Basement of Ikebukuro Prego Pachinko Store, Tokyo.

A tall, slender, bumpy woman with short black hair is struggling to dig a tile from the ground.

It is teak saya.

Her hair color and hairstyle are completely different from the previous ones. With the changes in the cosmetic contact lenses and makeup, even Sosuke Araki might not recognize her in person.

"I found it... it really is here!"

Under the floor tiles, there was a black wooden box.

She hurriedly opened the wooden box and took out the thing that was entangled by the long thin talisman paper.

"It's right here, there are people who dare to go back to this place. Is it a fake when we are a police officer?"

At this moment, a noisy footsteps and door knocking came from upstairs, accompanied by the noise of several men.

A hesitation flashed in her big, low-hanging eyes, and then she quickly unzipped the talisman paper in her hand as if she had made up her mind.

Inside the talisman paper, there is a nail that is round and delicate, white as jade.

Just seeing this exquisite nail makes people wonder how beautiful the owner of the nail is.

Urged by the noise upstairs, Saya Teak decisively picked up the nail and swallowed it directly.

A majestic resentment immediately wrapped her up and rushed over her surging body.


As the resentment swelled, the blood vessels all over her body swelled and surfaced on the surface of the skin. The pain of tearing made her scream in a low voice, dripping with long saliva from the corners of her mouth.

I...who am I...

A violent will began to erode her mind.

Her eyes gradually became confused.

I'm... Yu... Alga...

Just as she slowly lost herself, her consciousness began to dissipate as if sinking to the bottom of the sea...

For some reason, a scene of memory suddenly floated from the "undersea".

A man dressed in a perverted tight leather jacket with a blond punk look squatted on the side of the road, pointed at himself with a cigarette in his mouth and said: "Teak...vacuum...?"

No, it's not a jade algae, a vacuum...

"It's called Teak Saya, so remember the girl's name!!!"

As she yelled these words loudly, the consciousness that had encroached on her mind suddenly disappeared, and the resentment that lingered all over her also merged into her body surface.


The door of the basement was kicked open.

Four men dressed as police officers, armed with guns, rushed in.

"Raise your hand and don't move. We are the Tokyo Metropolitan Metropolitan Police Department's search co-aid section. Now we suspect that this is the base of the Bliss Club. Please cooperate with our investigation."

Seeing the unarmed teak Saya in the basement with his head down, the four police officers kept their guns and slowly moved closer to her.

At the same time, the blackness of Teak Saya's body was restrained, and his eyes became clear.

Raising her head, she smiled coquettishly at the four police officers.

"You guys, are you willing to be arrested?"


The eyes of the four people were a little confused, and then they looked at her again, as if they saw the person they love most in this life.


"You are already on the most wanted list, follow us, and we will send you to a safe place to avoid the limelight..."

"Yes, identification documents and living expenses should also be considered..."

"After the plan is executed, all traces are eliminated, and it is best that we also commit suicide to avoid information leakage."

The attitude of the four police officers changed drastically in an instant. Not only did they stick their pistols back to their waists, they gathered around them and began to discuss how to help her to hide her name safely.

Looking at the four people with anxious faces, Saya Teak sat leisurely on a bench that originally belonged to a certain president.

"Is this... the supernatural power? The nails in front of Yuzao are really powerful. No wonder Ryuu Uchimura didn't dare to use it, and he was reluctant to give it to others."

Feeling the wonderful taste of "Divine Power", a sick smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

This "nail in front of Tamamo" is exactly the "miraculous thing" that she used to take advantage of Fujino's cadre to be arrested and run away.

However, because he was too afraid of the threat of death, he never dared to use it, and was finally taken back by Ryuu Uchimura.

Unexpectedly, good luck tricked people and went around, this thing eventually belonged to her.


Taito District, Tokyo.

"Has the relationship with the quintessence club and the gang of wastes in the bliss club been cut clean?"

"The minister can rest assured, because there have been pre-plans and everything is done, even the legendary ninth lesson can't catch us at all."

In the office building, Kazuo Tento was sitting at his desk, asking the man on the opposite side.

"Huh, that guy Uchimura Ryuu, can die in the hands of'that lord', it is his blessing... It's just a pity that Zhong Zhishuren is a conscientious talent..."

When Kazuo Amato sighed, a man hurried in.

"Ministry... Minister... the big thing is not good..."

"Didn’t I teach you that those who walk in the path of the heroes, even if the blade is on the neck and the muzzle is in the chrysanthemum, will have Mount Fuji collapse in front of the face. What can be done in a panic... Bar."

"The minister has learned a lesson! But the Nu Luo Fist group is too much..."

The man seemed to run too fast and was a little out of breath.

"Huh? Zhang Fenfang, dare you to cross the border? Finally waited until this day, you immediately count the people, prepare the guys, and say hello to the police station. I will go to him and ask for an explanation... "

"That...that's, it's their goods..."

The man panted vigorously and waved his hands again and again.

"Goods? Is there a problem with the arms or the drug trade? You can cut your belly if you can't finish it."

Kazuo Amato lost his patience, opened the drawer, found something wrapped in a white towel, and patted it on the table.

"They added Taiwan's newly developed "Boom Bomb Pearl" to the milk tea, which has a wide range of flavors, is delicious, beautiful and also bursts. As a result, the turnover of our more than 100 branches dropped by 50% yesterday!"

Seeing the familiar shape wrapped in the towel, the man was breathless, his heart was not beating, and his mouth was clear.

"What did you say……"

Hearing the man's report, Amato Kazuo frowned slightly.

He immediately slapped the table angrily: "It's too much! Immediately contact the cooperating supplier, they have some, we want better, and if we can't get them, we will kill them all!"

This is much more serious than the issue of arms and drug transactions!

Yes, you heard it right. This is a high-level conversation in the office of the Yamaguchi Group's Tokyo branch minister.

With the promulgation of laws and regulations such as the Act on Countermeasures against Violent Groups and the Regulations on the Elimination of Violent Groups, although they have been recognized as legal organizations, their lives have become more difficult.

This year's Jidao organization is no longer the years of the nineties when the beauty was surrounded by beauties, someone lit a cigarette when they touched a cigarette, and someone had chests and buttocks when they opened their trouser chains...

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