"Kawasaki H2?! Could it be...impossible! I want to see which bastard dares..."

Seeing that Kawasaki H2 and the white figure that was speeding away, Araki Sosuke's pupils shrank slightly.

Countless similar images buried deep in the memory, clearly rushed to my heart.

"Brother Araki, what are you talking about?"

The few people beside them seemed to have completely lost sight of the red locomotive that appeared suddenly.

"Boom boom boom..."

Stepping on the locomotive without wasting a second, Sosuke Araki disappeared in front of a few people...

"Wait...Brother Araki?"

After Araki Sosuke left, one of the sharp-eyed men looked at the road, his face suddenly changed.

On the asphalt road, a pool of red blood was reflecting a coquettish light under the moonlight.


"The two cars collided in the fourth corner. The XJR4000 stopped and now it has caught up again..."

At the top of the mountain, everyone heard the message on the walkie-talkie, and several people in the city's main palace turned pale.

"Too despicable!"

"That's all the dignity of the three-member group?"

"Hey, that's it! The indiscriminate underground car race is not as simple as you think..."

Hearing the news, Jin Shanzhang smiled sternly.

Although it has been predicted, it seems that the classic car can be used to make a reasonable collision.


On the dark mountain road, Sosuke Araki broke through the white fog and skimmed through the bends with his exquisite car, chasing the Mercedes-Benz RX-10 below.

The left cuff of his special attack uniform had been stained red with blood.

A drop of blood was dripping down his cuffs on the car body, dipping into the interior along the damaged shell of the XJR4000, and flowing into the frame, engine, transmission, tires...

It was caused by friction and scratches between the arm and the ground when he fell to the ground before.

The pain from the arm made Araki Sosuke's consciousness more sober.

"Come on, Sengoku Samurai, although the plane's nose is temporarily gone... but we who have inherited the will of Kosaka, we can't lose."


The "Warrior of the Warring States" roared like a beast as if responding to him, and the speed continued to soar.

Galloping in the dark with all concentration, Araki Sosuke only felt that the "Warring States Samurai" who had been walking with him for many years had gradually developed the feeling of being connected with each other.

The friction between the tire and the ground, the release of horsepower, and the route into the corner, combined with keen intuition, were engraved in his heart bit by bit, like a mirror.

For the first time, he seemed to be integrated with the "Warring States Warriors" and transformed into a beast rushing in the moonlight.


On the ramp ahead, the RX-10 still maintained a violent speed, driving on the ramp with staggering extreme car skills.

"Hmph, just let you know that Taiyi, Taiyi, is the strongest king of Jinming Mountain!"


Just when Taiichi Taiichi himself admitted that he was far ahead, the roar of a motorcycle came from the rear.

He looked in the rearview mirror subconsciously, but found that there was no light behind him.

"Hmph, chase blindly...that guy actually caught up so quickly?"

Blind pursuit refers to turning off the headlights during the game so that the opponent cannot detect that there is a car chasing up from behind.

This technique can only be used if you have a complete memory of the track.

Taiyi Island naturally wouldn't let the mobsters in the rear get what they wanted.

He slammed down the accelerator vigorously and rushed forward with all his concentration.

However, the distance between the two sides has not been opened again.

As the roar approached, the locomotive behind him with no headlights appeared in his rearview mirror like a ghost.

"It seems that I didn't touch it hard enough just now..."

Thinking of this, Kojima glanced at the rearview mirror too...

Under the white moonlight of wild rice, the locomotive behind was faintly visible. It was a red Kawasaki H2 with the title of "King of the Land".

"Kawasaki H2...no wonder, did you catch up after changing cars?"

He only chased after the opponent's classic car broke down and pragmatically replaced it with an explosive locomotive.

"and many more……"

Looking through the rearview mirror, he suddenly discovered that the rider in the special attack uniform on the car, above the wide collar, had nothing...

headless rider.

"Damn it, do you think this kind of damaging tricks can scare me? I knew that this group of rioters had done the ghost before. It must have been wearing a large COSPLAY suit, hiding the real head in the clothes. ."

Seeing the other person's "under three indiscriminate" appearances, and thinking of the previous accidents, Taiyi Kaidao laughed instead.

Tonight, no matter what you are a headless horseman or a land king, you will be convinced that you lose!

"The RX-10 has just passed the sixth big turn... it drove two corners of the XJR4000... there are two more corners that are about to enter the five-shot hairpin turn!"

The observer at the corner seemed to be completely unable to see the headless rider with no headlights following the corner of the RX-10.

"Huh, the outcome is determined..."

At the top of the mountain, when he heard the news, Jin Shanzhang had an expression of victory.

"You despicable fellows, don't talk too early, Araki Brother, he is..."

Tokimoto Miyuki squeezed the walkie-talkie in his hand and looked worriedly at the track below.


"These naive guys, is it necessary for such a big battle in a car race..."

The five consecutive hairpins turned into an intersection before the turn, and the Harumoto Kairen, who had already started the engine and stood by on the LEVIN, wore the scouting goggles, smiled in disdain.

He was the kind of pure driver who drove on this mountain road day and night, focusing only on the track and car skills, and not caring about whether there were spectators on both sides of the road.

"Woo... boom boom boom..."

"The first car is coming..."

The yellow RX-10 sports car, with the aura of someone else, broke through the side curve, broke through the white mist, and broke into the sight of the three.

"The yellow RX-10...Is Taiichi Kojima running this game himself?"

Seeing that handsome RX-10, Harumoto Kairen showed a complicated expression.

Due to the bad habit of Gunma Prefecture of "putting unknown liquids in the car and letting young people deliver goods late at night", he and Taiichi Shimajima have been competing with each other on this late-night mountain trail since they were young, although the losers will be "unwell" from time to time. And disappeared for a few days, but each other can be regarded as enemies and friends.

When he was transferred here a month ago to perform a task, he discovered that the two people who hadn't worked for many years had already implemented their respective car skills and embarked on a completely different path of life.

Since the police and Jidao are on opposite sides, the mission must also be carried out in secret, and he did not recognize each other.

On the mountain road, in the sight of the three people, no matter how the RX-10 speeds up, the Kawasaki H2 without the headlights will always hang five meters behind it like a ghost, like a shadow.

In the car, there is a white special offensive rider who can't see his face.

Because the rider doesn't even have a head.

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