"No, I will... go and say goodbye to her personally."

Araki Sosuke, who was holding his arm, quietly narrowed the distance with Ryuu Uchimura while he was talking.

Between the two, there are only seven steps left.

He suddenly stepped on his left foot, and his whole body was short, leaning over and rushing towards Ryuu Uchimura.

"court death!"

Seeing the other's actions, Ryuu Uchimura pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Araki Sosuke's eyes were concentrated like never before, and he tilted his head instinctively.


Accompanied by the sound of gunshots, howling bullets grazed his face.

Immediately afterwards, Araki Sosuke turned his right hand into a fist and hit his wrist hard from bottom to top.

A layer of resentment appeared on Uchimura's wrist.

That was after he took the "Liver Tiger's Liver", the newly activated "Water Tiger's Scales" enabled him to possess extremely strong physical defenses, which could not be cut through by ordinary swords.

However, the scales made up of this resentment, under Sosuke Araki's iron fist, seemed to be non-existent.


Accompanied by the sound of bone cracking and Uchimura's screams, the pistol suddenly flew high.

Without giving the opponent any chance, Araki Sosuke put his elbow on the opponent's chin fiercely, hitting the opponent backward, blood and teeth mixed together and splashed out...

Without stopping, rain-like fists bombarded Neecun Liusheng's tall body, beating him like an electrocuted shrimp.

Wing Chun·Japanese punching boxing.

Immediately afterwards, Sosuke Araki grabbed the opponent's hard hair full of hairspray and violently slammed into the iron bulkhead.

With the scream of the bulkhead, Ryusheng Uchimura's face instantly deformed, splashed with blood.

Under the violent shock, his eyes suddenly lost focus.

"Ms. Araki...be careful!!!"

Tori Mayumi's exclamation rang in his ears.

Loosing the muddy Uchimura Ryuu from his hand, Araki Sosuke turned his head and saw the radiant Mediterranean dragging him, struggling to grab the pistol on the ground before Yuto Mayumi.

"Smelly bitch, still want to get a gun?"

The tree planter pointed the muzzle at the bird Yu Mayumi in front of him...

Seeing that the situation is not good, Araki Zongjie kicked his feet on the cabin, and he threw himself in the air towards the tree planter.

"Hey, it's the kid..."

The expression of the tree planter suddenly changed, and he turned his muzzle to Sousuke Araki in mid-air with a grinning grin.

People are in the air, and there is no way to avoid them, Araki Sosuke can only helplessly lunge at the black hole-like muzzle.

Zhong Shuren pulled the trigger without hesitation.

He is not the kind of villain who died of talking too much on TV.


With the crisp sound of the trigger, in Zhongshuren's sight, time seemed to have stopped at this moment.

Green hemp bushes, Araki Sosuke who burst into blue veins in mid-air, Yu Mayumi bird with a frightened expression on the side, and Abe Temple with unwilling eyes...

A long-haired girl in a sailor suit with black bangs and blood-colored eyes appeared abruptly in the midair behind Sousuke Araki.

The girl bowed slightly apologetically to the tree planter.

Then disappeared.

As if it had never appeared before.

"Feel sorry."

The voice that only Zhongshuren could hear still remained in his ears.

The world turns again...


The gunfire rang out, and a strong fire exploded in the hands of the tree planters...

That pistol actually exploded.

Araki Sosuke in the sky also fell weakly to the ground.

The tree planter, whose half of his thumb was blown off, screamed and ran out of the cabin door.

The scene just now was too weird and made him lose all his courage.

That man is definitely not an ordinary bastard or spirit remover!

Things have been messed up, and I must take this information out and bring it to "the adult" in order to offset the merits.

Just when he thought so...

Funamura Ken, who was holding a thin red-blade Tachi, his eyes turned white, and only lace panties and bra left all over his body, walked down the stairs and bumped into Zhong Shuren.

"Funamura Ken, why did you come down and dress like this again... Hurry up and clean up the two guys in the cabin."

Seeing the person who came, Zhong Zhishuren heaved a sigh of relief and yelled, hoping to use this subordinate to buy time for himself.

In the dim cabin, Funamura Jian stiffly raised the corner of his mouth and smiled strangely at him.

The Scarlet Tachi, which was hanging down on the ground in his hand and still dripping blood, moved at the speed of lightning.

Zhong Shuren was too late to react. He only felt a pain in his lower body, and he lost all energy.

Blood poured into the sword from somewhere delicate and tender behind him without money.

His eyes quickly approached the ground...

"President Chang Tian..."

Seeing the blood dripping down on the ground and spattering bright red flowers, the tree planter showed a smile of relief.

I must disappoint you very much now.

The destiny that was forced, really bloomed flowers that are not so beautiful.


"Sigh...it hurts..."

"Sorry, Mr. Araki, please bear with me."

In the dim cabin, Yu Mayumi Tori tore off the hem of Sosuke Araki's T-shirt and entangled his wounds.

Abe Temple, which had been limp on the ground, had recovered a bit of strength and sat up with strong support.

He was entangled by the "power of the evil spirits" before, and even though he had spiritual protection, the potassium element in his blood was lost too much in an instant.

Even if the resentment entangled in his body dissipated at this moment, his body would need time to slowly recover.

Funamura, holding a sword and wearing lace underwear, quietly appeared at the door of the cabin.

In the dim cabin, Ju Yiwen Zezong's dark red knife tip, flashing with a cold light, struck towards the two men who were bandaging their wounds.


Sitting on the ground, Abe Temple, with a burst of power from nowhere, picked up a box board beside him and threw it at the red light.

The cardboard was torn apart by red light like paper, and it exploded in the air.

But this time, it also bought time for Araki Sosuke and the two of them to react, and the sword that pierced Araki Sosuke's body as fast as lightning flashed.


Abeji's throat moved slightly, and it seemed that he was eager to say something, but he could not form a complete sentence.

"You two step back... squeezed here, there is no way to fight that guy."

Seeing the power of the opponent's sword just now, the thick blood stains on the sword, and the narrow and inevitable corridors on both sides, Sousuke Araki was a little bit frustrated.

That day, I really didn't see that this eccentric uncle was still a kendo master.

In such a small space in the cabin, a knife is more terrifying than a gun.

Faced with the real sword empty-handed, the memory of the last scene of "Zongsuke"'s previous life filled his heart, making him feel pain in his lower back.

"Ms. Araki, catch it!"

Tori Mayumi throws something at him.

Araki Sosuke subconsciously reached out to catch it, only to see clearly that it was the rusty, black leather-wrapped demon sword in his hand [July Rain].

"Hey, better than nothing..."

Even if it is an antique rusty knife that can't be pulled out, it can block it anyway.

Zongjie no longer died with bare hands.

After the violent movement just now, his wound tore again.

The blood dripped along his arm, slowly dripping on the July rain, and poured into the black animal skin.


Just when Araki Sosuke held the hilt of July Rain with one hand, he was about to let him go...

I don't know what kind of scabbard made of biological leather, but it slipped off by itself.

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