Gunma Prefecture Police Station.

The messy working hall was crowded with men dressed as rioters early in the morning, queuing to log information at the police officer's office.

"I'm twenty-two years old, and I still learn to be a mobster and lead a drag race... It's impossible to count how many times I have acted as a bailer for him..."

Kohei Higashino, who has a black suit, sunglasses, pigtails, and "I am the best brother" written all over his body, walks in the middle of the hall, and has nothing to do with the vigilant glances of the surrounding police officers and the subconsciously touching the handle of the gun. Cha, still complaining about someone's childish behavior.

"Really, I told Zongjie long ago not to get overwhelmed..."

Next to him was the Chief Inspector Erqian Longma wearing a police uniform with a pink "S1S" badge on his chest.

Seeing the two men walking towards the interrogation room inside, the police officers on the side instantly made up for the drama of "searching the elite detectives in a fierce battle, and finally arresting them at the risk of death." Ryoma cast a look of worship.

"...In this room, I hope that after this incident, that idiot should be able to learn his lesson and become a little more clear-headed..."

Complaining unhappily, Higashino Yukihei pushed open the door of the interrogation room.

According to what he thought, Araki Sosuke, who had been interrogated all night, should be looking forward to his arrival pitifully.

"Yo, Xingping, you are here... I have been waiting for you for a long time, HONEY~"

In the interrogation room, at the table of Sosuke Araki, there was a convenience store as high as a hill...

Ramen, sushi, bento, miso soup, Dr. Pepper, salad, beef rice...

Araki Sosuke, shirtless with bandages on his arms and abdomen, was sitting at the table, sucking in the food in front of him like a hell hungry ghost.

There were multiple bruises on his body last night. The police caught him and helped to deal with the wounds by the way.

"Look, I don't know who said hello. Those guys are kind to me. When I said I was hungry, they bought me such a large pile of food. It feels like being caught by the police is sometimes pretty good..."

Standing in front of the door, Yukhei Higashino reluctantly covered his forehead...

"It just happened that I shed a lot of blood last night, and I'm so hungry now...Do you want to come over and eat a bowl, there are many more...snoring..."

Sosuke Araki was immersed in the joy of "appreciating the convenience store food".

" bastard!! Always being so self-willed and always pushing for others... finally recommended a job for you, and as a result, even the driver's license was revoked..."

Kohei Higashino raised the collar of Sosuke Araki.

"Oh, Zongsuke also talks about loyalty... Don't hit the injured place..."

Before the second, Ryoma quickly grabbed him.

Facing the completely violent Higashino Kohei, Araki Sosuke could only squat down along the corner and smile slightly.

"I also know that it's not right to be strong, but if you had an accident with Xingping last night, I wouldn't stand idly by either..."

Hearing him say this, Higashino's plane faded, only to feel that his strength was hitting the cotton.

"You can't do anything about idiot, hurry up to pack up and leave!!! Brother Mitsui, I have already applied for suspension for you..."

"Hey, I have to take part in the ‘Revocation of the Driver’s Licence’ before I can retake my driver’s license. It’s too much trouble. I should be starving to death when I get the driver’s license..."

When it came to the topic of "revocation of driver's license leading to unemployment", Sosuke Araki suddenly showed a bitter face.

The "Road Traffic Law" is fixed, and those whose driver's license has been revoked must be taught by the revoked person and can only retake the exam after the time required for the revocation.

"You kid is still not satisfied? It's good not to be counted as a'fighting car'. Do you want to go in and squat for a few years?"

Before the second, Ryoma slapped him severely on the back.

Araki Sosuke suddenly closed his mouth.

In addition to the immediate revocation of the driver’s license and a three-year driving ban, the penalty for driving a "fighting car" will also be punishable by up to five years in prison or a fine of 1 million yen.

Either way, it is beyond the current Araki Sosuke.

Haruna Mountain is sparsely pedestrian, and there are often higher and lower riders.

The racing track is still there today, and there is no old driver back then.

Because the old drivers were revoked their driving licenses, imprisoned, and fined to bankruptcy...


Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Chiyoda Ward, Supernatural Research Institute.

In a white and simple room like a hospital, in addition to a variety of test equipment and messy materials, there are also several large column-shaped culture tubes.

The dark green liquid in the culture tube is immersed in some seemingly ordinary things.

White masks, black pet collars, mirror fragments, black motorcycle helmets...

"... Patriarch, the above is the whole story of the'Headless Horseman' incident last night."

Sitting in an instrument, Mochizuki Ayano, who was receiving some kind of full-body scan, was reporting what happened last night.

"So, you think that the headless horseman became a Buddha only because his desire to be surpassed was fulfilled."

An old man with a kind face and gray hair in a white coat was facing her back, carefully checking the data on the computer screen.

This old man named "Clan Chief" by Mochizuki Aya is the director of the Tokyo Metropolitan Supernatural Institute directly under the jurisdiction of the Diet and Cabinet.

The psionic equipment currently used in Lesson 9, the grievances contained, and the analysis of the weird rules are all provided by the institute to provide technical support.

Mochizuki Aya also worked as a research assistant in the research institute and received various trainings before serving as the head of the ninth section.

Even the "joint action" was finally brought about by his wandering between the Cabinet, the National Assembly, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of the Palace.

"Yes, at least the facts we see are that...a weird world, no matter how weird and illogical, as long as it happens, it is reasonable."

Sitting on the other side of the room, "Old Opera Bone" Tokimoto Ichiro said with acting online and duplicity.

"According to the testimony of the former stunt rider and agent Harumoto Kairen, the headless rider's skills are quite superb, and he is not sure to beat... and the rider who surpassed the headless rider has a unique and powerful The driving skills made him think he was willing to go downhill."

Hearing Mochizuki Ayano's supplement, Shimoto Ichiro nodded silently.

Two motorcycles appeared in his mind one after the other, catching up with the RX-10 by jumping and overtaking, and afterwards Sosuke Araki surpassed the stunning scene of the headless rider by riding on the side wall of the guardrail.

The boy named Sosuke Araki is truly outstanding in terms of car skills. It should be impeccable to help him cover up in this respect.

"Chairman Yushimoto confirmed with his own eyes that he became a Buddha and left a grievance. Presumably, the'headless horseman' should never reappear...The specific situation of this grievance will be handed over to our research and analysis."

Mochizuki Kangsi checked the dense physical examination data, and looked at Mochizuki Ayano distressedly: "On the contrary, it is you, don't force yourself too much. The instability of pupil power fluctuations seems to have risen again, and continue to do so..."

"No... Patriarch, I... did too badly... let down your expectations..."

Mochizuki Ayano clenched both hands and lowered her head unwillingly.

"You don’t have to belittle yourself. In the face of so many weirdness, you can do well enough to survive... Recently, with the increase in the base of weirdness, there are more and more Buddhas, which is in line with the principles of statistics. Let us get More research data has arrived."

Mochizuki Constance touched Mochizuki Ayano's head fondly.

"This time the'headless knight''s becoming a Buddha is of great significance to us. If there are competition-type resentful spirits in the future, perhaps we can send experts in related fields to try to defeat them and make them become Buddhas."

"Are you a master in related fields?"

Mochizuki Ayano lowered her head and thought of someone.

Last night, the Gunma prefectural police station arrested more than two hundred people and recorded confessions for the night. More than half of them were members of the "phoenix runaway group" along with Sosuke Araki.

According to everyone's confession, Araki Sosuke's physique that caused trouble was purely to help others get ahead, and was involved in the dispute between the "phoenix runaway group" and the "three-member group" for no reason.

In addition to his amazing car skills, that guy used the wrong place.

However, in view of the fact that the guy saved Mayumi-chan last time, she still asked the Gunma police station to take good care of the guy and let him go after completing the procedures.

This absolutely has nothing to do with the bowl of expired ramen and those intoxicating out-of-print figures! !

Of course, the penalty for speeding still has to be enforced.

The corner of Mochizuki Ayano's mouth showed a triumphant smile when he thought that the guy couldn't make the annoying "boom boom" sound for a long time.

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