I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 198-Hunting under the Moon

Shibuya, located in an apartment not far from the police station.

Mochizuki Ayano, who was sleeping peacefully on the bed with her eyes closed like a baby, opened her eyes abruptly, and a wicked smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Just as she stood up, took off her pajamas, and was about to put on her coat, the phone rang.


"Chairman, I'm sorry to disturb you. In a capsule hotel in Arakawa Ward, a wanted member of the Bliss Club was found..."

"Just follow the rules."

"But... the man is dead. According to the video of the capsule hotel, everything was normal when he entered the sleeping cabin. Later, the person in the lower berth found blood dripping down the gap in the cabin door, only to find that the man was because of his legs. He disappeared and died from heavy bleeding... The Arakawa District Police Station conducted a preliminary search and evidence collection on the scene, but he could not find his legs for the time being."

What the agent did not elaborate on the phone was that the man’s sleeping compartment was already flooded with blood ejected from the aorta of his legs. When the sleeping compartment door was opened, it spewed out like a red mountain torrent. Called a spectacular.

"Understood, I have more important things now, let's talk about it tomorrow morning."


Mochizuki Ayano hung up without waiting for the end of the conversation.

"Which cute little weird is at work again, really naughty."

As the corners of her mouth rose to the base of her ears, her original cold tone suddenly changed, with a hint of coquettishness.

Mochizuki Ayano looked up at the night sky outside the window, showing a weird smile with the corner of her mouth hooked to her ear.

"Huh, it's been a long time since I came out for activities. Let's follow the antique style tonight and hunt in the next month... Let me see, where is the prey scheduled last time..."

Moonlight shined through the window on the full-length mirror on the side.

In the mirror, her pupils have all turned golden.

Surprisingly, Mochizuki Ayase.

Staring at the bright moon in the sky, the light in her pupils flickered like the RGB fan in the main box of an otaku...

Hundred eyes pupil technique, find a trace.

Immediately, she frowned slightly, with an incredible expression on her face.

"How is it possible, is it that the last time the pupils were exhausted, the marking technique failed?"

Last time, in order to prevent Mochizuki Lingnai from seeing the clues afterwards, she obviously used a kiss as a cover to mark the opponent's body with a pupil technique.

Logically, no matter how far away the person is, he will keep a certain sense of touch with her.

Or is it because I was "sleeping" for too long this time, so the technique was invalid?

"Fortunately, the guy told me the name."

With that said, Mochizuki Ayase put on her jacket, tied her short curly hair into two neat little balls, and opened the laptop on the desk.

Soon, on the page of the Metropolitan Police Department's file system, a picture and information of a man with a golden airplane head with "what do you look at" on his face appeared.

"Mobile phone number... address... Araki Sosuke, you can't get away."

Mochizuki Ayase smiled satisfied, and immediately locked the other party's mobile phone location with the authority of the section chief.

The last time she fought with the Rift Girl, she keenly noticed that the passing, punk-like man had no spiritual power in his body, but he was born with celestial vision!

Those eyes are something she dreams of and is utterly thirsty.

Not only that, but the other party seems to have the blood talent to make the weird Buddha become a Buddha without knowing it.

This made her yearning for the other's body more and more.

Mochizuki Ayase immediately went downstairs after taking a look at the real-time location address forwarded to her mobile phone.

The streets of Shibuya are still very lively in the middle of the night, and many "Shibuya series" who have just finished the party and are going to change places to continue playing are laughing and walking on the street.

Mochizuki Ayase, who walked out the door of the apartment violently, looked around for a while, but was worried.

The location of the opponent seems to be a remote countryside in Toshima District.

Although she has a lot of pupil skills, she doesn't have the ability to run long distances.

Even if there is, the pupil power accumulated in the body is not something that can be wasted for pure movement.

"Human society should have more convenient means of transportation..."

During this time, the subway has been suspended.

On the road, I did not see anything called a taxi.

Because of the relationship between private car pick-ups and minors on weekdays, Mochizuki Ayano has not learned to drive or obtained a driver's license, and naturally does not have his own car.

In fact, you can call a car through a convenience store or phone.

However, this is outside the scope of Mochizuki Ayase's common sense.

As a twin soul with Mochizuki Ayano, she does not have the ability to share memories with each other.

In the past ten years or so, when Mochizuki Ayano was asleep, or her pupils were overdrawn and unconscious, she carefully came out to observe, learn, and understand the world.

Therefore, although from the perspective of combat instinct, Mochizuki Ayase, who is good at a variety of pupil skills and super athletic ability, is very powerful.

However, there is an unexpected lack of common sense in human society.

Mochizuki Ayase turned his head and saw several red bicycles with "Docomo" written on the side of the road.

She then stepped onto one of them and stepped on the pedals vigorously.

The bike didn't move...

"Is it locked from the inside through a mechanism? If you rashly destroy it, it may make the whole car unusable... Then..."

After earnestly following the instructions on the standing sign on the side for more than ten minutes, and finally unlocked the crimson bicycle through the phone, Mochizuki Ayase's eyes shed moving tears.

Although it is the first time to ride this kind of transportation, compared with Mochizuki Ayano, she is better at fighting instinct and physical control, and she has easily mastered the riding skills.

So, the mixed-race girl with a double ball head, riding a bicycle and driving a mobile phone to navigate, ran wildly along the road in the middle of the night.

It is about ten kilometers from Shibuya to a certain location in Toshima district.

When Mochizuki Ayase rode to that place with the navigation, it was already half an hour later.

"is it here?"

This is an old residential area on the edge of Toshima City.

Rows of single-family apartments stand quietly under the night.

Mochizuki Ayase wiped the sweat from her forehead, her pupils gathered golden light, and she looked around slowly.

Hundred eyes pupil technique, Mochizuki.

Under the golden pupil, the world in her eyes became pitch black, leaving only the outlines of surrounding living creatures and spirit bodies.

Last time, she had passed the unforgettable ability and remembered all the details of the opponent's body shape.

By identifying the body shapes of the surrounding creatures one by one, she confirmed that her goal was not here.

She immediately took out her mobile phone and logged in to the system again.

The system shows that the location of the target is five kilometers away from itself.

His prey was actually transferred during this period?

Mochizuki Ayase stepped on the red bicycle again and started running under the moonlight.

Fifteen minutes later.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this time

Mochizuki Ayase panting slightly, smiled evilly and parked his bicycle under a high-end office building.

The golden pupils began to shoot layer by layer at the office building.

When she scanned the ten-storey office building with a little effort, she found that the other party was not here either.

Things seem to be not that simple.

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