I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 219 [Fan Wai] Hell Dog's Rest Day (Part 1)

In a small two-bedroom apartment in Shinjuku.

The first ray of morning light shines through the gap between the curtains and shines on the two frames on the bedside, one large and one small, reflecting a dazzling light.

In the larger frame, there is a happy picture of a man with braids proudly hugging a beautiful woman with long hair.

Another slightly yellowed photo in the frame shows three young boys with fierce eyes and shabby clothes standing on their backs in front of the gate of the “Little Daisy Welfare Institute” printed on them.

Perhaps the reflected morning light was too dazzling, and a man in the room opened his eyes and squinted at the ceiling with his sharp hanging corners.

Then, he lifted the quilt gently, revealing his strong upper body, turning over to get up.

Derived from the man's back to the shoulders and arms in front of him, there is a three-headed hellhound tattoo that looks lifelike and wants to get out of the box.

"Xingping, didn't you take a rest today? Why don't you sleep more..."

The woman beside him held him from behind in a daze.

"Lizi, you sleep a little longer, I have something...that must be resolved."

The man firmly and gently put the quilt on the woman's fragrant shoulders, and came to the bathroom with assassin-like silent steps.

That's right, he is the younger brother of the Noura Boxing House, the head of the Kabukicho branch in Shinjuku, and the "hell dog" Kohei Higashino who kicked 14 consecutive eggs in one night.

Today is his day off.

After brushing his teeth cleanly and washing his face, Kohei Higashino looked at himself in the mirror with a murderous look.

In the mirror, his upper body with obvious muscle lines has several knife marks.

This is the "Hell Dog" medal.

"Today, there are still a lot of guys waiting for me to solve it..."

With that said, Kohei Higashino went to the small open kitchen with his upper body naked.

He fastened his apron quickly, drew out a short knife, and started operating on the counter with amazing hand speed.

With his swift movements, omelets, fried vegetables, grilled meats, and decorative fruits appeared one after another like magic.

At this moment, the kitchen is like his piano, allowing his flexible hands to walk on the black and white keys, and start a grand solo.


The crisp sound of the rice cooker sounded, as if to put a perfect stop to this solo.

"Well...the last step...nothing to lose..."

Kohira Higashino swiftly inserted the kitchen knife into the chopping board and took out a cute pink bento box.

He carefully pads the rice into the bottom of the box, and then puts the cooked food one by one.

"...Water Shadow Ninja Bento, complete."

On the bento box, various shapes of food suddenly formed an anime character with blonde whiskers and a ninja headband.

"Is it an anime bento today...you look just wearing an apron, so sexy..."

A soft body hugged Higashino Kohei from behind.

"Sorry, did you wake you up too loudly..."

"No, I don't want to sleep anymore... Who would have thought that the guy who was covered in blood was picked up by me, not only would he cook so well, he would also be sexy in an apron."

Bai Shui Lizi kissed him lightly, turned around and went to the bathroom.

That's right, Higashino Kohei, who was chopped to death in the past and "picked up" by the passing Baishui Reiko, is a man who loves cooking in private.

In order for his fiancée to eat exquisite and healthy food outside of work, he will make for her an accurately calculated calorie, balanced nutrition, delicious, and cute bento on the rest day.

The opening of his culinary talent is due to the glorious custom of Nu Luoquan assigning her brother to work in a Chinese restaurant under his control and taking the "chef exemption" in order to "lawfully bring a knife."After half an hour.

"Xingping, I'll go out, see you tonight!"

A Baishui Reiko dressed as an OL, biting into Kohei Higashino's roasted honey toast, she hurriedly put on high heels in the hallway.

"Okay... you go well, and today you will also have a prosperous Wuyun!"

Kohei Higashino quickly bowed respectfully and offered a bento box wrapped in a cartoon handkerchief.

After Bai Shui Lizi closed the door and left, he showed a gloomy smile.

"The rest day has just begun, the next step is...clearing the site! No details can be spared, kid, let me see if you are ruthless..."

With that said, Kohei Higashino activated a black disc on the floor of the living room.

Then he took out a rag and began to clean the room.

General cleaning, washing clothes, drying...

After doing all this, Higashino Yupei raised his watch, glanced at the time, and dialed someone's phone.

"Hey... The time, place and goods have been arranged for you. You know the rules of cash transactions..."

Hanging up, Kohei Higashino, who was standing on the balcony with his tattoo exposed, bent over and took out a transparent plastic bag full of white powder from under the flowerpot.

"I almost forgot to take this ruthless guy with him."

With that said, he showed a guilty grin.


At the same time, several men were in the building opposite Higashino's Koppa apartment, monitoring his every move with binoculars.

"How about, what is he talking about?"

"Time... Place... Goods... Cash..."

The man with the telescope was trying to read his lips.

"Songping Police Department supplemented, lip language can only read these...This guy is professional, and no useful information has leaked from his mouth!"

At this moment, on the opposite balcony, Higashino Kohei, who hung up, looked over cautiously.

With his sullen eyes, the "Matsuhira Police Department" holding the telescope was frightened and retracted behind the curtains.

"Impossible, it is impossible to see me with the naked eye at such a distance!"

Amazed by the horrible look of the opponent through the binoculars, Songping only felt that his vest was chilling.

They belong to the fourth group of the third lesson of organized crime countermeasures, and they are responsible for secretly investigating the anger boxing.

As the head of the brother of Anura Fist, the ruthless "Hell Dog" Higashino Xinghei has long been hung up with them.

Because the "Big Brother Zhang" of the Nuluo Fist was too fascinating, they could only try to use the "Hell Dog" as a breakthrough point.

"Her...good? Wait, the case has broken through! The goal took out a few packets of white powder in transparent plastic bags from the corner of the balcony..."

Another man with a telescope seemed to have made a new discovery, and his voice broke with excitement.

"...Reported that the target packed those packets of powder in a suitcase and went out!"

"Hey, after staring for so many days, did he finally show his feet... Hellhound is also considered an expert in this area, and he must feel foolproof before going out to'deal'."

Hearing the words of his colleagues, Songping Police Officer hurriedly reported to the headquarters, while several other men hurriedly packed up the desktop equipment and prepared to go out to follow.

"Report to the headquarters. This is the fourth group of the third lesson of organized crime countermeasures. The target is found to have suspected illegal transactions and will be further followed up..."

"Don't run away for that kid, get the car ready quickly!"

They stayed in this dilapidated apartment building day and night for a week, and the "case" finally had a substantial breakthrough.


ten minutes later.

Kohei Higashino, dressed in a black suit, carrying a suitcase, and looking cold, went out.

In the corridors of the apartment, in the elevator room, and outside the gate, he would give a "warm" smile to the residents who came in and out from time to time, so that the other party was moved to get the special effects of "moving speed +1000%" and "suddenly want to climb the stairs".

"Today, I got along happily with my neighbors as Lizi ordered."

Walking downstairs, he stepped onto a black and white locomotive in the parking space.

"Boom... boom..."

With a dull growl of dissatisfaction, the locomotive started listlessly under his crotch.

"Keep up and keep up... Riding this kind of modified car for the mobsters to trade, the average car can't run him at all, this guy is really an expert in this area."

In the building at the rear, two family cars hung far behind him and drove out.

"Hey, when did Zongjie change this car again? The control feels so good, but the power seems too strong."

Driving on the road at a speed that fully complies with the traffic regulations, Kohei Higashino was a little surprised at the good condition of the locomotive under him.

That's right, the locomotive he was riding under him to operate to his heart's content was the "Warring States Samurai" of Sosuke Araki.

In order to prevent someone from driving without a license due to itchy hands before completing the "revocation training" and re-examination of the locomotive exemption, during this period the car will be kept by him as a bailer.

The "Warring States Samurai" shuttled flexibly in the chaotic traffic.

"It deserves to be the hell dog Kohei Higashino, the route is so unpredictable, it can be seen that the anti-reconnaissance ability is also first-class..."

Songping in the car sneered and exclaimed.

"Senior, this is not the time to praise each other..."

The agent who was in charge of the car had a hard time.

The guy in front obviously didn't speed or press the line, but relying on the ability to shuttle in the congested traffic, they almost lost them several times.

The locomotive drove away from Shinjuku and soon arrived somewhere in Ikebukuro, Toshima.

Kohei Higashino drove the locomotive into the open-air parking lot and made a phone call while sitting on the locomotive.

"Sure enough, are you going to connect with someone here..."

Parked in a car stalking across the street, several police detectives are constantly analyzing and recording his behavior

After a while, a man wearing a hard hat, a white vest, and gloves, dressed as a construction worker walked in casually.

"The workers at the nearby construction site..."

"It's too naive. Take a closer look. Is there a worker leader like this?"

After being reminded by the Songping Police Department, several people found that the construction worker was dressed as a blond man with sculptural muscles, a fierce expression, and a six-pointed star on his sideburns.

"...Although this person deliberately disguised himself as an inconspicuous construction worker, his demeanor and temperament seemed to be a real buyer!!!"

Seeing the two men full of crimes getting closer and closer, an agent nervously touched the weapon on his waist.

"Should the arrest be carried out immediately?"

"Wait... the other party is far from showing any flaws. We have to put a long line and catch a big fish."

Songping sneered and held him down.

He wanted more than one Higashino Kopei.


"Wow, my warrior warrior, are you okay, did this guy do anything strange to you...what, he put a strange thing into your exhaust pipe? It's so pitiful..."

"Asshole, don't have this kind of inexplicable conversation with the locomotive! The bricks on the construction site are too hot, have you burned your head?"

It was Sosuke Araki who had lost his precious work in the front hall and had to work odd jobs at construction sites recently.Seeing the "Warring States Samurai" who hadn't seen him for a few days, he completely ignored Kohei Higashino who was on the side, and went straight up to cry with the locomotive.

The black and white XJR4000 also made intermittent, faint engine sounds like weeping.

It's just that he hasn't been riding a bicycle for a few days, but he is as lost as if he has lost a part of his body.

"Don't worry, when you are not riding, you can use oil cloth to cover it for you..."

Higashino said with disdain, and handed the box in his hand to the other party: "This is the ruthless guy I told you before. I don't tell him most people..."

"Oh? Is it really that useful? I'll go back and try..."

Sosuke Araki took the box happily.

"How is the new job? Have you looked for it hard?"

Kohei Higashino looked at this stubborn guy worriedly.

"Of course there is, but as always, no one asked me for an interview... You don't know, the bricks on the construction site are so hot, and there are always strange uncles looking at people's bodies with subtle eyes, so I dare not move the bricks. Bend down casually..."

Araki Sosuke complained to him with a grimace about the difficulty of moving bricks.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it, Brother Zhang has already arranged the ‘goods’ for you. This time it should make you a good profit."

"Then don't hurry up..."


"Hand in... a deal! Did you take the picture just now?"

"It's all filmed! Are you going to be arrested now?"

In the car parked on the side of the road, several agents swallowed excitedly when they saw the "buyer" taking the suitcase.

After days of hard surveillance, we have obtained iron evidence one after another, and the bubble bath for the celebration of the conclusion of the case is right in front of our eyes!

"Wait...Wait, you can't be stunned at this time, wait for them to separate and then break them one by one..."

It seems that he has seen the word "supplement" removed from his title, and Songping is also a little agitated, and he becomes nervous when he speaks.

"No, the target transaction did not separate after the completion of the transaction, but was transferred together..."

In the sight of several agents, the two persons who "completed the transaction" got on the motorcycle and drove out of the parking lot.

"I smell the big case..."

"Could it be... the packages in the box just now are just samples, and now you are going to trade bulk goods?"

Hearing Songping's words, the detectives with sweat on their foreheads excitedly started the car and followed.

Following the two people on the locomotive, the group quickly entered Ikebukuro Chinatown.

After parking the car properly, Higashino Kohei and the suspicious "buyer" beside him carried their suitcases into an office building in a narrow alley in the pedestrian street.

At the entrance of the office building, there were several men in suits and blue dragon totem badges smoking cigarettes there.

Seeing Kohei Higashino approaching, they greeted him intimately.

"Wait...Isn't this the office of Nuoken in Ikebukuro?"

Matsudaira, who was wearing plain clothes and walking behind him, only reacted at this moment.

He actually followed all the way to the base camp of Nu Luo Fist?

"These guys are actually trading in their own lair in broad daylight?! I look down on people too much, and I must kill you all this time!"

Seeing that these violent groups were so arrogant, the agents behind him were quite outraged.

"You few of you scattered to the surrounding office buildings to monitor. We are here waiting for the support of the large forces. As long as we seize the evidence of their transaction, we will immediately storm into the scene to arrest!"

Faced with the "emergency", Matsudaira immediately made a decision.

If you can catch the big deal on the scene of Nuluo Fist on the spot, you can call yourself the "Police Department" when you are interviewed by the media when you appear on the scene.

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