Hearing Kazuo Amato's solemn tone, the two people who had been facing each other had to listen with serious expressions.

"'That lord' ordered two new antiques last night and asked us to get them back. The information is here, try to communicate with gentle means, but if the other party doesn't cooperate, then...use whatever means."

When the man named Zhongzhishuren and Uchimura Ryuu heard the words "that adult", their faces suddenly showed enthusiastic expressions.

The only one who can be called "the lord" by Minister Tianteng is the one who founded the "Olen Truth Society" and allowed people like himself to obtain miraculous things, and the guild leader who saw the head of the dragon without seeing the end.

Curious about what made the president so concerned, Ryuu Uchimura couldn't wait to pick up the photo on the desktop to check it out.

Divine envoys like him who have only received "miracles" once belong to the outermost role of the organization.

If he can complete the task of "that lord", not only will he be ashamed, he may also be given a stronger strength.

In the two photos, there are two swords with different shapes and the same antique.

One of the long swords has a handle and scabbard made of animal leather, and the handle looks rusty.

The other handle was a short, thin sword with a chrysanthemum emblem engraved with a horizontal pattern. The blade seemed to be cut off in the middle, leaving only half of the blade connected to the handle.

"This matter may involve those mysterious spirit removers, so I specially invited the tree planters who have dealt with spirit removers to come over."

"Minister Tianteng praised."

The tree planter answered indifferently.

"Look at your performance just now. This thing is given to you as an advance reward, but don't let me down..."

With that said, Ichiro Tento took out something wrapped in talisman paper and threw it to Ryuu Uchimura.

"This...this is..."

Seeing the outer layer of talisman paper, Uchimura Ryuu had already guessed what it was, and his expression was a bit complicated.

A god-given item with a survival rate of only one-fifth after taking it, I dare not use it no matter how much it is given to him.

There is also a good god-given thing in the safe of the Bliss Club, which he dare not use.

"Fortunately for you, you have recently sacrificed to obtain the'Kidney of the Water Tiger'. For you, it is the safest choice...Remember, I have always cherished talents."

"Thanks... Thank you Minister, I will not let you down!"

Hearing the name, Ryuu Uchimura breathed a sigh of relief, and bowed gratefully ninety degrees to thank him, even his fingers didn't hurt.

Asking him to take the god-given thing from the water tiger is very compatible with him, not only has a great chance of surviving, but also enhances his "water tiger power" in all directions.

"As for Zhong Zhijun's reward, the other parts of the'Zhi Devil' will be given to you as soon as the organization has given it."

Zhong Zhishuren heard the words, but nodded calmly.


Seven days later.

In front of a Japanese-style manor on the outskirts of Ibaraki Prefecture, covering an area of ​​about ten acres.

A handsome young man with a tall stature and a ponytail got off an Infiniti sedan.

It is Abe Temple.

He didn't wear sportswear as usual, but a rather formal black kimono.

When Abe Temple respectfully walked to the gate of the manor, a loud noise came from the open gate.

"Sorry, there is a funeral at home, please come back today."

"That matter was promised to us by an old gentleman! Besides, we are also here to attend the funeral today, how can we..."

Several men in black suits with poor complexion were surrounding a middle-aged man in a black kimono, talking stubbornly.

"A few non-national relatives and friends are not on the funeral invitation list. Please don't bother yourself... Besides, my father never mentioned this to me before he was alive, so please go back first."

The man in the kimono looked serious and spoke to several men in suits without giving up.

"Since you are so rejecting people thousands of miles away, don't blame us..."

"Uncle Yiwen, do you need help?"

Abe Temple immediately stepped forward and asked the middle-aged man.

"It's Abe-kun who is here... I made you laugh. My father's hall is inside. Please go inside first."

Seeing Abe Temple, the middle-aged man with the surname "Yiji" bowed slightly to him with a wry smile.

"That's right, this is a matter for our National Quintessence Association and a writer...you kid, don't be nosy."

The leading man walked towards Abe Temple and stared at him viciously.

Looking at the tattoo on his forearm, Abe Temple frowned in disgust: "An old man with a text is about to be funeral, and several people who are harassing in front of the door today are afraid that something is wrong... let it go."

"Oh, your boy has a strong tone..."

The leading man stretched out his hand to grab the collar of Abe Temple, and several other men also surrounded him, preparing to kill him.

"Let go... hands!!"

Looking at his crumpled neckline, Abe Temple unceremoniously turned the knife with his left hand and hit the man's abdomen hard.

The man who was hit by him in his weakness screamed and fell down while clutching his abdomen.

Then, the men who rushed up from the rear were also beaten by him with a "hand knife of the same style" and wailed again and again.

"Dare to intervene in the affairs of our National Quintessence Association, do you dare to report your name?"

The man in the lead stubbornly stood up and said sternly.

"If you want to have an opinion, you can ask the Tomimon Clan in Tokyo for an explanation."

Abeji gently adjusted his slightly wrinkled clothes, and looked at him without fear.

Wearing a black kimono, he looked like a peerless sword out of its sheath, showing its sharp edge, causing several men to shrink their gazes.

The Tomimon clan is a family of the same origin as the Abe clan, and is also a large consortium involving politics and all walks of life.

"Is the Tuyumen? Okay, I'll take it down... Today is the funeral of the old man, we won't bother you anymore, and we will come to visit another day."

Hearing the three words "Tu Yumen", the head of the man's complexion changed slightly, and after abandoning the cruel words, he greeted and left.

"Trouble Abe-kun."

"Where, Uncle Wen is so good-tempered."

While talking, the middle-aged man led Abe Temple towards the inside of the mansion.

Inside the main hall, decorated with black and white curtains, piled up a considerable number of white chrysanthemums, it looks like a mourning hall.

Several monks were closing their eyes and chanting in front of the hall.

Many people have gathered around the mourning hall, most of them are from the clan's own clan and its side branches.

In the center of the mourning hall, an old man lay peacefully in the coffin, holding a short knife wrapped in white cloth with his hands together.

"Grandpa Yiwen..."

Abe Temple's eyes were slightly wet, and he respectfully leaned over the coffin in the mourning hall, presented chrysanthemums, and then turned to accept the family's return.

Behind the coffin, on the huge black-and-white photo, is an old man with wise eyes and a thin face.


ten minutes later.

"I'm really guilty about the matter of Grandpa Yiwen. If it weren't for [Sunyue] to be repaired, maybe his old man would not be too exhausted..."

In the reception room, Abe Temple knelt down on the tatami, and slowly bowed a big gift to the middle-aged man opposite.

A family of characters who have been acquainted with the Abe family for generations and have always been obsessed with hand forging and disdain for mechanical production. In order to cleanse the family decades ago, the family moved to the remote outskirts of Ibaraki prefecture to keep it safe.

After the Pingjiangmen incident, he entrusted the broken two swords [Sun and Moon] to the famous knifemaker family "Ichiwenshi" to try to repair it.

The most famous swordsman in history is the Ichimono sect of the Kamakura period.

And the love sword of Abe Temple [Sun and Moon] is also from the hand of the previous generation of patriarchs.

In order to preserve the spirituality of the two swords [Sun and Moon] to the maximum, the owner and gentleman of the one-literature school, who is nearly ninety years old, decided to repair it himself.

Not long after that, I heard the bad news of a gentle man who had passed away.

Thinking about it at Abe Temple, it must be too laborious to repair [Sun and Moon], and the old man was overworked and passed away.

This made him feel extremely guilty and rushed over immediately.

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