Recalling the past, Zhong Zhishuren habitually moved his forehead.

But I only touched the smooth scalp.

Looking at his palm, he laughed at himself.

Obviously, I have been bald for almost ten years, but I still can't get rid of this habitual movement.

The moment he swore allegiance to Minister Tianteng, took "the hair of the evil ghost of Zhizhi", and obtained the "power of the gods", he also lost his flowing hair forever.

In addition to gaining special abilities, people who take "miracle things" will also get closer to the corresponding ghosts in their personality and characteristics of certain body parts.

But remembering that the respected President Tsukita also had this hairstyle, he was relieved.

The sound of footsteps interrupted Zhongshuren's scattered thoughts.

"Chairman Zhong Zhi, sorry..."

Several men covered the back of their heads and walked down from the upper cabin.

Among them were two people who were stunned by Abe Temple in the stairwell and awakened by their rushed companions.

"Never mind, don't blame you, this guy's skill is not something you can handle. Take him up, and then throw him into the sea when you get to the open sea... And this knife, find a suitcase and put it in a suitcase, and give it to' That lord's time only looked like this."

With that said, he handed the talisman wrapped in talisman paper to his subordinates, and the tree planter walked towards the top of the cabin.

"Yes, my lord... stinky boy, it was pretty ruthless just now."

The two men stepped forward and kicked Abe Temple severely and carried him away.


Half an hour later, a white van stopped on the dock.

"Just be late, and still have the interest to take a girl on the boat? Uchimura Ryuu, what about what the adult wants..."

On the deck, the tree planter in the middle looked at Ryuu Uchimura who was boarding the ship and the bird Yu Mayumi who was holding him behind him with disdain.

"It's a bit of a traffic jam coming from Tokyo, things are here... As for this woman, I will deal with it as soon as I get to the open sea..."

Uchimura Ryuu was vague, and took out the sword in his hand.

"Do you all use the high seas as trash cans? People nowadays have too bad environmental awareness..."

The tree planter's eyes twitched slightly, and his face was solemn.

"Let's inspect the goods first... It should be the one that looks like it, pull it out and confirm it."

Several men immediately stepped forward and carefully compared every detail with the photo.

After all, such "antiques" will inevitably be counterfeited. If such a low-level mistake is made and the adult is angry, the lives of the two will be lost.

Hearing this, Uchimura Ryuu vigorously tried to pull it out.

"Uh...what kind of broken it rusted to death?"

The demon knife stayed still in July rain.


ten minutes later.

"Humph, hum... Just try harder... Yes, come again, don't stop..."

Seven or eight men stood on two ends like a tug-of-war, holding the demon sword in their hands, Qiyueyu.

Among them is Ryuusu Uchimura, who has recently taken "the liver of the water tiger" and has strengthened again.

A group of big men exhausted their efforts to suckle, and they were unable to pull out the shabby sword by an inch.

"If you can't pull it out, it's a negligence of duty to just hand it over to that adult."

The impatient Naka Shuren stepped forward, took off Toori Yumayumi's headgear and the towel on his mouth, and looked at the witch who was staring at him with angry eyes.

"Let's talk about it, how can this broken knife be pulled out."

"July Yu is called the'Monster Knife That Never Gets Out of Its Sheath', and only those who approve it can pull it out. How can you people without faith be able to get involved..."

Tori Mayumi looked at the surrounding environment and turned his head disdainfully when he saw the "tug-of-war" July rain in the hands of the men.

"If you explain it obediently, you might be able to suffer less in a while...After all, the old man is not a villain..."

Seeing the resolute bird Yu Mayumi, Zhong Shuren sneered and waved.

A few people knowingly put down the swords in their hands, and escorted the little bird Yu Mayumi to the cabin on the next floor.

"Oh, didn't you also bring an extra person up..."

In the cabin, seeing the tied up Abe Temple, Uchimura Ryuu curiously looked at the tree planter.

"This is the mouse that I touched on the boat, and it hurt some of my men... However, this guy can find here, it is inevitable that our position has been exposed. Time is limited, let's go first, and then slowly pry open this on the road. The secret of the knife."

Zhong Zhishuren glanced at his watch and signaled his subordinates to prepare to set off.

"Oh? It seems that this road won't be boring..."

Looking at Abe Temple's handsome face, Ryuu Uchimura lightly licked the corner of his mouth, showing a wicked smile.


"Hello, Xingping, where is your support?"

At the back of the pier, Sosuke Araki speculatively looked at the eighteen-meter-long yacht ahead.

The man who held the bird Yushi was on the deck reporting something to an obscene-looking Mediterranean uncle.

The other men who got out of the car escorted Tori Mayumi into the cabin.

"What? Are you still on the East Coast line? Expected to arrive in half an hour?"

Seeing that the yacht had started its engine and began to slowly leave the shore, Sosuke Araki became a little anxious.

He rode behind that car all the way and drove a distance of 300 kilometers along the east coast line before arriving at the Port of Nagoya.

Fearing that the other party would know the news through the police station's inside line, he could not seek the assistance of the Nagoya police. The only support that can be expected is Nimae Ryoma who came from Tokyo and a certain "secret department" in the mouth of Kohei Higashino.

"No, I can't wait any longer... I don't know what they will do to Xiaoniao Youshi..."

Hanging up, the anxious Araki Sosuke ran towards the side of the pier.

"Asshole, Zongjie hung up the phone!"

On the highway, a police car flashed its lights and galloped on the emergency passage.

Yukhei Higashino in the passenger seat roared, and then dialed another call.

"By the way, his mobile phone has the location software I installed, you can check it with my mobile phone! Damn it, give me a little quicker... Why do I have a hunch that I'm going to cause big trouble this time..."

In the driver's seat, the throttle hit the end, it was the Ryoma before the second.

"Mochizuki? Yes, Zongjie saw the ship offshore and rushed up...what, you happen to have a group of people performing tasks nearby? I will share the location permission of his mobile phone with you now..."

Kohei Higashino immediately contacted Ayano Mochizuki who was in another car.


In the cabin on the first floor, several national quintessence men headed by Funamura Ken were sitting at a small table and chatting boredly with Erlang's legs folded.

The ship was already at sea at this moment, and it was impossible for anyone to catch up.

After running around for a day, they can finally relax.

Several men are huddling together watching an indescribable movie.

On the desktop, in the open black leather suitcase, three Tai swords were neatly placed.

Two swords [sun and moon] and the chrysanthemum-character Nezong sealed by talisman paper.

Demon Blade July Rain, together with Yu Mayumi, was taken down by the tree planter.

"Come, come, it's open, Uchimura-sama and that little white face will take a few minutes before they come up? I bet for three, five minutes..."

A man smiled and took out a small book, apparently intending to "take the village."

"Asshole, don't say bad things about the Uchimura Divine Envoy... he will be invisible. Maybe he's behind you now. Do you think it's a long life?"

Funamura Ken, in a suit, frowned and reminded him quietly.

"No, how could Lord Uchimura be willing to have that little white face...For another handicap, can the woman hold on for a few minutes under the torture of President Zhong Zhi?"

"Hey, you guy..."

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