I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 192 About the Old and Poor Jidao Impossible to Attract Talents

If you have to use four words to describe Japan's ultimate beauty in the 21st century, it is old and poor.

With the implementation of various targeted laws, the income generated by traditional industries such as protection fees, extortion, entertainment, drugs, customs, drinking, and gambling has become increasingly scarce.

What makes life difficult is not only the three-member group, but also the gang members of the small family.

It is not uncommon for Jidao organizations in some places to be arrested for stealing salmon eggs, stealing money at weddings, stealing vegetables in the middle of the night, and borrowing money with a pistol as a guarantee.

In order to maintain their livelihoods, large-scale Jidao organizations not only infiltrated traditional industries such as real estate, construction, transportation, and finance, but also continued to flood into emerging consumer industries, starting a new round of war without gunpowder.

For example, under the Sankou Group, it operates nearly a hundred consumer industries such as milk tea shops, restaurants, mahjong halls, convenience stores, and octopus balls shops.

Known as Japan’s second largest pole, Juyoshi Club has also become popular in the gaming and entertainment industries in recent years. It has not only invested in various action film companies, organized various online gaming competitions, and has recently given it away. The young and young male members went to Thailand for plastic surgery and transsexual training, and came back to form an idol group C debut, earning a lot of money.

Nu Luo Quan, which is mainly descended from the Long Kingdom, is backed by the powerful resources of the Long Kingdom and operates characteristic consumer industries such as Chinese restaurants, hot pots and Taiwanese milk tea, which are popular in business.

The milk tea shop has been the biggest profit growth point of all Jidao organizations in recent years.

The milk tea shop is simple to join, low in technology, less than 2 million yen in start-up capital, and only needs five square meters of store space, which is very suitable for Japan, which is very expensive and has strong consumption power.

The most important thing is that the profit margin is quite considerable, which has surpassed many traditional crime businesses.

Taking advantage of the recent frenzy of "Pearl Milk Tea" in Japan, milk tea shops on the streets and alleys have sprung up like bamboo shoots, and various Jidao organizations have taken the opportunity to make a lot of money.

Therefore, Kazuo Amato has always attached great importance to the business of milk tea shops.

The Damn it guys in Nuluoquan, relying on their connections in Taiwan Province, Longguo, the birthplace of bubble milk tea, often introduce some trendy products, leading the wave of Japanese supreme milk tea, which is the hatred of the three groups.

"Before the new product goes online, engage in a wave of half-price events all over the venue, and stare at the gang of suppliers day and night, hurry up..."


After Kazuo Amato ordered, the man went down immediately.

"Hey, there is no one who can fight..."

With a deep sigh, Kazuo Amato picked up the "Sankouzu Shibao" on the table.

On the front page of the newspaper, some articles created by members who love literature and art were published impressively.

"What's more serious than leaking information is leaking urine."

"Every time I see a child in the first month, my wallet will cry."

"When I get older, the doctor's diagnosis is very accurate."

After sighing again, he stared at the newspaper and asked another man waiting in front of him: "Jin Shanzhang, do you know what is most important to the trio in the 21st century?"


The man named Jin Shanzhang answered cautiously.

"How many cups of milk tea can Renyi buy?! Of course, talent is the most important thing! If you don't understand this truth, why should you be the leader?!"

Kazuo Tento rolled up the newspaper, jumped up and knocked on the forehead of Jin Shanzhang who was handing it respectfully.

Aging is not only a problem faced by Japan as a whole, but also a problem faced by Jidao organization.

Many "restrictive orders" against Jidao have been perfected year by year. As a result, members of Jidao are not allowed to open bank accounts, buy insurance, not allow loans, or sign contracts. At the same time, most hot springs, money soups and visits do not accept tattoos. , And even if it leaves the extreme way, it is still subject to the ban for 5 years.

Some time ago, a member of the organization just asked "Can it be cheaper" when shopping for food, and was arrested by the police on threatening charges.

At the same time, with the bleak business, coupled with the danger and illegality of Jidao activities, fewer and fewer young people want to join the gang.

The Jidao organization without fresh blood can only survive on aging members.

Statistics from the Metropolitan Police Department show that the number of members of the Japanese gang has fallen from 180,000 in its heyday to less than 20,000.

"How about the recruiting activities that you recently put you in charge of organizing?"

Kazuo Amato drank a sip of tea, and asked smoothly.

For all of the above reasons, talent recruitment is as important to him as bubble tea.

"Hayi, it has been arranged. Some time ago, I used the name of the organization to recruit directly and scared many people away. This time, I deliberately recruited in the name of a subsidiary of the Shanling Consortium, and then used a separate written interview for suitable candidates. Way, I have received several good resumes."

Jin Shanzhang quickly leaned over ninety degrees and handed over a stack of resumes.

In order to create a well-organized social image of Jidao, so as to recruit talents and develop and grow, the three-member team has exhausted their efforts over the years.

Not only actively participates in earthquake relief activities, but also often organizes activities such as cleaning the community environment, giving sweets to children, and sponsoring orphanages on weekdays.

Even the 100-hour tattoo program that had to be accepted before entering the industry has been replaced by wearing a badge.

A while ago, several activists stayed up late to study the "zero-based webpage production tutorial", and immediately launched the official website of the postmodern and rudimentary style, which makes people feel like they have entered the cultural center for the elderly. Slogans such as "anti-drug" and "anti-violence" are often promoted on the website.

Unfortunately, those activists were later arrested by the police in the name of "suspected new channels for collecting protection fees" because they produced "Extreme Emoji Packs" that cost only 600 yen on LINE and the sales were too hot.

Quickly flipping through the resumes, Amato Kazuo's eyes lit up.

"Sousuke Araki, 22 years old, major in ethics at the Department of Sociology, Shibuya University of Economics. He was the head of the Kendo Club and won the 65th All-Nippon University Kendo Championship..."

He took out one of them and examined it carefully.

"This name is a bit familiar...Which company are you hiring for?"

"Minister, after careful consideration, I released the recruitment information in the name of the property company under the Mitsubishi Group. The main positions are property manager, security guard, gardener, maintenance worker, cleaner, and we accept the work that the younger brother usually does. The content overlap is very high."

Seeing the minister's expression gradually become happy, Jin Shanzhang quickly took the opportunity to show his merits.

Kazuo Amato nodded, and continued to read: "...Have a license for large special vehicles, licenses for large automatic two-wheeled vehicles, and licenses for kendo, etc., and have rich experience in work-study...Have been counseled by the police department 105 times... Looks good, and a college graduate."

and many more……

After squinting his eyes, he picked up his resume, looked at the front photo, and confirmed what the other person looked like...

This guy is not one of the former No.1, "Yokohama Two-headed Dogs" who used to be in the Izakaya with Higashino Kohei, who used to be one of the No.1 potential newcomers of the anger fist...what is his name?

All in all, in a nutshell, this guy actually quit Nu Luo Quan and came out to look for a job?

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