This man who looks like a gangster, is it a better spirit remover than President Tsukida!

Thinking about this, the tree planter in the "grass" kept his eyes at each other, and subconsciously reached out and touched the pistol at his waist.

No matter how strong a spirit remover is, it is no match for a pistol.

"You guy..."

Seeing the other party squatting behind the potted plant and daring to touch the gun swaggeringly, Sosuke Araki shot without hesitation.

In the eyes of Tori Yu Mayumi, Mr. Araki just flew up and kicked a potted plant...

The Mediterranean man screamed out of nowhere and slammed into the bulkhead again.

Then it fell to the ground like a dead leaf, unconscious.

"Little Bird Yushi, are you okay?"

Time was urgent, so Araki Sosuke didn't have the time to worry about the Mediterranean, and he went forward and untied Yu Mayumi's hands and feet that were bound.

Seeing the visitor clearly, the seemingly strong bird Yu Mayumi shook his head silently along the way, tears finally gushing out.

No matter how calm she acted, she was just a high school girl kidnapped by Ji Dao.

The crystal tears fell, but there was a sweet smile on her face.

Kamakura High School... Hell Apartment... Hirasa Gate... She doesn't remember, this is the first time.

When she was most desperate, this careless man always cut through the darkness in front of her like a ray of unreasonable but extremely warm light.

It was the happiness she experienced for the first time in these years, who alone shouldered the burden of the "Renaissance Shrine" and walked alone on the road to the spirits.

"It's fine if it's okay, then let's go quickly..."

Without time to pay attention to the shrine maiden's face, Sosuke Araki grabbed her and ran out.

"There is another kidnapped person next door."

The two crept into the cabin next door, and the first thing they saw was the disheveled temple of Abe, lying softly in the hemp bushes, struggling to breathe.

Abe Temple, whose muscles were weak, saw the two of them, and gestured towards them with crazy eyes.

"Abe Temple?! Why are you guys here...have been drugged? It looks so serious, why are your eyes pumping?"

Araki Sosuke never thought that he would meet acquaintances on this ship.

"This seems to be some kind of curse?"

Seeing the faint resentment on Abe Temple, Tori Mayumi indulged for a while, trying to use his spiritual power to help him get rid of it.

However, there is no talisman paper on hand, nor can he initiate a technique such as purification, just conveying spiritual power is also useless.

The two erected Abe Temple on the left and right, and a trace of grievance poured into Sousuke Araki from Abe Temple.

Just when the three were about to leave the cabin...

A black hole muzzle stuck out from the hatch.

"not good……"

Araki Sosuke only felt that the corners of his eyes were beating frantically, his heart seemed to be held by something, and a strong sense of crisis came to his face.

Intuition tells him that this sense of crisis is not directed at himself.

He only had time to reach out and push the two of them aside...


"Ms. Araki!!!"

The harsh gunfire and the girl's scream resounded through the cabin.


"What happened?"

Hearing the gunshots, the men who were in the wheelhouse immediately rushed into the upper cabin.

In the cabin, a man wearing only a lace bra and underwear is facing the door.

He spread his hands and was bathing in a fountain of blood and corpses with a gesture of enjoyment.

"Big Brother Funamura, what's the matter with them? Who shot it just now?"

Without him turning around, several men recognized each other for his enchanting hairy posture and personal favorite clothes.

With his back to them, Funamura Ken, who was sexy and frozen, did not speak.

The spewing blood was pouring out from somewhere under the several men who fell on the ground, gathering towards him in the air.

Only then did they notice that Funamura Ken was facing their buttocks, and he plunged into a thick and long knife hilt, piercing his beloved lace underwear...

"It's not good... Brother Funamura's state is not right... Is it because of yesterday? Haven't we already said that we don't discriminate against him?"

Seeing this weird scene, several men subconsciously prepared to exit the cabin.

Funamura moved.

He stretched out his hand to hold the thick and long thing behind him, lowered his body and rushed forward, and before a few people could react, he drew his sword openly...

Chrysanthemum a text cut.

A few men only felt a flash of red light without feeling the pain, and the delicate part of their lower body turned into a "sixteen-petal eight-fold chrysanthemum" representing the dignity and glory of the royal family, and blood spewed out immediately.

Funamura took a backhand and pulled Tachi from the lower body of one of the strongest men...

In Chuan Village, with white eyes and withered body, he didn't care about the few people who fell behind him, and walked slowly toward the driver's cab.

"Boss Chuancun, you are...oh ha ha ha..."

Several men wailed in the cab.

On the transparent glass window, several charming blood flowers bloomed in an instant.


Inside the second floor cabin.

The naked Uchimura Ryuu was pointing his gun at the three with a grinning face.

Hearing the sound of the next door before, he, who was lightly easing Luo Chang and preparing to "in-depth exchange" with Abe Temple, swiftly hid behind the cargo box in the aisle, and waited for the two of Araki Sosuke to enter the opposite cabin before sneaking an attack. Shot.

The tree planting man with a blue nose and swollen face woke up somehow, he was holding his ribs, holding the hatch, and looking at Araki Sousuke bitterly.

"This kid, he didn't do anything to you in the shrine before, and he actually followed...There is really a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you break in."

Looking at Sosuke Araki in the middle of the cabin, Ryuu Uchimura laughed instead of anger.

This kid finally fell into his own hands.

Sosuke Araki, who was standing in the cabin at the moment, was pressing his left arm with a painful expression.

His entire sleeves were already stained with blood.

"Ms. Araki..."

"do not come……"

Tori Mayumi stood by, lying helplessly with tears, looking at Araki Sosuke who was bleeding.

Abe Temple, who was held by her and lost the ability to move, also had unwillingness in his eyes.

Just now Araki Zongsuke pushed the two of them away, but he couldn't completely avoid the shot, and his arm was grazed by the bullet.

"You didn't ask who I am before... Formally, let me introduce him to Ryukyu in Shimouchi Village, the president of the Bliss Club. Bliss Club is now like a rat on the street, but it's all thanks to you!"

New hatred and old hatred rushed to my heart, Uchimura Ryuu smiled with a distorted expression, and the deep muzzle in his hand pointed straight at Sosuke Araki.

"Why don't you speak anymore, aren't you very good at fighting? You gods and shinto spirit removers, facing firearms, are still physical mortals, no different from ordinary people..."

"Hey...hehe...Elysium...So that's it, I have to ask friends everywhere to inquire about you... Teak Saya, it was also sent by you, right... Where is she now?"

Araki Sosuke, with his head down, suddenly laughed in a low voice.

"When death is approaching, still thinking about that woman? She should be sheltering from the limelight in Okinawa and live a life of drunkenness..."

"This kid is too dangerous, don't talk nonsense with him, get rid of him!"

The tree planter interrupted the conversation between the two.

After personally experiencing the helplessness of the "miracle power", he knew why Uchimura would care about this person so much.

"I see, let him go on the road..."

Uchimura Ryuu's mouth bends slightly, and his muzzle pointed at Sosuke Araki and said, "I will help you to say goodbye to that little teak bitch."

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