I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 186: Can the darkness fade away if the body does not move

When the two held a stalemate with their swords and were ready to go, a trace of resentment rushed into Zongsuke Araki's body frantically from the character of Chrysanthemum.

As if being led by Sosuke Araki's violent aura, or trying to seize the opportunity, Funamura Ken on the opposite side could no longer maintain that strange fencing-like posture...

He moved.

Funamura Ken rushed forward with the afterimage, and the thin scarlet sword in his hand, like lightning, stabs Araki from bottom to top toward Sousuke Araki.

As if hitting Koshien with a bat, Araki Sosuke's eyes condensed, resisting the pain in his arm, violently exerted his force, and slammed the July rain behind him...

It is the only and strongest sword skill that Araki Sosuke has mastered.

Beichen One Sword Style·Qiluo VS Chrysanthemum One Word Slash.

The July rain swayed from the top to the bottom, and then came first, with an extremely violent sound of breaking through the sky, and slashed on the blade of Juyiwen Zezong who was the first to stabbed.

After nearly two hundred years, these two sword skills collided together again, bursting out sparks that could illuminate the entire cabin.




Two hundred years ago, in the woods on a rainy night.

The long knife collided, and the thin and weak Kikuichi Zezong was cut into two pieces directly from the middle.

"Chief...I lost..."

The delicate and pale Chief Secretary Okita stared blankly at the half-handled blade in his hand, his eyes had already made the consciousness of facing death.

"I told you a long time ago that this kind of thin-blade knife is not practical at all, and only a guy like you who pursues the ultimate sword skill will use it..."

Shannan Keisuke chuckled lightly and threw the sword in his hand forward and thrust it into the ground.

"But, as I said before, if you can take my sword, you won...My sword is yours."


Looking at the man who had always been admired by him as his brother, Souji Okita saw unstoppable sadness in his eyes.

In February 1865, the head of the new selection team, Shannan Ke, helped escape, and was arrested by the Okita General Secretary in Omi Kusatsu.

In the same month, Keisuke Shannan cut his abdomen under the fault of Chief Secretary Okita.

By mistake, it means staying next to the person who is about to have the abdomen cut off, cutting off the head while the person is raising the knife to the abdomen, so that the person who has the abdomen can die faster and avoiding pain.

Three years later, Osaka Castle.

"Cough cough cough cough cough..."

Lying on the couch, playing with the delicate blade in his hand, the delicate young man coughed up several mouthfuls of blood and dyed the quilt in front of him red.

"Master Okita..."

"Yamazaki... I look like I can't cut it... This remnant knife, please help me return a family of characters. Maybe one day, I can meet a user who makes it shine again..."


The man named Yamazaki bowed his head and took the remnant blade.

When he raised his head...

"If you don't move, can you fade away the darkness, flowers and water."

On the sickbed, the 26-year-old genius swordsman at the end of the battalion, muttering haiku, closed his eyes forever, ending his brilliant life like fireworks.


The half-handle chrysanthemum in Yamazaki's hand shook crazily and screamed like weeping resentment.

It knew that in this life, it would never meet such a sword bearer.

In the vicissitudes of life, things are wrong after all.

In that case, you might as well use this body as a sword and a human as a sheath!


Inside the cabin.

The July Rain in Araki Sosuke's hand, with violent power, was cut in the middle of Juichi Nozong.

Funamura Ken holding the sword, under this violent slash, the whole person was dragged by the long sword in his hand and slammed straight into the bulkhead of the ship.

The whole person slumped to the ground immediately, not knowing his life or death.


In Funamura's hands, the scarlet chrysanthemum was broken into several pieces weakly and scattered on the ground.

"How... maybe... he..."

Abe Temple, who had confronted it head-on, showed an expression of disbelief.

Just now, in his eyes, Araki Sosuke just held the hilt of the sword and cut it off in the air, and the person holding the chrysanthemum-one-character Zezong flew out with a knife.

The chrysanthemum nobility, known as "Never Broken", was cut to pieces by Araki Sosuke's stunning sword...

Isn't the grudge indestructible?

He stared at Sosuke Araki not far away as if he had found an alien.

"Abe-kun should not be surprised. It is said that July Rain can become invincible according to the strength of the user's will. What's more, Mr. Araki is a powerful'illegal spirit remover'... By the way, please be sure to keep this secret on your behalf. ."

Tori Yu Mayumi knew that he couldn't hide it, and sincerely pleaded with Abe Temple.

"I see……"

Hearing her words, combined with the previous ones, Abe Temple showed a confused expression...

Is Araki Sosuke an "Illegal Spirit Eliminator"?

However, he has known each other for three years and fought twice. He is very sure that there is obviously no spiritual power in the opponent.

No spiritual power... Illegal spirit remover... That strange power... scenes of past events and details flooded my mind.

Is this guy a half-monster who has inherited a certain bloodline?

Only this reason can explain everything that happened to Araki Sosuke.

As if having figured it out, Abe Temple nodded firmly to Yu Mayumi Torii slightly.

"... Don't worry... Even if you die... I will keep this secret..."

Regarding the attitude of the half-demon, the Soul Eliminator Association and the official have always had differences.

The number of people with a half-demon bloodline is rare, and the power of the bloodline is no different from ordinary people when they are not awakened, and many of them don't even know that their bloodline is different from ordinary people throughout their lives.

But any half-demon, theoretically, has a very low probability of returning to their ancestors and going crazy, like time bombs lying in ambush in human society.

Therefore, compared with the Spirit Eliminators Association, which advocates the continuation of the "peaceful coexistence" principle of the Heian era, the official has always insisted on the attitude of "containment and control, rather than letting go of mistakes."

Araki Sosuke has been reluctant to do it with himself, and he should be afraid of his identity being exposed and causing death.

I haven't lost injustice over the years.

It's a blessing in life to have an opponent like this.

Thinking of this, Abe Temple once again showed a wary expression

In the middle of the cabin, it was confirmed that Funamura hadn’t moved, so Araki Sosuke let out a sigh of relief, clutching the wound on his left arm, and inserting the July rain in his hand back into the scabbard.

He had just used too much force, and his entire wound was torn too much, and the bright red soaked through his clothes again.

"Be careful, the people on the deck should be outside waiting for us to go out..."

When the three people stepped on the upper cabin, they were shocked by the hell in front of them.

The whole yacht is silent at this moment.

Inside the cabin, on the deck, and in the wheelhouse, it seemed as if there had been a massacre. There were more than a dozen men who did not know their life or death, fell in a pool of blood, and burst into their lower bodies.

"This is... Juyizhizong..."

The bloody scene of a literary mansion is reflected in Abe Temple's mind, and it gradually overlaps with the scene in front of him.

"This...is it unevenly dividing the spoils and killing each other? Hey, you two must testify for me. This is not what I did. I only stunned four... No, you were down there at the time. Fa testifies for me... By the way, you fellow, don't pretend to be dead, get up for me..."

Sousuke Araki, who was incoherently scared by this scene, grabbed a man lying on the side and shook him constantly.

It was this man who was the first to stun him.

However, the other party has already lost his breath.

"Dead...dead...it's over...It's better to drive to Yokohama to smuggle right now...to Somalia to join the Pirates and spend the rest of your life..."

"Ms. Araki, please calm down..."

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