I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 197 Araki's defeat

Although the hourly salary is quite generous, due to the current part-time job, unstable working hours, no pensions, and poor job content, most of the interviewees will retreat to the position of "sleeper" after getting to know them.

"So, for this part-time job you recruited, the job content is to go to those old houses that have died, and fill out a report to come back?"

"It's okay to describe it like that... if only the last guy who escaped and you had a brain circuit..."

Hearing the confirmation from the other party, Sosuke Araki was a little bit ridiculous.

Sleeping in the haunted house...

Isn't this riding a horse what I do every day, can I still get money?

Although the rent of the apartment in front of Tibet is not expensive, but through this website, I spent real money to obtain the qualification of "Haunting House Daily Sleep".

Doing nothing, the salary of a night's sleep is more than that of wearing that shameful leather jacket and running away all night to take out.

You can definitely consider what you are doing when you leave the front hall.

"What, would you like to try this job? That's great, please fill out a form here so that we can purchase accidental injury insurance for you..."

Hearing that Sosuke Araki was willing to give it a try, Hou Hailu Dou's spirit was lifted, and he quickly pulled him to sit down and sign the contract.

"and many more……"

At this moment, Mai Hanyu, who had been sitting aside, touching her chin, thinking about something, suddenly stood up.

She squinted her eyes, pursed her mouth and chuckled, akimbo with one hand, leaned over and patted the "entry registration form" that Araki Sousuke was filling out.

"Old sister...you..."

The thick sea and land on the side suddenly felt bad.

Because of "a certain research" all the year round, Mai Hanyu was originally in charge of the haunting house test sleep business.

But recently, due to the booming house economy, the increase in intermediary business, and the breakthrough of Mai Hanyu's "research", this business has become more and more busy, so it has to hire additional assistants.

So in fact, Mai Hanyu does have a more say in the recruitment of "sleepers".

Sosuke Araki, who was filling in the form, raised his head in confusion...

From his perspective, you can just see the purple lace exposed in the opponent's shirt and the huge 38F squeezed Amazon Trench.


Looking at the insightful smile on the pretty face of the woman in front of me, and the fierce existence that is about to hit the tip of my nose...

Feeling the tremendous "pressure", Sosuke Araki suddenly sweated his forehead and swallowed lightly.

Deceive... deceive people too much!

In the face of "oppression", Araki Sosuke's eyes narrowed slightly.

Secret skills, the eye of the void.

Flowing numbers began to change in his eyes...





As the numbers appeared, his eyes became bloodshot due to the increased load.

Beep beep...

It seemed as if there were non-existent, more and more rapid reminders starting to appear in his ears.


Beep beep beep beep...BOOM!


Sosuke Araki suddenly covered his painful eyes and wailed.

His nose immediately itch, two lines of nosebleeds gushing out...

Damn it...

The opponent's combat power is so powerful that it has exceeded the reading range that the Void Eye can load.

This is the first time the Eye of the Void has been trained after watching countless action movies and magazines!

"Araki-kun, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's just that the weather has been dry recently and it's a little bit angry..."

"Hey, have you panicked after being exposed... If I'm not mistaken, those guys just acted in a scene just to cover you, a real spy, from getting into our organization! Almost fell into the'Black Claw'" In the trap..."

On Mai Hanyu's cold face, with the expression of a winner, he looked at Sosuke Araki who was panicking with a tissue to plug his nostrils.

"Secret agent? Agency?"

"In the words of institutions, it refers to the research institutes under our website. In the words of spies, it means ordinary literals."

Hou Hailu Dou, who was sitting next to him, explained to him in a low voice.

It seems that he is already quite familiar with the various terms of the second-year old sister.

"Don't you think it is weird? He happened to show up at the most critical moment. He beat seven or eight poles alone, but only paid the price of a punch in the face."

Mai Hanyu touched her forehead and turned around, and continued with some fear, "There is only one truth! I want to play a good show of'hero saves the beauty', take the opportunity to invade the secrets of the organization, and treat me like this or that at the same time? Sorry, almost. Let you succeed...

"You are the only one who thinks so!"

Araki Sosuke immediately retorted with a flushed face.

What about this and that?

Why do I feel a pity to hear "Almost succeeded"?

"Sorry, you are too suspicious. The interview failed! The agency's secret agent, go back and apologize for failing the mission."

After Mai Hanyu closed the coffin, he ignored Sosuke Araki and returned to his office to concentrate on busy.

"Sorry, sorry, although I think Mr. Araki's conditions and living experience are very suitable for this job, but the old sister holds the controlling rights of the company..."

Atsumi Ludou sent Araki Sosuke to the door while exchanging phone calls with him.

"It's true that this position is inherently difficult to recruit people. I will persuade the old lady again... If she changes her mind, I will contact you again."

"It's all right, anyway, I still have the sacred and great mission of going out of the front hall, and the time may not be right..."

Araki Sosuke, who was rejected twice in a row on the same day and experienced the hell of job hunting, smiled with a pale face.

At this moment, he realized how precious the takeaway job Xingping introduced to him is, and he must cherish it.


It's twelve o'clock at midnight.

A man lay in a cramped sleeping cabin tossing and unable to fall asleep.

"Damn it, I can't get in touch with Lord Uchimura, and the teak woman ran away with money again..."

He is one of the remaining members of the Bliss Club, the one who ordered a bunch of durian pizza in the warehouse, and finally failed to pack it home.

After the last factory incident, they were scattered to various places "temporarily avoiding the limelight" according to the arrangement of the adults in the village, waiting for the day when they would rise again.

However, starting a few days ago, he lost contact with the Uchimura President.

"It is estimated that this month's wages will not be paid. Leave Tokyo for a while and go back to my hometown for a while..."

The man lives in a very popular "capsule hotel" in Japan.

On the wall of the first floor room, like a cabinet in a morgue, there are two rows of small grids in the shape of "products" that can sleep one person.

Perhaps the space is too depressing, or perhaps the man who is in a bad mood and has difficulty falling asleep, put on his headphones and turned on the Internet music station he often listened to.

With the soothing music, his mood gradually calmed down, and he gradually became drowsy.

Just when he was about to fall asleep, the headset switched to the next song.

This is a slightly immature but extremely melodious female voice, singing a simple and childish ballad.

"Sachiko~ I've called myself Sajang since I was a child"

"It's ridiculous~ Zuojiang."

"She likes bananas very much, but she can only eat half a banana at a time since she was a child."

"It's so pitiful~ Zuojiang"

"Zojiang has gone far away a long time ago, so she should forget me."

"It's so lonely~ Zuojiang"

"Zaochan~ I got my legs taken away by the tram. I have to borrow your legs to walk."

"My legs are gone, will you give me yours?"

"It's tonight~ Sauce"

Listening to this cold and moving song, the man opened his mouth in a daze, and murmured along with him: "My legs are gone, will you give me yours..."

Immediately, he fell asleep with a smile.


In the dream, he seemed to hear the girl's laughter like a silver bell.

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