In the eyes of others, after the tattered scabbard fell to the ground like something being lubricated, only one bare hilt was left in the hands of Araki Sosuke.

This unsheathed July rain was like a whole person prop. Above the knife handle, there was no blade or the like at all.

In the green cabin, Funamura Ken wearing a lace suit, and Araki Sosuke holding a flashlight-shaped knife handle...

It was obviously a life-and-death battle, but it was unexpectedly funny.

"Seven...July rain...out of the sheath..."

Seeing this subtle scene, Yu Mayumi Kotori covered her mouth with excitement.

Even though she tried her best to endure, tears like pearls still uncontrollably gushed out of her big eyes.


Looking at the funny hilt in Sosuke Araki's hand, Abeji's pupils shrank slightly, and a byte hoarsely squeezed out of his throat.

"The July rain described in "The Ancient History of Akagi" is a demon sword that automatically chooses the master, changes its shape and characteristics according to the user, and even the inspired person cannot see it. Because it is like a drizzle in July The change is invisible, hence the name July Rain."

Seeing Abe Temple's worried eyes, Yujin Kotori explained to him in a low voice.

"According to the record, July Rain has not been unsheathed for 700 years..."

In the middle of the cabin, Araki Sosuke was taken aback for a moment, and looked down at the knife in his hand.

"Huh? This knife...wasn't it rusty?"

In his sight, what he was holding in his hand was just an ordinary and ubiquitous standard knife.

July Rain, is it just this kind of big-ticket that depends on its name...

Japanese swords are mainly divided into Taito, Taito, Wakasashi, Shortsword, and Naginata. Among them, Taito is the most famous.

There is no obvious difference between the two in terms of standard, but the sword is to wear the blade downwards on the waist, while the sword is to insert the blade upwards on the belt. It is easier to use the technique of "drawing the sword" than the sword. .

Therefore, Dachi is more suitable for horse fighting, and sword is more suitable for foot fighting.

Seeing the July rain unsheathed by Araki Sosuke's hands, Funamura Ken, whose eyes turned white on the opposite side, was awe-inspiring...

It seems that the game is like an opponent. He slightly lifted the Scarlet Taito in his hand and assumed a posture that looked like a thorn but not a thorn, or a cut and a slash.

The chrysanthemum in his hand is the word Zezong, at this time the entire blade has turned red, as if it was wrapped in a thick layer of blood plasma.

"Mr. careful, that knife is very powerful..."

Toriyuki Mayumi reminded.

In the eyes of Tori Mayumi and Abe Temple, the resentment on the sword swallowed the surrounding air like flames.

"Oh... don't worry, I don't want to spread my kendo, but I haven't spent a cent..."

Araki Sosuke's eyes condensed slightly, holding the hilt of Julie Rain's knife, and his concentration was unprecedented.


He took a deep breath, held the knife in both hands, slowly raised it above his head, and the knife was hanging straight behind him.

As Araki Zongsuke held his breath, a violent breath slowly condensed, as if all the darkness in the cabin was concentrated on him.

He once again entered the mysterious state of "Sword Heart Brightness".

Seeing Sosuke Araki's movements, Abe Temple was a little excited and pinched the corner of his clothes.

Obviously, he just turned his back to him and raised a bald hilt, but the qi that escaped made him feel pain in his touch.

It's like the other party can kill himself with a sword at any time.

Beichen made a sharp sweep.

In the kendo competition the year before last, he was defeated by the sword of Sosuke Araki.

At that time, Araki Zongsuke's body was far from such a calm and mysterious aura.

After two years, this guy has actually reached this level.

As expected of the man after the class!

It seems that my own practice is not enough...

Seeing Sosuke Araki's movements and feeling his aura, Funamura Ken's originally quiet Kikuichi Norizo, who was originally quiet in his hand, felt like a violent tremor.


Nine hundred years ago.

"Yes, Zong Zong personally forged a word, it really is a famous sword..."

The graceful and luxurious man took the exquisite and elegant dagger from the hands of a craftsman, and played with it with satisfaction.

"I am the Emperor Toba, from today, you will be my accessory..."

During the time hanging around that person's waist, the Chrysanthemum Yiwen Zezong was just an accessory, showing the emperor's majesty in front of people.


"Yuzao Ai, you say, what can I reward you."

"Hee hee, your Majesty might as well give the saber around his waist to the slave family, so as to relieve the suffering of thinking about the king and not seeing the king."

"Does the chrysanthemum have words? You like it, just use it for fun."

The woman who glared and smiled at the city took the exquisite sword and unsheathed her slender hand lightly.

"Your name is Juyi Wenzezong? Is it so short and slender that it kills people?"

In the battle of Nasu, 500,000 troops besieged the city.

In a cage made up of three hundred and sixty sutra chains laid down by thousands of monks, mages, and onmyojis, Yuzao is no longer as soft as before.

She is holding a delicate short sword, and the nine foxtails behind her resent the sky, covering the sky.

Under her feet, there was already a group of corpses all over the field, blood flowing into rivers...

Until a magic arrow shining with Buddha's light penetrated her body, the blood flowing out of her heart soaked the sword in her hand.

During the battle, Miurasuke's army used 200,000 people as sacrifices, and all the demon-casters had exhausted their whole life. They launched the master Jianzhen's arrow to kill the chaotic fox demon Yuzao before his corpse was turned into a living stone.

Juyi Zongzong, the first time he tasted the taste of blood, he was full.

Seven hundred years later.

"Okita-kun, it’s a rare opportunity to choose the royal collection. Why did you choose this short, thin-blade knife? Not to mention the actual losses, or maybe it’s not practical after a few shots. In contrast, Kaga Kiyomitsu this Isn't it better to be a knife..."

"Well, don't worry, the chief. The sword said that it is not as fragile as it looks, and it has its own unique sword skills."

The pale and beautiful young man smiled mysteriously with his eyes bent.

A few years later, on a rainy night, a beautiful young man holding a sword and a gentle warrior stood in a stalemate in the forest.

"Chief Shannan, leaving the Xinseng Group without authorization is a capital crime. Please be sure to go back with Xia..."

"Sorry, Okita-kun, I have...can't go back."

The conversation is still the two of them.

However, they can only face each other.

Having said that, the man named Shannan Keisuke drew out the sword in his hand softly.

It seems that this is just an ordinary test in the Shinsengumi, not a battle of life and death.


Seeing him drawing his sword, Chief Okita also drew out the exquisite chrysanthemum-patterned sword in his hand, and made a gesture that looked like a stab or not.

"My Beichen made a slash, and I have always only taken one... If I can stop my cut, I will go back with you."

Shannan Jingzhu slowly raised the long sword in his hand over his head, hanging behind him.

His whole spirit sank, as weak and invisible as water, making people unable to feel any killing intent.

However, Mr. Okita knew that the calmer the sea, the more turbulent the undercurrent...

And under that undercurrent, there are hidden monsters that choose people and eat them.

In the memory of Juyi Zezong, Shannan Jingzhu's figure with both hands holding a knife over the top, ready to go, spanned nearly two hundred years of time and space, and gradually overlapped with the blond man on the opposite side.

After waking up after many years of sleep, it once again encountered the familiar genre of Beichen One Sword Art.

However, time goes round, but things have long since changed.

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