A wave of spiritual power erupted from the whole body of Abe Temple, and the long-sword Sunwheel guarded him, accurately stopping the monster and fast red light.

The tremendous power from Juyi's words Zezong shocked him almost unable to hold the Sunwheel Knife.

This is not the power that an old man in his nineties who has just crawled out of the coffin can explode.

Taking advantage of the gap in the match, Abe Temple did not retreat but moved forward.

With a subtle wave from the hand, the three fingers of the old man holding the sword were cleanly cut off.

[Sun and Moon] Soon after the double sword was repaired, both the circulation of spiritual power and the display of characteristics were not as good as before, and the powerful technique of flying away from the body could not be used. He could only win with swordsmanship.

Ju Yiwen Zezong fell into the air, and was gently picked aside by him with a long sword.

With the broken sword away from his hand, the body of an old man of writing fell to the ground immediately, without movement.

At this moment, Abe Temple had time to look sideways.

The originally plump middle-aged beautiful woman had her blood drained, and her whole body showed a weird shriveling.

Only one mouth remained slightly opening and closing like a dehydrated fish.

Looking at the damaged skirt from the rear, one could see her originally delicate and tender place, just blooming like flowers.

Yiwen Yumaru immediately arranged for someone boldly to come forward, take the silent middle-aged young woman to emergency treatment, and at the same time return the old man's body to the coffin.

"According to legend, Juyiwenzezong is able to absorb human blood to repair itself, and is known as a famous sword that never breaks. The person who holds the knife has the opportunity to realize a'juyiwenzhang', which specializes in a weak point in the lower body that is difficult to defend. After the Boshin War was cut off at the battle of Fushimi Toba, the Shinsakusumi was defeated by Edo, and Soji Okita was killed, the sword was nowhere to be found..."

Looking at the remnant blade and blood on the ground in a daze, Yiji Yumaru's eyes were full of fear.

Unexpectedly, the legend is true.

Could it be that a certain ancestor of a character took back the incomplete character of Juyi Zezong and sealed it in the beams of the ancestral house?

"It seems that in these years, Juyi Wenzezong has turned into a grudge, and was able to possess a corpse and hurt others. Fortunately, the old man's body is weak and he has inconvenience to move, which did not allow it to cause worse consequences. I immediately Let the people come and seal it..."

Abe Temple took out the phone and contacted the family to send the Onmyoji.

What he practiced was not the traditional onmyoji of the Abe family, but a unique way of removing spirits from the kendo, so he was not good at drawing seal talisman paper.

Just when he turned around after the call...

Yiwen Yumaru was muttering something with his eyes blank, as if the knife in front of him had endless attraction.

His body was uncontrollable, and he stretched out his hand tremblingly towards the Ju Yiwen Zezong in the pool of blood.

It seems that it is not as simple as controlling the corpse.

"Uncle Yiwen! Don't touch that knife..."

Not waiting for Abe Temple to take action, Kikuichi Wennizong has firmly held in the hands of Yumaru Yiwen.

Ichiji Yumaru slowly turned around, his eyes turned white and his face was expressionless.


Just when the funeral of a text was stained red with blood.

Sosuke Araki and Kohei Higashino walk hand in hand on the stone steps of Akagi Shrine.

In the afternoon, the warm sun shines through the treetops and sprinkles on the plants and trees of Akagi Shrine, revealing an aura.

Rarely come to places like shrines, Higashino Kohei walked on the white stone steps, looking around curiously.

"It's pretty elegant here, next time I will bring Reiko to stroll around... By the way, you guy still knows people from the shrine?"

People like Sosuke Araki have nothing to do with holy shrines.

"Well, I met when I was working in a convenience store... I went out together and cheated again... Anyway, it's hard to say..."

Araki Sosuke dug his nostrils and stopped talking.

On the originally quiet and elegant stone road, workers are busy setting up sheds and installing banners on both sides of the road. It seems that they are preparing for a large-scale event.

The two people who walked together can stop the crying of the child immediately, the reason why they wandered in such a place is not that there is an unspeakable forbidden relationship.

Instead, they came to attend the "Akagi Shrine Anniversary Festival and Collection Expo" VIP privately in advance to observe the exhibition.

Since he could bring a friend over, Sosuke Araki got Higashino Yuppei who happened to be on vacation.

"Oh, Araki-kun has brought friends here, welcome and welcome... Thanks to you for hosting such a large expo this time... The outfield is in chaos, I'm really sorry."

At the top of the stairs, Yutaro Kotori, dressed in a suit and looking like a business elite, is busy directing the workers to decorate the scene.

Kotori Yutaro's complexion looks a little tired, it seems that he has been busy for a few days, but this can't conceal the excitement on his face.

"Mr. Araki, Mr. Higashino, good afternoon..."

Yu Mayumi, a little bird dressed in a witch costume, walked out of the cafe beside him and bowed to say hello.

"Yo, Xiaoniao Yushi, I almost didn't recognize it when I put on this dress... Well, you don't need to be so respectful to Xingping, don't you look at this guy who looks extremely good, in fact he is also extremely good, privately, he is actually a family What about a good woman... the specialty is chicken curry."

"Hey, what kind of messy description is this."

Stopping the unobstructed gossip of Sosuke Araki, Kohei Higashino tried his best to squeeze the most amiable smile on the shrine maiden in front of him.

In the backlight, his over-strengthened eyes and slanted corners of his mouth looked more like a butcher before the execution.

"By the way, Xiaoniao Yushi, this dress looks so grand today..."

Seeing Toori Yu Mayumi's clothes, Sosuke Araki couldn't help but praise them again and again.

Her dress today is extraordinarily grand, with a layer of Chizao robe with a pine crane pattern on her usual white and elegant maiden dress coat, with a golden crown and white and green flower hairpins on her head.

Gives a dignified and holy feeling.

"At the official Akagi Matsuri tomorrow, the head priest will perform a Kagura dance to worship the gods, so today I will try to see if the clothes fit well... Araki-sensei thinks it looks good."

Seemingly embarrassed, Yu Mayumi Torii lowered his head slightly, and a blush appeared on his face.

Qianzao robe is considered to be a more formal attire, which is generally only worn for Kagura dance and wedding ceremony.

"Do you want to perform on stage, then I will come to cheer you tomorrow..."

Araki Sosuke spoke casually, and followed Higashino Kohei and walked into the cafe next to the shrine.

"Ara... will Mr. Araki come tomorrow too..."

Hearing what he said, the bird Yu Mayumi behind him showed a rare panic, his head buried lower, and his entire face looked like a ripe peach.

Generally speaking, guests who have visited the exhibition in advance will not be crowded into the crowd to watch the sacrifice the next day.

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