"Nuo Nuo Gu Gu, three prisons on the left, three prisons on the right, turned upside down, all nine ways are jammed!"

Abe Temple calmed down, chanted the mantra silently without hesitation, and patted the ground with one hand.

This grievance resembles a treacherous swordsman who does everything and must be sealed immediately.

With the surging of aura, the scroll on the ground seemed to come to life, instantly wrapping Ju Yi Ze Zong firmly.

Juyi Wen Zezong immediately calmed down, and the invisible attraction disappeared.

Just when Abe Temple was about to leaned over and picked up the Kikuichi Norizon on the ground...


In the empty cabin, a small steel ball wrapped in grievance flew towards him from the vegetation.

Abe Temple leaped back keenly like a cat to dodge, and with a pair of knives in his hand, he accurately chopped off the few small steel balls that he evaded.

"I said where did the rat get on the boat... This is the first time I have seen such a good spirit remover..."

In the gloomy cabin, the man's somewhat mean voice sounded, but the speaker was not seen.

"Invisible...Where is your sacredness?"

While procrastinating with words, Abe Temple injected spiritual power into his eyes, trying to enhance his inspiration and confirm the location of the opponent.

"You don't have to work hard, the "inspiration" of the eliminator can't find me..."

Before the other party had finished speaking, Abe Temple's ears moved slightly, and he cut to the direction of the voice without hesitation.

With the sound of "crawling", it seemed that a mouse was shuttled in the grass, making him cut with this sword.


The weird voice sounded in another direction.

Two small steel balls in a row were thrown towards Abe Temple from two completely opposite directions.

It seems that the opponent can not only become invisible, but also move quickly among the plants.

Although I don't know what will happen to being thrown into that kind of strange thing, Abe Temple still instinctively waved the sword, intertwining the airtight curtain of swords in the air.

Dozens of densely packed small steel balls were cut in half by his exquisite swordsmanship in mid-air.

"Interesting, interesting... In that case, how about trying this trick! Dema..."

Before the man's words of unidentified meaning fell, thousands of small steel balls, like a pouring rain, flooded towards Abe Temple from the "grass" in all directions.

Even in the face of an inevitable situation, Abe Temple still held a pair of knives with a calm expression, and quickly spun a whirlwind of ice and fire in front of him.

The second day is first-rate, the flame moon is cut back.

The small steel ball was slashed by the fast-rotating blade light and bounced like a tornado. The resentment on the steel ball also dissipated.

"Hey, your sword skills are really sharp. If other ineffective guys come, I'm afraid they won't be pleased... It's a pity that you have stepped into my home court."

The male voice chuckled meanly.

The greenhouse hemp on this ship can not only bring hidden and stable economic income, but also create an environment suitable for his ability.

Capturing the direction of the sound, Abeji's ears moved slightly, and he slashed with a knife.

However, as soon as he moved, his body seemed to be overdrawn, and his footsteps slumped forward.

A strange resentment, I don't know when it enveloped Abe Temple, and it fought with his body protection spiritual power.

"how come……"

Abe Temple lowered his head slightly, and several small steel balls were rolling down the corner of his clothes to the ground.

Didn't you avoid it completely?

He felt the power of his whole body fading fast, and he could only kneel on the ground with a long knife.

"Can you still kneel? It seems that your spiritual and physical strength are very strong, much more powerful than those who died in my hands before."

With that said, the tree planter slowly appeared next to the potted plant not far away.

"Are you... a half-monster? A ghost?"

Looking at the middle-aged man who was not far away with the greasy luster of the Mediterranean Sea reflected in the light, Abe Temple asked strenuously.

"NONONO, we are not the kind of inconsistent things, unlike you lucky guys who are born with inspiration...We are the true favored ones..."

Bend down and picked up the sealed chrysanthemum on the ground, Zhong Shuren patted his hand gently.

"The trouble is just inserted in that part of the corpse, and it looks unattractive to'that adult'. Thank you for packing it up for me..."

With that said, he threw a handful of small steel balls to Abe Temple again.

A more powerful resentment flooded his head, and Abe Temple fell to the ground weakly like a spasm due to the rapid flow of potassium, and breathing became more and more difficult.

"Can you still keep your heartbeat... Respect you are a strong man, let you enjoy this last peace... After all, everyone has their own destiny."

Seeing the young spirit remover who fell softly to the ground, the tree planter's expression became a little complicated.

Once upon a time, my hair was so thick.


Ten years ago.

Inside the dilapidated office with the "Spiritual Interview Office" hanging on the door.

The tree planter standing in the middle of the office has long, supple hair.

"Mr. Zhong Zhi, you can resign."

Behind the desk, a man in a suit with his back facing him said so.

The man's oily Mediterranean reflected a desperate light under the dim sunset outside the window.

"President Changtian, why...when you rescued me from the resentful spirit, I was determined to become a qualified spirit remover and slay the evil in the world..."

"You have been following me for five years as a trainee. Not only did you cultivate very hard, but you also experienced a lot of life and death..."

The man behind the desk was a little sorrowful.

"However, the awakening of inspiration is always something that cannot be forced! I can't ensure the safety of an ordinary person when removing the spirit. Maybe one day... So, write your own resignation letter."


Hearing what the other party said, the young Zhongshuer fell to his knees weakly.

"Go back, everyone has their own destiny... Forcing something that doesn't belong to you will ultimately be unable to bloom beautiful flowers."

"I... I am really..."

Tears rolled down his eye sockets, splashing with a golden luster in the setting sun.

"I know, you have really worked hard, more than I did... If you put your energy on other careers, maybe you have already become famous... I can't let you delay it anymore."

Listening to President Tsutota's sigh, he still couldn't say a word of rebuttal or justification.

Because the president said everything is reasonable.

All the sins are in the self who has been working hard for five years, still unable to open up the inspiration, is just an "ordinary person".

Incompetence is the original sin!

Ever since he was rescued from the hands of Yu Ling in an accident, he used his blood and sincerity to impress President Chang Tian and became an employee of the "Spiritual Counseling Center."

In the past five years, in addition to assisting the president in his work, in order to become an official spirit remover, all his energy was spent on inspiring inspiration.

After all, if you can't even see the "spirit", then how can you "divide" it.

Consecrate the Buddha, insert beads into the body, puncture acupuncture points with golden needles every week, tears in the eyes every day, chant Buddhist scriptures...

Even in order to strengthen the "Yang Qi" in the body, he used various cooking methods and swallowed the "roots" of various creatures during those five years.

"I... I get it."

What President Tsukita didn't see was that the tree planter who was crawling on the ground, the eyes hidden in the hair gradually became bitter...

How could a frog that once jumped out of the well and seen the vast scenery be willing to live in the small puddles of the past.

For what reason, some people are born with the qualifications to see the real world that they can never achieve in their lives.

At this moment, he is willing to sacrifice everything to the devil and get the ticket to step into the extraordinary world.

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