I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 188: Summer in Tokyo

"It is basic courtesy to let the dying person know my real name and appearance."

Not caring that the other party disappeared under the sea like this, Gonmine Jiro just closed his palms slightly, then turned and flew away without looking back.

Below the sea level, Uchimura Ryuu who tried his best to sneak below, the water flow all over his body suddenly became turbulent.

A small tornado suddenly enveloped his body surface and set off a huge vortex on the sea.

Ryuu Uchimura, who was wrapped in a tornado, was like being cut by a sharp blade at a high speed, and hundreds of slender mouths appeared instantly up and down his body.

Even though the cyan scales of the "water tiger" were constantly reflected on his body surface, he couldn't resist the sharp wind.

Under high-speed cutting, within five seconds, the underwater Uchimura Ryuu, like the ingredients in a high-speed mixer, turned into a powdery fuzzy flesh and blood.

The vortex on the sea gradually diminished and calmed down after a while.

As the finely divided flesh and blood floated to the surface, the bright red flowers slowly bloomed at the original center of the whirlpool.


"This is the field team. It has successfully controlled the target ship and is returning to the voyage... Except for the souls of Abe Temple, Tori Mayumi, and an ordinary citizen, there is no life threatening for the time being. A suspected principal suspected of grievance trading and kidnapping has escaped. All the other relevant persons on board died..."

Under the escort of the helicopter, several class ninth agents were in charge of further searching for evidence in the cabin, and one of the agents was in charge of driving the ship and began to return to the pier.

Araki Sosuke sat quietly in Class A, squinting at the night sky above his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

Suddenly, someone put a blanket on his shoulder.

"Mr. Araki, it's windy on the deck. You have injuries. Be careful of catching a cold."

Behind him was Yu Mayumi, a small bird wrapped in a blanket.

Due to the too much blood in the cabin and wheelhouse and the scene is too tragic, except for the agents on duty, the others would rather blow the cold wind on the deck.

"It's okay. When I was'illegal fishing' in Yokohama, the conditions on the boat were much worse than this. Sometimes I could only sleep on the deck..."

Before he finished speaking, the girl's weak body was already lightly leaning on his arm.

"Ms. Araki... Am I very useless... Obviously I have worked very hard in learning, archery and practice, and the missions of the Spirit Slayers Association have also been completed earnestly. I still practice boxing for two hours a day, but I still have to give it every time. You caused trouble and almost made you almost...wow..."

Tori Yu Mayumi knelt down beside him silently, pressing his head firmly on his shoulder, and the more he spoke, the more frustrated he became. In the end, he burst into tears...

Although she is a witch who has spiritual power and does not blink her eyes, she is essentially just an ordinary high school girl.

Kidnapped by the vicious Jidao, nearly killed in the face of firearms, saw so many corpses for the first time, and almost tortured...

Whenever she was desperate, the man beside her could always turn into a light that dispelled the darkness and brought her hope.

When I think of Mr. Araki rushing hundreds of kilometers from Tokyo to Osaka, rushing on the boat to fight with the "terrorists" and fight for his life, begging for victory in danger to save himself...

After relaxing, her emotions such as touch, unwillingness and self-blame mixed together, causing her emotions to get out of control directly.

At this moment, she is truly like an 18-year-old high school girl, rather than a dignified and generous official maiden under the pressure of Fuxing Shrine alone.

"Hey...I'm not good...what nonsense, you are my big benefactor, do you know how much you earned from the stall today? You have to take care of me if you have the opportunity to set up a stall in the future."

Seeing the shrine maiden who showed her youngest daughter, Sosuke Araki was also at a loss.

Those who are not accustomed to being thanked, and don't know how to comfort others, panic about it and change the subject.

"Ms. Araki, I really can't comfort people."

Seeing Sosuke Araki's panic and awkwardness, Tori Mayumi burst into laughter.

She turned her face away, turned a glance at the man beside her, and asked nonchalantly: "Mr. Araki...do you still care about that bad woman?"

"Well, how should I put it... I already knew the truth of the matter. Just now I wanted to hear the person admit it in person, dispel my last fluke, and get to know who I really is... After all, people like me... "

There should be no right to pursue happiness.

Sousuke Araki took out the cigarette in his bag and wanted to light it, but found that the cigarette and lighter had been soaked by the sea water, so he had to smile and put it back again.

"That's it, that's great..."

Hearing his answer, Tori Mayumi seemed to be relieved, and the look in Sousuke Araki's eyes had a touch of complexity.

In the night, a blush quietly appeared on the shrine maiden's face, and she only heard her muttering in a mosquito-like voice: "If it goes well, I should be able to regain the land of the gods and retreat in honor at the age of 28..."

Not far away, Abe Temple, who had finished communicating with the two detectives, walked over with complex expressions and interrupted the conversation between the two.

After learning of the fact that Araki Sosuke's "illegal spirit exterminator", he was not surprised at all, but was unexpectedly relieved.

Not to mention how close Araki Sosuke himself fits with the words "illegal" and "half-demon", the previous irrational phenomena have also been perfectly explained at this moment.

Even the "post-class practice method" that the other party told him before is indeed similar to the method used by some schools to exercise spiritual control.

"Araki Sosuke! Today, thanks...thank you."

Abe Temple turned his face, but the thousands of words in his heart only converged into this sentence.

Although he didn't want to admit that this time, if it weren't for Araki Sosuke, not only would he have been killed because of his reckless behavior, but he would not even be able to retain his physical innocence.

"I came here to save Xiaoniao Youshi, and I picked up a cat and a dog on the way. Don't be passionate, you feel that you owe favor."

Araki Sosuke snorted softly.

This twisted guy, give you a step down.

Hearing him say this, Yu Mayumi, who was on the side, blushed and bowed his head immediately, not knowing what he thought of.

"However, this does not affect the competition between us! Next time, I will beat you upright."

Abe Temple lightly touched the [Sun and Moon] double knives on his waist, and said in a magnificent manner.

Just witnessed Araki Sosuke's amazing "cutting off", which made him feel a little bit about kendo, and he was eager to fight.

"Huh, challenge me? You know, it's coming soon..."

Araki Sosuke turned his head, raised his left eyebrow at him, and smiled evilly.

"So... so what?"

Seeing the other's smile, Abe Temple swallowed, with a familiar ominous premonition.

"Tokyo in August, but it's very hot, very hot, very hot... You pass that level first, and then you can say this to me."

"Does it mean that the next competition will be after the hot summer..."

Abe Temple pondered slightly, and nodded as if understanding or not.

The hot summer really has an impact on the swordsman's normal heart and on-the-spot performance.

Just when the three of them were chatting on the deck wrapped in blankets and blowing the sea breeze...

Above the dark night sky, a man wrapped in a cloak was squinting at the yacht below.

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