Black business car.

"My lord, what should I do now, this woman saw us when she got in the car..."

Funamura, who was driving, asked impatiently.

Unlike the Lord God, who came and went without a trace, he would continue to mix in these blocks.

Although I don’t know why, the ambassador who was only going to get the knife would tie the witch into the car, but the two men in the car took out the rope very skillfully to tie the hands and feet of Yu Mayu Torii, and used it. The sack covered his head and the mouth was covered with a towel.

"I had an accident, anyway, I was also seen by her face... Take her to the delivery place first, wait until the high seas, and deal with it..."

Uchimura Ryuu's index finger hooked the gun in his hand and turned it around twice, and said a little irritably.

He didn't plan to let others go. He could see through his invisible spirit removers. Naturally, the fewer the better.

The black commercial vehicle was driving on the crowded highway without noticing that a locomotive was silently keeping the right distance in the chaotic traffic behind.


"What? Mayumi-chan was kidnapped? Sosuke Araki followed alone? I immediately contacted the Metropolitan Police Department..."

At the entrance of the temple, Mochizuki Ayano, who had dealt with the emergency situation and happily rushed to dinner, took out his mobile phone angrily after hearing the incident.

The ninth lesson is only responsible for supernatural cases, and regular kidnapping cases are not within the scope of their handling, but this does not affect her contact with professional departments.

"No, those guys dared to tie people directly in the city. It is estimated that they will be inextricably linked to the quintessence of the country that came yesterday. If there is an inside line in the police station, it will kill the little bird wandering maiden. We can't bet."

Kopei Higashino reached out his hand to stop her movement.

"Then what do you say, this kind of thing must be handled by professional police...Do you know how low the survival rate of hostages is in kidnapping cases that choose not to report to the police?"

Mochizuki Ayano bit her lower lip and roared angrily.

"I didn't say not to call the police...I just contacted the buddy from the search class privately. He is already calling his colleagues to deal with this matter in the name of an independent investigation..."

"Which department did your buddy search for? They handled the kidnapping case."

Mochizuki Ayano breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Higashino's words.

She was also planning to ask for help in the search class.

"That... is actually not quite right. He is from the Sexual Crimes Investigation Department of the Sixth Forced Criminal Search in the Search Class... However, he said, if you want to add a crime, why not have any trouble..."

Kopei Higashino said with a guilty conscience.

After asking Bai Shui Lizi to accompany Gu Yuansha to the ambulance, he immediately contacted Ryoma before the second to explain the current situation.

Just now Bai Shui Lizi called and said that according to the preliminary diagnosis, Gu Lisha had only a slight concussion, but fortunately, it was not a major problem.

Before the second, Ryoma had already brought several colleagues on his way.

Although this guy was seconded to the search class and worked in his subordinate's Department of Sexual Crime Investigation, responsible for investigating sexual crimes and collecting and analyzing crime-related intelligence, it was actually not much related to the kidnapping case.

Because he was afraid of the "inside the police station" mentioned by the other party, he dared not report the request for large-scale police support.

But the guy said carelessly that he could give the other party some fictitious crimes such as assaulting men, and act secretly in the name of an independent investigation.

"If you want to add a crime, why don't you have any trouble? It turns out that it can be like this... This guy from the sex crime investigation department, the brain circuit is bad enough..."

Hearing Higashino's words, Mochizuki Ayano, who has always been observant and conscientious in the Metropolitan Police Department, only felt that the door to the new world was opening to him.

If we follow this logic, after Lesson 9, can we intervene in any case under the privilege and name of "supernatural cases".

Your "buddy", is it true that I work in the same Metropolitan Police Department? Wouldn't it be the black police stationed by Jidao?

Frowning, she fumbled out the phone and dialed Iwata Takeshi with some guilty conscience: "It's me... a violent has captured a certain suspected grudge in Akagi Shrine and kidnapped an important member of the Spirit Slayers Association. You immediately ask the information team to call up road monitoring and check their whereabouts, and at the same time secretly convene people and horses to prepare for action..."

The situation was urgent, so she could only learn how to "make up charges" for the person who kidnapped the bird Yu Mayumi, and let the ninth class with the highest level of confidentiality act alone.

"I knew that, I should have agreed to their proposal to buy the knife... it was all my fault..."

Kotori Yutaro said reproachfully, and looked at the main hall of the shrine bitterly.

Although Mayumi insisted that he could no longer sell any "things belonging to the gods".

But if he lost his most important daughter for a broken knife, he would never forgive himself.

"Next, I can only wait for news from Zongjie..."

After the contact, Higashino Yuppei stared at the phone worriedly.

In order to avoid distraction, he could not take the initiative to call Araki Sosuke, but waited for the news.

He believes that Zongjie's driving skills are absolutely impossible to lose.


Aichi Prefecture, Nagoya City, Nagoya Port.

The white zizania crescent is reflected on the wavy sea.

Under the night, several men were carrying a black body bag and embarking on a medium-sized yacht moored at a remote pier.

Following them with their hands on their backs, is a tree planter with a greasy Mediterranean, yin and yang strange air.

"Isn't the flowery frame of Ryuu Uchimura arrived yet?"

Glancing at the empty cabin, he asked the man on the side.

"I just contacted, the Uchimura God Envoy has already got things and is coming from Tokyo..."

The two groups of men and horses converged on this yacht, just preparing to go to the high seas for a while to "deliver" with the messenger sent by "the lord".

"Huh, a drowsy guy, it's hard to make a big deal."

The tree planter snorted disdainfully and opened the zipper of the black body bag.

In the body bag, there was a shriveled corpse of Juno-kun like bacon.

On the lower body of the corpse, only the chrysanthemum-word Zong Zong whose knife handle was trembling slightly was faintly visible.

"My lord, this knife is moving..."

The man on the side looked at the thin long knife that went deep into the lower body of the mummy with some trepidation.

Zhong Shuren smiled contemptuously, took out a paper towel and gently threw it on the mummy: "Don't worry, although this knife is very evil, but my ability just restrains it... I don't have a movable body for it to drive. It's just a waste knife."

Coming all the way from Mito City, he kept picking up things and throwing them on the corpse from time to time, but he cleaned up the text of Kikuichizong.

When the two were talking, a figure leaped lightly like a cat on the cable connecting the yacht and the pier, and quietly climbed onto the yacht deck like a tightrope.

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