The harsh roar of the helicopter propeller awakened the stunned three people in the cabin.

Tori Mayumi ran to the deck, covering her ears and looking up at the sky.

A black helicopter was approaching the yacht from under the crescent moon not far away.

ten minutes later.

With the roar of the helicopter approaching, the huge searchlight illuminates the deck like daylight.

"This is the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. It is suspected that there are illegal weapons on board. Please stop and be inspected immediately."

Following the sound of the broadcast, three men in black combat uniforms slowly fell from the ropes lowered by the helicopter.

"It's from the Metropolitan Police Department..."

"The timing of these guys' appearance is exactly the same as described in the TV series."

Hearing that it was from the Metropolitan Police Department, the three on the deck heaved a sigh of relief.

The three agents carrying guns and live ammunition stepped on the deck and quickly and vigilantly back to back with guns to guard the surroundings.

"Abe-kun, Little Bird Yumiko, it's great that you are all right!"

Seeing that Abe Temple and the Little Bird Yumi were all right, the three of them were greatly relieved.

As for someone who is an "ordinary citizen", he is naturally ignored.

The helicopter that came in the first time was the ninth class agent who had previously accompanied Abe Temple to investigate the ninth chapter of Juyiwenzezong.

After boarding the ship at Abe Temple and losing contact, they used the positioning authority shared by Mochizuki Ayano to confirm the location of the yacht, and immediately seconded the helicopter to chase here.

"What happened here, the massacre?"

After a little exploration, several detectives were stunned by the scene of corpses on the yacht.

The interior cabin of this yacht seems to have been painted over with blood and a corpse wounded by a strange knife.

The eyes they looked at the three of them were also full of surprise.

After all, judging by common sense, these people are dead, and it is only the people who are still standing that do all this.

"These people are... killed by that grudge..."

Abe Temple's whole body strength is still weak, and he explained as if he was still in the air.

An agent checked his condition and took out a pack of emergency energy drinks for him to drink.

Another detective took the emergency medical kit dropped from the helicopter and began to check the wounds for Sosuke Araki.

"how is it going?"

Tori Mayumi asked with concern while tilting her head.

Seeing Araki Zongsuke's bloody wounds, tears filled her eyes again.

If it wasn't for me, Mr. Araki wouldn't...

"Fortunately, it was only rubbed by the bullet, and there was no penetration injury, and the bullet did not stay inside."

While letting the two of them not worry, the agent cleans up the wounds of Araki Sosuke, who is grinning crookedly in pain.

"Abe-kun, in the cabin below, only two deceased were confirmed, and there is no such tall man who you described as having bad intentions..."


An agent in charge of the lower part of the cabin ran up to the deck with a suitcase containing grievances, and hurriedly reported to Abe Temple.

What was contained in the box was naturally fragments of Juyiwen Zezong.

At this moment, after a while of footsteps, there was the sound of splashes at the stern of the ship, and it seemed that something had jumped into the sea.

"Damn it... let that bastard run away..."

Abe Temple, whose complexion was restored to its rosy complexion, rushed to the stern, but only saw the rugged waves on the dark sea under the moonlight.

He punched the guardrail angrily.

If it hadn't been for Araki Sosuke to arrive in time, his innocence would probably be destroyed by the man who wanted to imitate "after class" to himself.

He hadn't planned to let the person off easily, but the other party jumped into the sea and escaped.


Under the dark and deep sea, a translucent figure broke through the waves quickly like a fish.

"Ahem... These Damn it's spirit eliminators, especially the Araki Sosuke, have repeatedly and repeatedly badd my good deeds... Wait for me to go back and regain my strength..."

It was after regaining consciousness, while everyone was not paying attention, Ryuu Uchimura jumped into the sea invisibly while dragging his injured body.

For him who has the "power of the water tiger", the sea is his real home field.

In the past few years for Minister Tianteng, with this "power of the water tiger", whether it is targeted assassination, stealing information or "unloading", he has been going smoothly and without any disadvantages.

Until I met that weird kid, nothing went smoothly!

Just when Ryusheng Neecun looked back bitterly at the yacht, and turned around to leave and plan again...

"Where do you want to go back? Reorganize what?"

A man wrapped in a black cloak, who did not know when he appeared behind his head, asked curiously in a magnetic voice.

This man hovered half a meter above the sea with his toes, and a pair of huge black wings turned into a black resentment waved vigorously in the night sky.

"Your Excellency..."

Ryuu Uchimura opened his mouth slightly, looking at the man in front of him, and could not speak in amazement.

"Introduce yourself. Next is the chairman of the Aum Shinrikyo Council, Gonmine Jiro... What I want, you should bring it with you..."

The man in the black cloak asked in a strong upper voice?

"Yes... President President?! Listen to me explain... Those two things, we got on the boat, but those damn spirit removers..."

Hearing the other party's words, Uchimura's face instantly turned pale.

He never imagined that the president of the Shenlong, who saw the head and missed the end and far surpassed those senior members, would personally come to the high seas to "receive goods."

Those two broken knives are so important?

"Are you on the boat? Then, I'll get it myself..."

With that said, Yanmine Jiro, who was unable to see his expression in the cloak, slowly turned around, ignored Ryuu Uchimura in the water, and waved his wings and flew towards the yacht in the distance.

"Mr. President, why not let me guide you... Among those people, there is a weird kid with a six-pointed star on his sideburns. Our divine power is on him..."

Ryukyu Uchimura in the water hurriedly followed excitedly in the waves under the opponent's feet, pretending to remind him kindly.

If you can take the initiative by the chairman, the kid will be dead, and maybe he will be able to lead the way, and he will be defeated.

"Oh? You are still here... sorry..."

Yanmine Jiro, who had already flown away, seemed to have forgotten something. He turned around and took off his hood.

He is a handsome man in his thirties with long curly hair.

"Almost forgot……"

He stretched out one hand to Uchimura Ryuu with indifferent expression, and then slowly spread his palm.

"Will... President President..."

When he pointed with a weird gesture, Uchimura Ryuu instinctively felt that it was not good, and hurriedly slammed, wanting to dive into the depths of the sea.

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