I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 221 Accompany... Accompany you in the water?

Akihabara Electric Town, "Watch Out! Haunted House Appraisal" store.

"excuse me."

As the light in the store dimmed, a tall, blond man with fierce eyes pushed open the door, bowed his head and walked into the small store.

"Oh, Araki-kun, you are finally here..."

Hou Hailu Dou, who was sitting behind the computer, first held the mouse nervously. After seeing the person coming under the backlight, he enthusiastically got up and welcomed him onto the sofa.

"Well, it's not Hou Haijun. You said that there is an important thing... Oh, it's a different taste."

Sosuke Araki took the iced sugar-free Coke from the other party in a low mood, and put it aside.

"Because something happened recently that made me realize the value of life, so I decided to control my calorie intake a little bit..."

Hou Hailu Dou's face twitched slightly, as if recalling something bad.

"Oh ha ha, messenger of the will of the universe, you finally showed up... Don't talk nonsense, try to cut him dry, hacker Lu Dou."

On the desk behind, there was a woman's mad chuckle and unclear words.

You don't need to look, Araki Sosuke also knows that it is President Hanyu who has a very sexy figure, but a mouth full of middle and second breath.

"Hackers or something, isn't it that you can't break your identity face-to-face..."

While thinking so much, Hou Hailu Dou took out his mobile phone, flipped a certain order from the Qianguan APP, and slammed it in front of Sousuke Araki.

"Araki-kun, please take a look. Did you send this night order a few days ago?"


Araki Sosuke took the phone, and after seeing the address of the order, he immediately exclaimed: "Yes...that order...I remember being deducted for overtime..."

As if reacting to something, he immediately looked at Hou Hailu Dou with ambiguous eyes.

It turns out that this guy has that kind of hobby.

"Sure enough, you ordered this order by Hou Haijun. I said that the guest's last name is a bit familiar... I didn't see that you are still a veteran of hard tricks in the car..."

I specially drove to a place that is not easy to be found by the police, and ordered takeaway in advance to replenish my strength. I am quite skilled...

"A hard move in the car? No, I was obviously by that female ghost..."

"Female ghost? Is it the jargon of hard tricks, but it's very appropriate."

Seeing Sosuke Araki's admiring eyes that "men all understand", Hou Hailu Dou immediately knew that the other party wanted to be crooked.

"Roar? So, did you see this guy doing an intimate transaction with a woman in the car that goes beyond friendship?"

Mai Hanyu, wearing a white coat, walked beside them at some unknown time.

It seemed that something interesting had been heard, and she pressed Hou Hailudou's shoulder to stop him from speaking.

"This... it was too dark at the time. I just delivered the takeaway. I didn't see how many people were in the car, what postures, or what frequency..."

Sosuke Araki immediately spoke loyally to "cover" for Houhailudou.

"It's okay Araki-kun, just tell the truth what you see..."

The thick sea and land fighting with a look of lovelessness said weakly.

Araki Sosuke gave him a "Are you sure" wink, but he didn't get a response from the other party.

Seeing Mai Hanyu's scorching gaze locked on herself tightly, as if she was about to penetrate herself, a pressure from nowhere overwhelmed Sousuke Araki.

Even if the hard move in the car, I specifically asked myself to come over and describe the process from a third party's point of view, which one is singing in the end.

What kind of shameful self-destruction is this?

"...The other party first ****, and then use the'nine shallows and one deep' to test... Hou Haijun didn't panic at all, and sacrificed the combination of'Double Dragons Going to Sea + One Pillar's Sky' combo... In the end, he was regrettably defeated. Under the opponent's "happy suffocation" finishing technique..."

After all, he described what he saw that night to the two of them in detail.

Of course, the mental journey of the few minutes of "learning" lying under the front of the car is naturally not shown.

"Interesting, interesting... It seems that this guy really doesn't know anything... But, why does the hidden energy field life form stop acting and then dissipate after he opens the door? What kind of foreigners are involved in this? What about the factor... It's a pity that the existence of hidden energy field life forms is unique..."

After listening to his description, Mai Hanyu seemed to be in a state of fanaticism, with a smile on her mouth and a sickly flushing face, she sat in the corner talking to herself.

"So, asking me to come here today is just to confirm that matter..."

Araki Sosuke asked with a deep expression.

Lost the job at the front hall, who had a fairly good income, lost the warrior of the Warring States Period, and entered the job hunting state again. He was living on the construction site by moving bricks and selling hot pot ingredients, and he was naturally not depressed.

"...Everything is accidental, but this accident is also the cosmic will that has long since become a definite number. You must be a reminder sent to me by Youyu Zhou will!"

Mai Hanyu stood up suddenly, with one hand akimbo and the other pointing at Sosuke Araki.

He shivered with fright.

"Follow the arrangement of the universe consciousness, transfer to the'Sleepman' position, and be my researcher...assistant, let me take you to the end of matter together!"

"Huh?!... Well, although I don't know what you are talking about, I refuse."

Facing the other party's second speech, Arakizong interface gave the answer instantly without expression.

I am currently unemployed, and I am not qualified to be picky about my workbook.

But the feeling that this pair of off-line sisters and brothers gave to themselves is really unreliable, maybe they can't do it for two days before letting him leave.

"Sure enough, I refused without hesitation."

Hou Hailu Dou covered his face, meditating on the side.

"Hehehe...Since you refuse, there is no way..."

Mai Hanyu put her arms around her chest, held up the huge evil pair, and said with a chuckle: "Lu Dou, re-post the recruitment information for'Full-time Sleeper' on the Internet, with a monthly salary of 500,000 yen..."

"Oh, okay……"

Hou Hailu Dou quickly tapped his hands on the keyboard.


Hearing the word "500,000 yen", Sosuke Araki stiffly took a sip of sugar-free Coke.

He used to deliver night shifts for takeaways, and even risked the use of decks, which cost more than 400,000 yen a month.

Did I refuse too quickly.

"...By the way, it should be noted that as long as we can accompany me in that dark, silent, and unmanned haunted house~I~ a strong and skilled man who sleeps..."

Mai Hanyu's lips opened lightly, and said unhurriedly.

"Puff...cough cough cough...strong...skilled...accompany...accompany you with water?"

Araki Sosuke instantly squirted out the sugar-free cola from his mouth, confirmed his nostrils with enlarged nostrils, flushed face, and slightly sweaty forehead.

"Oh? Didn't Lu Dou tell you that, because of the research project, I will basically go there when I try to sleep in the "psychologically flawed houses" commissioned..."

Mai Hanyu sat on the revolving chair, raised her long legs in black stockings, and habitually hugged her hands under her chest, holding up the more and more great existence.

I don't know why, every time she does this action, Araki Sosuke's ear will always think of "boom~boom" empty ears.

"So the basic job of the Sleeper is to accompany me to sleep... and I still have the habit of sleeping naked..."

"The new trainee'full-time sleeper' Araki Sosuke is not talented. Only a strong body and the ultimate secret of'vacuum suction' can be considered good, so please give me your advice in the future."

Before she could finish her words, Araki Sosuke had already bowed his head on the sofa in a "seat under the soil" posture with a serious face.

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