have a deep foundation of spirit exterminators.

As a divine envoy, in the face of that horrible existence, he could only escape that day, swimming along the creek all the way to Kawaguchi Lake to survive.

After all, most of them were just ordinary people in a muddle-headed manner before taking the "miracle thing".


Kazuo Tento's words changed, and Ryuu Uchimura gave birth to Naoki.

"Your useless subordinates, it doesn't matter if they are killed by the resentful spirit, but they have left a living place... According to my report, it was the person who woke up and called the police that caused the location of the factory to be exposed... …This is a big case that shocked the entire Japan. You know how much of the Metropolitan Police Department’s contacts I spent to get your dead men to be dealt with as victims, so the Metropolitan Police Department just opened a case for investigation rather than immediately wanted Do you..."

"What, that kid didn't die? There must be something weird in him to survive that weird puppet! Minister, that kid..."

Hearing what Kazuo Amato said, and thinking of the oozing tattoo on Sosuke Araki's body, Ryuu Uchimura tickled his teeth with hatred.

"Enough, I don't care about the personal grievances between you and the spirit eliminator. I made mistakes but blindly shifted the responsibility to others. It is not the style of Ren Xia's Tao..."

Kazuo Amato waved his hand and interrupted the other party.

He unscrewed a bottle of sake on the table and poured a full glass for him in the horrified gaze of Ryuushen Neimura.

Then, something wrapped in a towel was thrown in front of Ryuu Uchimura.

"I have always been tolerant of talents... the rules in the team, you know."

Ryuu Uchimura seemed to have guessed something, frowning and looking at the ground with trembling whole body...

What was wrapped in the white towel was a short knife.

Ryuu Uchimura silently spread the white towel on the ground, grabbed the short knife, and pierced the surface of the wooden floor obliquely.

Taking a deep breath, he tremblingly picked up the glass of wine on the table and took a sip.

Then he pressed the palm of his left hand down on the towel, placed his little finger under the blade, and narrowed his eyes...

The short knife like a guillotine was cut down in an instant.

"Uh ah ah ah..."

With the tingling sound of cutting and Ryuu Uchimura's muffled snort, blood splashed and half of his little finger rolled weakly onto the white towel, and a spooky red flower bloomed.

Enduring the pain in his heart, Uchimura Ryuu, covered in cold sweat, took up the blood-stained towel, wrapped his severed finger, and tremblingly handed it to Kazuo Amato in front of him.

Kazuo Amato took the finger from Ryuu Uchimura without changing his face, and put it into a glass jar with formalin on the side.

Severing fingers and apologizing is the tradition of Japanese gangsters. The articulated severed fingers are like a strict hierarchical position. Together with provocative tattoos and cold violence, they form the ultimate order of Japan in the eyes of ordinary people.

In Japan, there are 32 missing fingers every day, but none of them are accidents; the hospital receives thousands of emergency cases for severed fingers every year.

According to the survey, as many as 45% of Jidao members have chopped their fingers, and even 15% have done it at least twice.

Before the finger is severed, it is often soaked in ice water or injected with anesthetic to reduce the pain.

Those who cut directly like Ryuu Uchimura are all those who have committed a serious offense.

Someone must be curious about where those broken fingers went.

For misdemeanors or severed fingers that just show loyalty, some bosses will allow their subordinates to take them to the hospital to pick them up.

Some gangs will let them swallow severed fingers to show their regret.

The Yamaguchi group is not so primitive. They have a special room for storing "pickled peppers and severed fingers" marked with their names.

From time to time, new entrants will be arranged to receive "warning education" in the past.

At the same time, there was a polite knock at the door.

"Come in."

A gloomy middle-aged Mediterranean man walked in.

He doesn't have an extreme breath, and he looks more like an office worker in the workplace.

"The Minister... is you busy, then I'll come over later."

The middle-aged man looked at the blood stains in the room and said without changing his face.

"No, it's time to talk about the next thing... Let me introduce to you, the tree planter in charge of the National Quintessence Association, has received two miracles, the owner of the'Evil Ghost Power'... And this one ..."

"I know, the Uchimura president of the Bliss Club, but there has been a lot of noise recently, a thunderous character..."

The Mediterranean man named Zhongshuren closed the door, looked at the sweaty Uchimura who was covering the wound with a towel, and laughed mockingly.

Both of them were secretly supported by Minister Tianteng, and they divided the Bliss Club and the National Quintessence Club. He was naturally happy to see each other deflated.

"You guy... do you want to die?"

Ryuu Uchimura, who was immersed in pain and pale, looked at him viciously.

Kazuo Amato closed the newspaper in his hand, threw two photos and a pile of materials on the desktop, and said sternly: "It's a big deal to call you over."

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