I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 207: Two-person Ghost Rider

Looking at the two people in the car, Sosuke Araki gently tapped the hood politely.

The man in the car heard the noise and stretched out his palm towards him, waving excitedly.

It seems to be saying, "It's all right now, please don't come and disturb us".

The woman on him seemed to have entered a certain state, still fighting unconsciously and indifferently.

Looking at this scene through the window of the car, Araki Sosuke's ears for some reason automatically sounded in an empty ear of unknown meaning, "Dead, deceased, deceased."


The APP notification sound in the mobile phone became more and more rapid.

Sosuke Araki could only run to the door and knocked on the window hastily.

While knocking on the car window, Araki Sosuke apologized: "I'm very sorry, I know that you are at a critical moment, but my order is due soon, and it can be regarded as a'critical moment'. Please accept the goods for a while and continue. is it okay?"

The woman in the car, without the slightest shyness, still ignored him, just continued her business.

This professionalism, which is as good as a duck in the face of dozens of shots...deserved of a professional call!

The man under her was struggling to touch his palm against the car window, as if he wanted him to wait a little longer.

Such professional players, the ghost knows when you are finished!

"お邪魔します (Excuse me)..."

In a hurry, Araki Sosuke pulled the car door.


The door of the car was not locked, so he opened it impolitely.

The two people in the car who had been fighting fiercely seemed to have stopped their actions because of this embarrassing scene.

In the moonlight, you can vaguely see that the man's pants in the car have faded to the curve of his toes, revealing his curly thighs.

"That... I'm very, very sorry, this is the product ordered by the two in the front store, please confirm receipt."

This is the end of the matter. With the thickness of Araki Sosuke’s face, he can only stand up to embarrassment and put the goods on the floor mats in the car.

Then he hid his face shyly and fled...

"We are two ghost riders in one!"

Under the cover of a random line of unknown meaning in the belt, the "delivery completed" Araki Sosuke ran out of the parking lot without looking back, and rode on the "devil jet" on the side of the road and drove away.



In the dimness, Hou Hailu Dou opened his eyes and breathed the muddy air inside the car.

He had just been pinched by the female ghost and entered a hypoxic state, and he vaguely felt that someone was knocking on the body and windows.

With the last trace of instinct, he kept waving his hands, hoping that the other party could save himself who was crushed by the female ghost.

After that, the door of the car seemed to be pulled open, a bag of things came in, and then it was closed mercilessly.

As the car door opened, the movement of the female ghost on him slowed down.

A large amount of air poured into his lungs, gradually regaining his consciousness.

In front of him, the female ghost who stopped her hands for some reason was still sitting on him.

However, her image is no longer as fragmented as before, and has become a young and beautiful professional girl in her twenties.

She was riding on Hou Hailu Dou, smiling with her hands clasped together, and gradually turned into a glowing white light as her body moved rhythmically...


Under the tremendous horror and the irritation of the rest of his life, the sweaty thick sea and land can no longer control it, and issued a mixed cry of release, rejoicing, joy and unwillingness...


ten minutes later.

"Sister, listen to me, I really met a ghost just now... I don't read too much book, every word I say is true!!"

Inside the car, the thick sea and land who finally stabilized their emotions were holding the phone between their shoulders, rubbing his wet lower body with a tissue indiscriminately, and telling someone on the other side of the situation that his life was hanging by a thread just now.

"Since you said that you met a female ghost who was fragmented and covered with sutures, pinching your neck, how did you call me now...Could it be that you have... Ghost call? This is a brand new research topic!"

On the phone, the cold female voice carefully analyzed and confirmed his situation.

"No... it seems that someone saved me... that female ghost stopped her hand after that person came over, and the white light disappeared."

With that said, Hou Hailu Dou looked at the white pocket at his feet.

I vaguely remember that when I was unconscious, the man opened the car door, said something, and then put the bag in.

Inside the white pockets are three iced bottles of Dr. Pepper and a few bags of potato chips.

"By the way, takeaway, I ordered the takeaway! It was the delivery person who came over and saved me..."

With that said, Hou Hailu Dou immediately clicked on the app and looked at the delivery person's information.

For the privacy of customers and delivery staff, the real names of each other cannot be seen.

The delivery person information only shows a string of numbers ending in "9527".

"Damn it, go to the front hall tomorrow to ask..."

"Wait, your car, didn't I install a dash cam for you? Wait for me to come down and play it back together."

After a while, Mai Hanyu, wearing a white coat and tall, appeared in the parking lot.

"The evil spirits retreat!"

Following such strange words, a piece of yellow talisman paper with the words "Evil Spirit Retreat" and "Asakusa Shrine" was pasted on the forehead of the thick sea land inside the car window.

"Old sister...you..."

"As a mad scientist, I only believe in the results of practice!"

After embarrassing, the two took out the memory card of the driving recorder and plugged them into the computer to check the playback.

The dash cam of this classic car does not have night vision function, and the pixels are also very low.

As the video replayed, the two soon saw a vague black shadow coming from the dim parking lot gate.

Then, the man in black with his pocket slowed down when he walked to the front of the van.

Then he quickly squatted down and disappeared into a blind spot that the dash cam could not photograph.

About two minutes later, the man appeared from the front of the car again and walked towards the side of the cab.

Hou Hailu Douyan quickly pressed the pause button.

In the paused screen, the outline of the delivery person can be vaguely seen through the moonlight...

Except for the fairly obvious male characteristics, the rest of the details are blurry.

Looking at some familiar figures in the video for some reason, Hou Hailu Dou was lost in thought.

Could it be...

Have seen this kind of uniform in some kind of action movie, so you have a sense of sight? !

"Tsk, I made a mistake. I didn't expect that [Hidden Energy Field Life Form] would appear in the car outside the murder house... It seems that next time you have to install the'Eye of Reality' in the car. The Bell Prize passed by!"

Mai Hanyu touched her chin and played back the video repeatedly, with regret on her face: "Looking at his behavior, it seems that he found an abnormality in the car. After observing for a while in secret, he decisively rescued you... But what is he? What triggered the conditions that caused the [hidden energy field life body] to be'disturbed' or even'eliminated'? Is the form of elimination a white light spot? This can lead to more than a dozen new research topics... "

"Next time? Don't have another time, okay! I almost died... I can only call out the front hall tomorrow to check the job number."

Hou Hailu Dou, who was still in shock and determined not to go out at night in the next year, complained loudly.

As an otaku, it was a mistake to accompany the old lady out tonight.

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