Just when Hou Hailu Dou was busy with his mobile phone in one hand, and in the other..., skillfully getting busy at a fairly high hand speed.

A sound similar to scraping glass came from the rear of the car.

He immediately got up and looked around.

The quiet and empty parking lot is clear at a glance, and there is no one around, only the sound of water flowing in the sewer on the side of the road can be heard faintly.

"Mouse? Crow?"

No abnormality was found, Hou Hailu Dou couldn't wait to lie down again and began to get busy.

Suddenly, the light from the corner of his eye passed the rearview mirror on one side.

In the rearview mirror, there is a figure wearing a white nightdress, whose face cannot be seen from his angle...

I don't know when to get up, standing quietly beside the car.

Hou Hailu Dou kept moving his hands, suddenly turned his head to look straight...

There is nothing there.

"Illusion? Is it because I recently slapped my wife... after this shot, let's stop it..."

Convincing himself with the usual reasons, Hou Hailu Dou continued to carry on his unfinished "great cause" with guilt for his body.

However, a feeling of being peeped forced him to look away from the superb full-color comics in the phone again.

Lying on the seat, he just took off the phone and saw...

On the upper side of the windshield, a woman hangs upside down from the roof of the car, watching quietly his hand that is moving up and down before he can stand still.

Her face, like a fragmented jigsaw, was forcibly pulled together with fine black sutures.

The long black hair that hangs upside down covers the windshield like a waterfall.


The silver bell-like laughter rang out, seemingly satisfied that Hou Hailu Dou finally found himself.

The corners of the woman's mouth lifted up a circle of wrinkles that were already shattered.

When he met her eyes, Hou Hailu Dou was directly stunned, and even the movements at hand instinctively accelerated because of the fright.

The small half of the woman's body slowly dragged along the windshield, and then disappeared above the roof of the car.

mischief? !

Or is it true, there is... a ghost? !

The thick sea and land who reacted, jumped up from the seat with difficulty, ignoring the trousers that had fallen to the crooked feet, and wanted to open the car door and ran out.

However, he found desperately that no matter how hard he tried, the door could not be opened.

As a technical house, although he has been engaged in haunting house recording and intermediary business for several years, he actually does not believe that there are real ghosts.

The strange facts in front of him made him have to believe.

The chill surging from his back stimulated Hou Hailu Dou's survival instinct.

He resolutely sat upside down and kicked his feet towards the glass on the upper side of the car door.

But the seemingly fragile car window glass was as hard as steel at this moment, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break it.

He forced himself to calm down and looked at the dark surroundings again.

There were no women in the front and left and right windows of the car.

After a sigh of relief, he glanced across the rearview mirror in the middle of the car.

The woman in the white nightdress sat in the back seat of the car quietly and dignified for some unknown time.

He was watching playfully at the thick sea and land fighting naked and performing "PUBG Mobile".

Closer, you can see clearly that her whole body is densely covered with black sutures, as if someone helped her to combine her body that had been broken into hundreds of pieces.

Her face still kept the weird smile that made people "shrink the sun into the abdomen".

Waterfall-like sweat ran down from the thick sea and land bucket's forehead.

The murderous intent like a frog being stared at by a snake enveloped his whole body.

The dense goose bumps leaped up, making it difficult for him to move.

After flickering like a low-quality video tape, the woman suddenly appeared on him.

A pair of broken hands, with a strong smell of corpse, pinched Hou Hailudou's throat tightly.

The opponent's slender body seems to have infinite power, no matter how hard he struggles, he is still pressed on the back of the chair and cannot get rid of it.

The thrill of suffocation followed.

Hou Hailu Dou's consciousness gradually began to blur.

"Ya... Jamaica..."


Just when Hou Hailu Dou was struggling wildly in the car, chanting "Jamai"...

A man wearing tight leather pants and a ghost helmet, carrying a large bag of merchandise, shaking the eye-catching bumps under his hips, walked into the parking lot downstairs of an apartment.

"Let me see... Mr. Houhai, the parking lot downstairs in Jiangdong Apartment, the license plate number is..."

Araki Sosuke carefully confirmed the order information on his mobile phone, and quickly found the white van in a row of cars in the parking lot.

It is really rare for guests to write the license plate number directly on the delivery address.

I ordered a bunch of iced Dr. Pepper and puffed food, and his name was Houhai, could it be...

But, doesn't he live in Shibuya? How could it be possible to come to Koto district so late? He should have the same name and surname.

Thinking about this, his footsteps gradually approached the van.

As the distance drew closer, Araki Sosuke's eyes narrowed slightly, as if he had discovered something wrong.

Because, not far away, the van is shaking slightly with a subtle and unpredictable frequency and rhythm at this moment.

"Could it be..."

With years of profound "learning knowledge", Sosuke Araki faintly anticipated something, but felt that his throat was slightly dry.

His eyes squinted slightly, and the real gaze immediately penetrated the windshield of the car.

as predicted.

In the dark, one could vaguely see a woman in white clothes in the driver's seat, who could not see clearly, sitting on a man.

She hooked her hands around each other's neck, and her body was squirming in an unpredictable rhythm.

This... is it a legendary... hard move on the car?

No wonder, I ordered such a large pile of high-calorie food.

It hurts one thousand enemies and eight hundred for self-defeating. It needs nourishment. Understand and understand.

I glanced at the phone, there are still five minutes before the order delivery time limit...

Araki Sosuke immediately leaned forward and approached quietly and squatted in front of the hood. The person was elongated, his nostrils expanded, and his face flushed, learning and observing the "fierce battle" in the car at close range.

The man lying flat on the chair, unable to see his face, seemed to have entered a certain state at this moment, exploring the woman with both hands indiscriminately.

And the woman who had the initiative, seemed to have some strange habit, pinched her hands on the man's neck.

Yo Xi, is this the legendary choking PLAY?

Sure enough, I live to grow old and learn to grow old.

I watched for another two minutes, and watched the man in the car's movements become weaker, but quite persistent, and didn't mean to end at all...

Sorry, although I also want to...

Araki Sosuke, who was still unfinished, was forced to carry the merchandise, pretending to appear in the front of the car without knowing it.

After all, in order to observe things like a car shake, it is not worth it to be deducted over time.

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