"Abe-kun do not blame yourself... [Sun Moon] has been restored as early as a week ago, but its spirituality has been depleted, and it will take time to accumulate..."

With that said, the middle-aged man in front of him, the contemporary patriarch Ichimon Yumaru, pushed a wooden sword box in front of Abe Temple.

Abe Temple opened the wooden box, and inside it was the love knife he hadn't seen for many days [Sun Moon].


Sensing his spiritual power, the [Sun and Moon] in the box uttered an intimate sword sound.

"My father's sudden death was not caused by repairing [Sun and Moon], but because of another hidden story."

Abe Temple closed the wooden box, set it aside, and continued to listen to the narration of a text by Yumaru.

"Other secrets?"

"When repairing the ancestral house a few days ago, I found a broken knife inside the broken beams... My father tried hard to fix it day and night, but he didn't think that one day he seemed to find something abnormal, and he was too excited. I didn't take the stimulus, but it was all..."

"Remnant sword? What on earth is it that makes the old man bother so much?"

Abeji asked curiously.

He would occasionally follow his elders to visit a literary home after he was young, so he is very clear about the calm and calm personality of a literary gentleman.

"That remnant knife... is the Juyi Wenzezong who has been lost for hundreds of years."

Yiwen Yumaru lowered his voice and whispered.

"What... the chrysanthemum is one word?"

As calm as Abe Temple, when I heard this name, my pupils shook.

The Kikuichi Norizo ​​is a sword forged by the famous swordsman Ichizo Norizo, commissioned by Emperor Toba in the Kamakura period.

This sword is engraved with a 16-petal chrysanthemum family crest representing the royal family near its handle, and underneath it is carved with a horizontal pattern. It is a thin-blade knife and is not suitable for actual combat. It is a decorative weapon belonging to the royal imperial system.

After the Emperor Toba, its most famous holder is said to be the genius swordsman Okita Soji of the Shinsengumi in the late shogunate of Japan.

Therefore, this knife is also the most famous work in the history of a literary swordsman school, and it is not an exaggeration to be hailed as the treasure of the town clan.

"If you can find this thing that has been lost for many years, I must be able to smile at Jiuquan."

Abe Temple comforted.

"We think so too. Since Juyi's text is too old, the broken part and scabbard are missing, even the father can't repair it, the family decided to use it as his father's funeral."

Ichimo Yumaru sighed lightly.

Funeral goods?

Abe Temple remembered the sword held by the old man in the coffin.

Presumably that is the text of Juyi Zongzong.

"On the contrary, the few people just now didn't know where they got the news. They said that they had come to my father a few days ago to buy the chrysanthemum chrysanthemum, and they also said that my father agreed to consider it."

"How is it possible... These violent groups are full of nonsense, how can a literary master agree to such a thing."

Abe Temple said angrily.

How could a character family agree to sell the Juyi Character Zongzong, which represents the glory of the family.

"I think so too, but they stalker..."

"Uncle Yiwen, don't worry, I will arrange for someone to deal with this matter when I go back."

"Then I'm not welcome, please take care of it."

Yiwen Yumaru nodded slightly.

His father had just passed away, and there were a lot of things in the clan, and he was not in the mood to entangle with the Jidao organization. It is best to let the Tu Yumen clan come forward to deal with it.

"In that case...I won't bother too much, and I would like to ask an uncle to express my sorrow."

Abeji took the sword box on his back and got up to leave.

"Don't worry about it, after this matter, please come over for a cup of tea."

Yiwen Yumaru followed and got up to send him out.

When the two walked to the gate, there was an uproar from the crowd and women's cries of horror from the direction of the mourning hall.


Inside the wooden box on the back of Abe Temple, the two swords [Sun and Moon] began to sound like they were crazy.

"not good……"

Naturally, he knew what this meant, and rushed to the mourning hall with a character Yumaru.

In front of the mourning hall, the mourning guests and monks who were kneeling around, ran towards the outside of the mansion in horror.

There was only one literary family left, and they timidly surrounded the mourning hall.

"What was the noise before the mourning hall?"

Squeezing the crowd away, Abe Temple and Ichimon Yumaru saw the scene that made them feel distraught.

In the mourning hall, the old gentleman who was originally lying peacefully in the coffin was standing tremblingly in the middle of the hall for some reason at this time!

His eyes turned pale, his face was expressionless, and his body was walking step by step with some stiffness.

The originally thin body shape has become even more skeletal and withered for some reason.


A beautiful middle-aged woman with tears in her eyes and emotions stepped forward to support her father.

"Quickly leave, that's no longer the old man..."

Abe Temple immediately discouraged loudly.

He had habitually checked with inspiration when he just bowed down. There was no spiritual body in the hall, and the soul of the old man had already rested.

The [Sun and Moon] in the sword box on his back screamed more intensely.

His eyes stayed in the hands of the old man.

The old man held a slender, thin, remnant knife about 30 centimeters long, and it could be seen that it was broken by force.

A fierce resentment is surrounding the remnant knife.

"How come... I didn't feel a trace of resentment just now... There was a problem with the knife, so it was scattered!"

Abe Temple roared loudly.

The legendary chrysanthemum has turned into a grudge.

At the same time, the originally slow-moving gentleman slightly raised his sword-holding hand, twisted his joints, and made a gesture that looked like a stab and cut...


A magical red light flashed across.

Before Abe Temple had time to see it clearly, I saw the red light coming in and out quickly.

The young woman closest to the old man...

The blood seemed to be alive, flying in the air onto the residual knife, slowly solidifying into something like blood crystals, lingering around the broken blade and slowly extending upward.

"elder sister!"

In the blood-stained mourning hall, Yumaru Yiwen exclaimed that he was about to rush forward to check the other party's situation.

"You go away first... This is no longer what you can handle, leave it to me, I will protect the old man with decent..."

One word Yumaru was stopped, and Abe Temple took out the [Sun and Moon] double knives from the wooden box, held it in front of him, and looked at the old man in the center of the mourning hall warily.


Yiwen Yumaru woke up, held back the tears in his eyes, and stepped back decisively.

As the generational ally of the Abe family, although they have no bloodline that can give birth to inspiration, their knowledge of spirituality is far beyond ordinary people.

Like a zombie, the old man moved stiffly and walked towards Abe Temple.

The incomplete "Chrysanthemum One Character Zong" in his hand once again waved towards Abe Temple with a red glow in that twisted posture.

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