Tori Mayumi looked to the side of the main hall with inspiration, and saw that the air there was fluctuating with the movement of a transparent outline.

"Who is there!"


In the land of the gods?


Tori Mayumi instinctively touched her waist, but felt empty.

As she changed her clothes and was going to a restaurant not far from the shrine, she didn't bring anything related to despiring.

Seeing the almost transparent silhouette drifting away with the sound of footsteps, Yu Mayumi decisively lifted up his spiritual power and patted towards the ground.

Ling Xian.

A wave of spiritual power spread around her.

The absence of talisman paper does not mean that it cannot drive spiritual power, but the effect will be much worse.

But in the land of the gods, the art of Toriyuki Mayumi will be greatly enhanced.

Contaminated by the wave of spiritual power, a tall and masculine man with meticulously sprayed hairspray appeared abruptly not far away.

In his left hand, he still held only half of the "Great Taiyaki", and his right hand held a leather-wrapped Dachi.

It was placed in the hall for worship, the Yaodao July Rain.

"You can actually perceive me, you'spiritualists' really have a set..."

The man seemed to be caught off guard by his appearance, his movements were slightly stagnant, and he said with a grinning smile.

This man, precisely because today is the day of delivery, was forced to take advantage of the flow of people to enter the shrine and was lurking until this moment before he had the opportunity to steal the demon sword.

"You are... a human... No, you are a half-demon?! Please put down the July rain in your hand..."

Seeing the man who suddenly appeared in front of him, Yu Mayumi Tori frowned slightly.

Semi-monster refers to human beings who possess some ghost powers due to various reasons such as sacrifices and bloodlines.

Since the Meiji Restoration, most ghosts have been silent, and semi-demons have rarely appeared in the world.

"Sorry, I don't know what Gods and Taoisms you are talking about. In short, since I have been seen, I can only'handle' you together."

Ryuu Uchimura swallowed the half of the "big eagle burning" with a ferocious expression, and rushed forward, pulling something out of his waist, and waving it at Tori Mayumi.

Tori Mayumi subconsciously sinks his center of gravity, spreads his hands, and dodges sideways at the same time, taking the initiative to meet the opponent's swinging arm and deflect his attack.

Taking this opportunity, she turned her head and shouted at the already stunned Gu Yuansha outside the main hall: "You hurry up and call someone and let them call the police immediately."

Naturally, her spiritual vision could see that the other party didn't know what secret method was used, and invisible a short knife in her hand.

Even though she tried to dodge, the slender short knife still cut through the hem of her skirt.

The ancient principle sand outside the main hall came back to his senses.

Seeing her friend encounter a crisis, her eyes narrowed slightly, her anger sinking into her dantian, and her whole body's strength was gathered...

She screamed loudly: "Help!!! There is a moron!!!"

The girl's sharp voice resounded through the entire Akagi Shrine.


"Help!!! There are idiots..."

Not far away, the girl's scream cut through the silent night and reached someone walking on the stone steps.

"Moron? No, I... I'm obviously here, I haven't had time for anything..."

Araki Zongjie froze for a moment, and hurried to the direction of the sound.

Hearing this sound, it seems to come from the female friend of Xiaoniao Youshi (C).

Just as Araki Sosuke stepped up the stone steps in three steps and made two steps, I saw the entrance of the shrine not far away, Yu Mayumi Kotori was being pinched by a man by his neck and held high, and the ancient principle sand was also lying on the side. The corner is dead or alive.

"Asshole... let go!"

Sosuke Araki immediately screamed and ran towards the two of them.

"Araki Sosuke..."

Hearing the voice, Uchimura Ryuu turned his head to see the person who came, and immediately gave up his original plan to "kill his mouth".

He blocked Yu Mayumi Torii in front of him, drew a black hole pistol from his waist, and pressed it against her temple.

"If you want this lady to survive, don't come here..."

Seeing the gun in his hand, Araki Sosuke's pupils shrank slightly, his brows frowned and he stopped in place, raising his hands to the other party: "Who are you...If you want money, you can discuss it..."

"Who am I? What money do I want?"

Hearing Sosuke Araki's words, Ryuu Uchimura almost choked to death.

He thought about it carefully. In addition to being beaten on the toilet by the opponent at the Shinjuku Police Station, whether it was a wharf, a warehouse, or a factory at the foot of Mount Fuji...

Even if he has seen the other party's appearance, he has not formally met with the other party.

If it weren't for worrying that this was a downtown area, gunshots would make things worse, and he wanted to shoot the boy in front of him.

"Ahem, you don't care who I am. Not only do I know your name, but I also know that your true identity is the No. 250 informant and the half-spirited person of the Shinjuku Police Station..."

Facing the expression of Zongsuke Araki's selection of people, the old god Uchimura Ryuu said to the ground.

"Oh, what kind of murderous look is this? Is this your little girlfriend? Anyway, as long as you stand still and wait for me to leave with this thing, you will let the witch girl go. ."

Since the previous tragic experience is still vivid, Ryuu Uchimura does not intend to face hard and bad things with Araki Sosuke here, but he is still very happy to see the other party's slumped expression.

"By the way, I would like to remind you that we have an inside line in the police station. If you let me know that you call the police, just wait to collect the body for this witch."

To add this sentence, Uchimura Ryuu held the Tori Mayumi under her head and retreated towards a side door not far away.

Araki Zongsuke stared at the other party's finger that pulled out the insurance, as if he was trying to figure out whether he would have time to act.

"Mr. Araki, he has a gun, don't be impulsive...I...I'm okay..."

The kidnapped Kotori Yu Mayumi, seeing the unwilling look in Araki Sosuke's eyes, worried that he would fight with his life, and offered words of comfort.

"You guy, as long as you dare to touch her hair, I will let you know what hell is!"

After hesitating, Araki Sosuke could only clenched his fists, bit his lip, and watched the opponent leave with murderous eyes.

The other party's insurance has been opened, the distance is more than seven steps, he dare not take the life of Xiaoniao Youshi to risk it.

A black business car with its license plate concealed quickly stopped at the side door, picked up the man and Tori Mayumi in the car and left.

"Zongsuke...what happened?"

After hearing the sound, Higashino Kohei and Shirasui Riko asked loudly at Araki Sosuke, looking at the vehicles leaving.

"Little Bird You's been kidnapped... Take care of her friend, tell Mr. Little Bird You, and then secretly contact the guy Ryoma... The other party has an inside line at the police station, so you can't easily call the police."

Pointing to the ancient principle sand lying in the corner, Sosuke Araki immediately ran to the "Warring States Samurai" who had stopped at the door.

The other party easily broke his informant number. It must have been an internal correspondent with high authority in the police station who had checked his files.

The instincts like wild beasts told him that these people would not let them go so easily, and they had to follow up.

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