I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 220 [Fan Wai] Hell Dog's Rest Day (Part 2)

As Sosuke Araki and Yukhei Higashino walked into the dilapidated office building, several men in suits and tattoos were already waiting in the large reception room with grim expressions.

"The two of you [BEEP...] brave enough to make me wait for ten more minutes, and didn't take the initiative to cut off your [BEEP...] Apologize!"

Surrounded by several men respectfully on the middle sofa is a man with a big back, short chin, and squinted eyes.

Seeing the two coming in, the man dressed up with the extreme spirit of the Dragon Kingdom in the 1990s frowned and showed murderous aura.

"Big Brother Zhang... all this kid is slow..."

Kohei Higashino did not hesitate to push out the culprit for the non-punctuality.

The man with squinted eyes known as "Big Brother Zhang" is the immediate boss of Kohei Higashino, the head of the Tokyo branch of the Nura Boxing, the black feather fan of the gang rank, and the person known as the "Double Gun Great Immortal", Zhang flood.

"Brother Fenfang, don't be kidding, you know that my driver's license has been revoked recently. How can I afford to eat without moving a few more bricks."

In the face of the high-level Nuraquan, Araki Sosuke was not afraid at all, but spoke fluent Longguo dialect, and started laughing and joking with the other party.

Because Zhang Hong likes to swear words and often spit out fragrance, in private, my brothers like to call him "Zhang Fenfang".

On weekdays, Kohei Higashino still has to maintain the image of Brother Zhang in front of his subordinates, but Sosuke Araki doesn't have so many worries.

After all, when Araki Sosuke and Higashino Yupei were apprentices in Anura Boxing, Brother Zhang was the first brother who led them to the beginning. The three of them drank "worship wine" and had a fateful friendship.

It can be said that Higashino's promotion so fast is not only because of his own strength, but also because of the rapid rise of Zhang's faction.

"Hey, you [BEEP...] boy, there was such a big battle a few days ago. [BEEP...] I won’t count the robbing of the site of the Quintessence Club, and the trio’s underground car race at Jinna Mountain will also stir you up. Now... Are you afraid that they will retaliate against you?"

Big Brother Zhang grimly reprimanded him in Longguo dialect with a "smell fragrant mouth".

"The matter of Mount Haruna will be settled at Mount Haruna. If it is a three-member group, it will be just as big and not afraid that others will see a joke...If it is just a car, they will only lose back how many times they come!"

Araki Sosuke raised his eyebrows, obviously not paying attention.

"Hahaha...Yes, it seems that the ivory tower of the university hasn't worn your courage away. I am expecting those guys to retaliate against you, so that you can only return to the anger fist and let me cover it. "

Brother Zhang's expression couldn't be stretched anymore, and he laughed out loud.

After the last time Higashino Yukihei and the Quintessence of China clashed, Nura fisted the Chisei Shrine into the sphere of influence.

After that, the Quintessence Club got into the police for some reason, and was disbanded on the spot. The rest of the site was naturally returned to Nu Luoquan, and the "tooth decay" was completely removed.

Obviously, Big Brother Zhang was very satisfied with Sosuke Araki's ability to deflate the three-member group one after another. Just now, he was just pretending to be serious out of bad taste.

"Humph, let's just wait a while to sit down and talk about the old days, what good stuff I want..."

Araki Sosuke's expression suddenly grimaced, and asked with a slightly frowned brow.

"You kid, it's a big tone, can I still lose your little goods...cash, have you brought it?"

When it comes to trading, Brother Zhang's expression also becomes serious.

A subordinate behind him immediately handed a suitcase respectfully.

"This is the hot cash that was just moved out on the construction site. It depends on the purity of your goods."

Araki Sosuke smiled crookedly, took out a thick kraft paper envelope from the inside of his clothes and showed it to the other party.


"Report, we are in place and confirmed that the buyer has entered the Nuraquan Ikebukuro office, and is currently meeting with several suspicious men in the reception room on the second floor..."

In the building opposite to the Nuluoquan office, several agents are holding binoculars, peeking at the situation in the opposite office.

"Wait, the one sitting is... Zhang Hong? He actually participated in the transaction personally. This is really a big deal! It seems that this time I caught a very big fish!"When one of the agents saw Big Brother Zhang sitting in the middle, he was so nervous that his hands were sweating.

Zhang Hong, who was the third top man in Nuluo Boxing, with his sharp skills and genius business acumen, he became the strongest figure in Nuluo Boxing that has risen the fastest in the past five years.

"Stay steady, we have blocked the surrounding escape route. The support team is on the way. Don't be impulsive... Take pictures of the other party's transaction first."

In the communication channel, the Songping Police Department received instructions to calmly report.

"The report confirms that the target is preparing for actual transactions in the opposite office building, and has witnessed suitcases and paper bags suspected of containing cash!"

"Received, the support will be in place in five minutes. This time we must teach these violent groups a severe lesson!"



Sosuke Araki opened the suitcase that Brother Zhang slid down the table top.

Inside the suitcase, there were neatly packed pieces of red solids packed in transparent sealed bags.

"Sniff...this batch of goods smells pretty pure."

Picking up a piece, Araki Sosuke smelt and sniffs through his pockets ably.

Then, he skillfully opened a bag, glued a little with his little finger, and greedily put it in his mouth to suck.

"This... how can this taste be so pure..."

In an instant, he showed an expression of intoxication.

"Huh, hum, hum... Surprised kid, this is a top-notch first-class product from Shancheng. The purity of'that thing' is as high as 60%, which is not comparable to the inferior goods you have eaten before... …"

As if he had expected his surprised expression a long time ago, Big Brother Zhang sneered smugly.

"It's worthy of being a product from the channel of Anura Boxing... However, whether it is a top-notch product in the first place, you have to actually try it before you know..."

Reflecting from the taste of the "sharp goods", Sosuke Araki tilted his head and said provocatively.

"Hey... Don't look down on people, kid, I've been waiting for a long time..."

Hearing his words, Big Brother Zhang stood up voluntarily, took off his suit and shirt, revealing his strong upper body with only a tie, and a black dragon tattoo on his back.

"It's useless to say more, set the table, try the product!"


Seeing his movements, everyone, including Sosuke Araki and Kohei Higashino, excitedly "exploded" their upper body clothes, and prepared something on the sidelines.

For a time, the whole room seemed to be "Extreme Tattoo Award" or "Uncovered Conference".


"Ask for support... The target has completed the transaction, and currently there is a confusing behavior of collectively taking off his shirt. It is suspected that he is preparing to start the'Celebrate the All-Roman Male Drug Party' after the transaction!"

"Stay steady, take photos for evidence first, we have already parked downstairs..."

five minutes later.


With a blast of noise and footsteps, the door of the reception room, which was originally unlocked, was kicked open.

What rushed in were a dozen special police officers wearing bulletproof vests and helmets, holding explosion-proof shields, holding drug detection dogs, and carrying live ammunition.

"Raise your hand, this is the third lesson of organized crime countermeasures. Now it is suspected that you are dealing with illegal drugs and illegal same-sex drugs, so immediately cooperate with the inspection."

In the reception room, they were pointing their guns at the men who were sitting around the round table lively, with their upper bodies exposed, with criminal faces and dull expressions.

The real power figures of Anura Boxing, Zhang Hongfa and Higashino Yupyeong, as well as the "buyer" with a criminal look, were all among them.

The room was filled with a strange pungent fragrance.

On the round table, there was a big pot that burned to a great extent, with deep red soup tumbling in it, and beef and various internal organs around it.

The chopsticks in the hands of several people are still frozen in the air, seeming to be celebrating the success of the transaction.

"Well... this time, I can finally ask you to come with us, Brother Zhang."

Seeing the surprised expressions of the targets, the Songping Police Department leading the team in front of them made up, revealing the expression of winning.

These violent groups are too happy too soon...

"Oh, I said, who is catching up with the smell of my hot pot, it turned out to be Officer Songping...what are you doing in a daze, the pot is boiled, hurry up and get the beef..."

Brother Zhang seems to be an old acquaintance with the Songping Police Department. After a moment of stunned, he picked up the beef on the plate and added it to the pot.


ten minutes later.

"Stop fooling people, I will believe that you all gathered here to eat hot pot after taking off your clothes?!"

Faced with the explanations of several people, Songping looked disdainful.

"Police officer, you are a layman, eating shirtlessly is the orthodox style of Longguoshancheng hot pot!"

Araki Sosuke nonchalantly stuffed a piece of meat into his mouth.

"What?! These are the butter hot pot ingredients?! You are not thinking about our police..."

On the conference table, the suitcases found from the office were neatly stacked, squared red solids vacuum-sealed with transparent plastic bags.

You can vaguely see the pepper, pepper and other spices inlaid in it.

Several police officers are holding one of the packets for random inspections.

"Hmph, if you think this is an ordinary hot pot base with butter, you would be very wrong!"

Big Brother Zhang picked up the freshly sliced ​​beef in the pot, dipped it in the sesame oil base, put it in his mouth and chewed it happily.

The hemp, spicy, fresh, fragrant, and thick hot pot base, paired with plump, grain-fed black beef, detonated directly on the tip of his tongue, making his already narrow eyes slightly narrowed, and he couldn't even find his eyes...

"Did you admit it...Could it be possible to extract..."

"...This is a hand-fried Longguo Shancheng hot pot base with selected Longguo premium red pepper, green pepper, bullet chili, supplemented with ginger, butter, watercress, bean mother, tempeh, etc. A top-notch product with an oil purity of up to 60%! The retail price is 5,000 yen per pack, and you can count the money for this pack if you get evidence... Damn it, fortunately, you took the opportunity to pick up my bowl..."

Araki Sosuke, who had just swallowed another bite of beef, explained with an air.

"Hey, eating meat from other people's bowls is the ultimate law of survival..."

In the face of the heavily armed special police, the few people on the side of Nu Luoquan had no plan to guard at all, but instead ate the hot pot without anyone else.

"It's very fragrant... well, so spicy..."

One of the police officers dipped a bit of the primer in his hand and sucked in his mouth, showing an expression of pain and enjoyment.

"Hey, if this base material is paired with beef bone broth that has been boiled for 8 hours, it will taste delicious no matter what you eat! It only costs 5,000 yen. Buy three and get one free. For you as a public official It's not expensive at all, do you want some..."

Araki Sosuke immediately leaned forward and gave a serious introduction.

This butter hot pot base is quite addictive after being eaten by many members of the Great Kendo Club, and it is well received.

He was desperately moving bricks on the construction site the last few days, precisely because Brother Zhang had a batch of Longguoshancheng hot pot ingredients here, he asked him to come to the distribution point to sell them, subsidize the bottomless wallet, and eat a hot pot to reminisce about the past.

"Buy three get one free..."

"The concealment is really good. Don't pretend that these things can be used to hide the professionals. Even if these are really hot pot ingredients, you must have discovered us while trading in the parking lot, so you came to seek cover... The suitcase in the parking lot was handed over. The real goods must be there."Seeing that the police officer seemed to be ready to pay for the raw materials, Songping Police Department sneered forward and held him down.

Specially mobilized a large number of police forces to surround the Nuro Quan Ikebukuro branch in three floors and three floors. If you only come to see others eating hot pot, then you have to write a report back.

"Do you say this?"

Sosuke Araki took out a suitcase from his feet and handed it to him indifferently.

"Yes, it's this box..."

The police officer on the side immediately took the "transaction photos" captured at the scene to confirm the characteristics of the box.

Opening the suitcase, there were two large bags of white unknown powder that they had witnessed in the morning and Kohei Higashino took out on the balcony.

"Hey, this guy got the money and got it! See how you deny... this weight, you don't even think about it in this life."

Seeing these two packets of white powder, the Songping Police Department finally breathed a sigh of relief. If he had obtained the treasure, he put on his gloves, and carefully took out a small spot and checked it carefully.

This smell...a bit pungent...

The Songping Police Department sniffed it carefully, and did not smell any peculiar smell, then stuck a little with his fingers and put it in his mouth...

"Puff...what the hell is this thing..."

The sour and alkaline taste directly made Songping breathless.

"Oh, that... it's sodium percarbonate... I made it myself."

Kohei Higashino, who was cutting beef for everyone on the side, spoke up.

"Too carbon... hot and sour? I made it myself? Is this the abbreviation for the latest high-tech illegal drug?"

Seeing Kohei Higashino, who was holding a kitchen knife, with dark eyes and slightly raised corners of his mouth, Matsudaira made up for the desperate picture of the other party in the kitchen of a small apartment, madly mixing various illegal drugs by himself...

"Well, it is formulated with a certain ratio of sodium carbonate and hydrogen peroxide, which is commonly known as...oxide bleach..."

Kohei Higashino quickly sliced ​​the beef and inserted the kitchen knife straight into the chopping board. The scared policeman raised his gun again.

Taking the towel on the side and wiping his hands like a butcher, he went on to introduce: "With this cheap and easy-to-use merchandise, whether it is blood stains, oil stains, ink or juice, any stains in the crevices of the ditch can be used. It’s clean...It was the guy who said that there was a very important piece of clothing that was stained with a lot of blood stains that could not be dealt with, so I reluctantly shared it."

"So that's it, is it such a great thing...Where can I get it...I also have a few shirts recently..."

Another police officer on the side asked curiously.

"Hey, of course, the hardware store..."

"Fuck... asshole, why do you ask Ji Dao for housework experience and buy hot pot ingredients!! Check it out for me, I don't believe there is no evidence of crime here!!!"

Songping directly pinched the subordinate's neck and ran away.

"The report, all have been checked, and nothing suspicious was found!"

Ten minutes later, several police officers who collected evidence reported to Songpinghui.

"Haha... I'm sorry Songping-kun, but let you run for nothing. Today is not enough beef, so I won't keep you down to eat."

Brother Zhang drank the cold beer in his hand and greeted him sourly.

"Indulging in these boring things every day, it's hard...no wonder your extreme ways are declining day by day! So we have no sense of accomplishment..."

With a frustrated expression, Matsudaira returned to the report with a headache, and left the team at the same time.

"Huh, these guys, they want to trouble us every few hours..."

Before Big Brother Zhang had finished speaking, a man walked in from the door with a mobile phone and bowed respectfully and reported: "Brother, the batch of'tip cargo' from the Middle East has been delivered at the dock... "

"Whether it's a missed collision and a good time coordination... I've already asked someone to figure it out. The fate of these two boys must be mine."

Brother Zhang nodded when he heard the words, smiled and glanced at Sosuke Araki and Yukhei Higashino who were ignorant and were fighting for beef.

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