This person who boarded the ship in secret, was wearing a black sportswear, his hair was softly tied into a ponytail behind his head, and he wore a pair of twin knives of different lengths that were shaking slightly around his waist.

It is Abe Temple.

Coming out of a mansion in Ibaraki Prefecture, he led people to search all the way, and finally found the body of Officer Shiratori lying on the side of the road.

Immediately, he reported the matter to the ninth lesson.

According to the traffic monitoring and tracking near the road, it was discovered that the deck car that was suspected to have captured the Kikuichi text was driving all the way towards Nagoya.

However, that group of people had great anti-reconnaissance experience. After getting off the highway, they passed through a few corners that could not be captured by surveillance, and after changing a few cars in a row, they disappeared near Nagoya Port.

Unwilling to reconcile, Abe Temple, together with his group of ninth class agents, scattered around the Nagoya Port, hoping to trace the whereabouts of Kikuichi Norizo ​​through the sensing power of the sun and the moon.

According to his speculation, the other party should want to borrow the port to go to sea.

Just an hour ago, when he passed by this yacht, the Sun and Moon Swords made an insignificant buzzing sound.

Seeing several men on the ship who looked suspiciously and suspected of holding weapons, he immediately contacted the ninth class agent who was acting with him to support him.

However, the support did not arrive, and the yacht had already started the engine and seemed to be ready to leave the port. He could only get on board first to seek opportunities.

On the dark deck, a man in a black suit was patrolling vigilantly.

Suddenly there was a sound of breaking wind from behind him.

When he felt wrong and wanted to turn his head back, his eyes were dark and he lost consciousness.

It was Abe Temple who had just climbed onto the deck to stun the man with the scabbard.

Cautiously dragged the man to the side of the ship's side, into the lifeboat wrapped in oilcloth, threw the opponent's gun into the sea, and he continued to walk into the cabin.

The closer he got to the inside of the cabin, the more severe the shaking of the two knives in his hand.

Abeji's expression also grew colder.

Chrysanthemum has written words, and it really is here.


At this moment, a man just walked out of the cabin and bumped face to face with Abe Temple in the passage.


As soon as the man pulled out the pistol, Abe Teresa "Yueyao" unsheathed, and slashed at the opponent neatly.

Such a distance is not suitable for long knife play.

A sharp blade flashed past, and the pistol that the man had just raised was cleanly "beheaded" and shattered into two halves from the barrel.

Then, the hilt of Abe Temple hit the opponent's throat severely.

He shoved the knife back into the scabbard, bent in midair to hold the unconscious man, and pushed into the room on the side.

The whole process was clean and neat and completed in one go.

However, the sound just now has already alarmed the people in the cabin below.

With a sound of footsteps, the two men ran up the cabin below the stairs.

Seeing Abe Temple not far away, the two immediately fired with guns without hesitation.

Seeing the other party raising the muzzle, Abe Temple did not move forward and retreated, stepping on the bulkhead on the side, and rushing towards the two along the side wall of the cabin lightly.

During the assault, his concentration was unprecedented, and his hands were crossed and swung in front of him.

Accompanied by several gunshots, several bullets that were divided into two fell to the ground behind him.

"How can it be?!"

Seeing the scene in front of me, the two men beside the stairs showed incredible expressions.

Japanese kendo master Noori Machii once demonstrated that a small steel ball with an initial speed of 322 kilometers per hour was smashed with a knife from 21 meters away.

However, cutting down the live ammunition at close range precisely and continuously is another matter.

Just when the two brains were blank, the ghost of Abe Temple had already arrived in front of them.

With the striking of the back of the knife, the two instantly lost consciousness.


Abe Temple, who stunned the two of them, quickly ran towards the bottom of the cabin.

I just got the gunshots, and I must have alarmed the people on the side of the cab, so I don't have to cover up, I can only make a quick fight.

The cabin on the second floor is not divided into several compartments like the crew room above, but is divided into two large cabins on the left and the right along the corridor, which seems to be used as a warehouse.

In the two cabins, under the sunlight tubes, there are neatly placed pots of green potted plants.

"This is... greenhouse hemp?"

Abeji carefully identified the plant in front of him, and his pupils shrank slightly.

As the screaming of the double knives at his waist became more intense, he saw his goal behind a pot of lush green plants.

It was the corpse of a man.

The lower body of the dry corpse, only the chrysanthemum with the hilt of the sword exposed, seemed to resonate with the sun and the moon double knives, and uttered an unwilling scream.

"How did these people seal this grievance?"

Looking at the motionless corpse, Abe Temple kept the distance vigilantly, and found out a scroll.

This knife was too cunning, slaughtering dozens of lives, including a clan of characters and the patriarch.

Maybe it's just cheating to die now. If you don't pay attention, you will be attacked and become its puppet.

The tragic death of the victims appeared in his mind. He subconsciously tightened the core muscles, clamped the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, piriformis and quadratus femoris, and squatted down facing the sword. , Carefully spread out the scroll.

It was a huge rune paper with unknown runes written on it.

This is the sealing amulet provided by the Onmyoji of the Tuyumen clan for him, which can effectively isolate and seal grievances.

Abe Temple lifted its spiritual power, and used the Hippocrates long knife to pick out the Chrysanthemum Ichizo Zongzong from the lower body of the corpse, and dropped the unidentified liquid on the scroll spreading on the ground, vibrating unwillingly.

When I first saw it, there was only half of the remnant of the chrysanthemum-character Zongzong, but at this moment, he had restored the complete posture of a Taidao.

On the metal half of the blade, dark red crystals emerged, forming the front half of the blade, shining with a strange light.

The whole thin handle of the sword looks exceptionally sharp and exquisite, revealing an invisible attraction, making people feel like holding it, it will be invincible in the world.

A certain man's brutal face appeared in Abe Temple's mind, and a strong desire to win came to his heart.

"As long as I have this knife, maybe I can defeat that guy..."

His eyes gradually lost focus, and he murmured.


The sun and moon knives on his waist collided with each other, and a chill and burning sensation surged into his body respectively.

"I...what am I doing...this knife is really scary."

After a shock, Abe Temple woke up, with a cold sweat on his back.

His hand is now infinitely close to the hilt of Juyi Wenzezong's knife.

If it hadn't been for this pair of natal double-knife guards, as a spirit exterminator, he could almost resist the temptation to restore the full form of Juichi Zezong.

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