"No... the headless rider's trail was confirmed, and he was following that RX-10... the guy from Taijima Island was spotted by the headless rider!"

The Harumoto Kairen wearing smart glasses turned over and sat up, only having time to say something to the walkie-talkie, his feet had already stepped on the accelerator unconsciously.

The Levin, which had a modified racing engine, rushed out like a cheetah, and followed the headless rider into the corner.

"finally come……"

"Kengo, are you ready? Find the right opportunity and use the outer seal."

Yamada Kengo and Tokimoto Ichiro rolled down the car window, filled with triangle-folded talisman paper between their fingers, simultaneously accumulating spiritual power.

For this moment, Yamada Kengo has been boringly practicing Yuji in the car for a few nights

The nine-character mantra is the secret technique of the Long Kingdom Taoist school. It comes from "Baopuzi Neipian·Dengshe".

After being introduced to Japan, it was mixed into a part of Shingon Buddhism and was mistakenly copied as "Lin, Bing, Fighting, Zhe, Kai, Formation, Column, Pres, Presence", and became the curse of Japanese monasticism.

What Shiben master and apprentice used was naturally the authentic nine-character mantra that he had traveled across the ocean and traveled across the country to seek back. The power is not the same as the fakes of Shintoism.

The Nine-Character Mantra·Jie requires an external binding seal, which can greatly reduce the movement speed of the spirit body while making it difficult to cross physical obstacles.

It is the most effective spell against the supernatural existence of the headless horseman with extremely fast speed.

"Tsk, is there another spoiler? I am ambushing in the section in front of the hairpin bend in advance, and I seem to be confident about my entry..."

Seeing Levin rushing out halfway behind, the "Araki Sosuke" who had been dressed as a headless rider followed the irritated Taichi Taiichi, his eyes became extremely excited.

Undifferentiated underground races naturally cannot maintain order like professional races. It is also normal for drivers who suddenly rush in from time to time. There is only one way to deal with this situation.

That is transcendence, transcendence, and transcendence again.

He practiced hard, joined the trio, and held underground races, not just for this moment...

The masters on Mount Haruna can only see their own car's taillights!

Headed by RX-10, headless rider and Levin followed closely, the three cars drove on the mountain road at very close distances at high speed.


Yamada Kengo leaned out of the car window and threw the talisman in front of him.

The talisman folded into a triangle, driven by spiritual power, broke through the wind like a ninja's dart, and flew toward the headless rider in front.

However, the opponent's driving route is too weird, and the wind resistance has reduced the flying speed of the talisman...

The headless knight pressed the car sensitively, followed behind RX-10, cut into a 180-degree curve, and disappeared from the sight of the three before the talisman arrived.

"Damn, the speed is too fast, the distance is not enough, you have to get closer..."

"This is before the five consecutive hairpin turns, and the RX-10 is observed leading into the turn, and there is an extra LEVIN behind..."

"Hey, get closer... Sit firmly, and bend into the five consecutive hairpins!"

Before the words were finished, Chunben Hairen stepped on the brakes and quickly turned the square disc with both hands. LEVIN drifted at the same angle and course as the RX10 before, and then cut into the first turn of the five consecutive hairpin bends. road.

Secret skills, technical copy.

Turn the route, dynamics and rhythm of the vehicle ahead into your own use, and thoroughly absorb the opponent's driving skills.

This is the car skill that Harumoto Hairen can display on this familiar mountain road with strong posture experience and years of theoretical research.

The strong centrifugal force slammed Yamada Kengo back to the seat.

"It's too close to me and I can't use spells... ugh..."

He only felt his stomach churn, and his hands firmly grasped the handle above the car window.

Under the moonlight, the five consecutive hairpins bend like an S-shaped serpentine.

With the roar of the three cars, mixed with the screams of Kengo Yamada, they entered the second corner.

It was like a blaze of fire rushing into the body of the coiled snake.

"Damn it, can't you get rid of it? Then let you say goodbye to here completely!"

Looking at the two cars in the rearview mirror that looked like tarsal maggots, Yudao Taiyi smiled evilly.

When entering the second corner, the RX-10 relies on two powerful auxiliary motors to make an instant deceleration and acceleration operation.

The rear of the RX-10 is about to hit the Kawasaki H2 behind it.

"This bastard!"

In the eyes of Harumoto Kairen at the rear, the driving route and trajectory of the three vehicles appeared in his mind as if he had predicted.

He can naturally see that if the Kawasaki H2 continues to enter the corner, it will definitely be knocked over by the rear of the RX-10.

So he stopped straight in front of him, causing a series of car accidents.

The running method of that RX-10 is so vicious!

Unfortunately, headless riders are not ordinary.

Seeing that it was about to hit the rear of the RX-10, the headless rider did not retreat but moved forward, speeding up further.

Taking advantage of the drop of the downhill, at the moment of entering the corner, Kawasaki H2 bounced at an extremely tricky angle, drawing a high parabola under the moonlight...

After crossing the guardrail in front and the vegetation underneath, in everyone's horrified eyes, it fell directly from the entry point above the U-shaped curve to the exit point.

At this time, the original leading RX-10 was still on the inside of the corner.

With this leap, the headless horseman came to the forefront of the three cars in an instant.

"How can it be?!!"

"Jump overtaking?!!!"

Obviously they were in different cars, but Taiichi Yudao and Hairen Harumoto gave out unbelievable exclamations at the same time.

Jump overtaking is a car technique suitable for sharp hairpin bends with a height difference on the inside.

At the moment of entering the corner, fully step on the accelerator, turn directly to the opposite direction, use the terrain drop to bounce and take off, make the car leap parabolic to the next straight acceleration out of the corner, after landing, continue to accelerate and sprint by inertia.

This is extremely difficult, not only requires extraordinary courage and experience, but also a bet on life to use the car skills.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

As soon as the RX-10 was overtaken, a black and white locomotive sprinted out from the rear curve with a roar like a beast.

It was the "Warring States Warrior" who came up from behind.

"I want to see, which bastard dared to ride a Kawasaki H2 on this mountain road and dressed up like this!!"

"Senior Araki?!"

Looking at the "Sengoku Samurai" passing by the front of the car with extreme speed and the blond man in the car, Kengo Yamada, who was sitting in the co-pilot, let out an unbelievable exclamation.

Under the golden car lights, Araki Zongsuke with a six-pointed star engraved on the temple looks like a god descending to the world.

I saw him riding a warrior warrior, passing by Harumoto Kairen's LEVIN, and without slowing down, he crossed the guardrail in a reverse bending posture, jumped high in the air, and then moved towards a higher parabola. The lower exit fell...

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