I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 223 Induction Training After Class

When Sosuke Araki was still obsessed with the strong learning atmosphere, Mai Hanyu had turned on a simple large-head display next to it and played a video.

"In the 1980s, DR. Laszlo, the founder of the European Institute of Evolution and the professor of futurology at the University of Houston, for the first time introduced cosmology, physics, biology, psychology, sociology, history, systems science, philosophy and other fields Experts gathered together to combine advanced theories after the 20th century, such as social evolution, molecular genetics, catastrophe theory, population genetics, big bang theory, dissipative structure theory, synergy, hypercycle theory, chaos theory, fractal and fractal mathematics, etc. , Launched a challenge to'theology', known as'Operation Tianmen' in history."

"...'Operation Tianmen' discovered a large number of breaks, mysteries and conceptual black holes in the'Darwinian Theory of Evolution', thus laying the foundation for the'Integration of Science and Theology'."

After finishing the explanation, Mai Hanyu pressed the remote control and played another piece of material.

Her serious expression, calm attitude and tone reminded Sosuke Araki of those visiting professors who came to Shibujing University to give public classes.

"In the autumn of 1996, the psychiatrist Hu Lian Malthus invented the'soul weight measuring device' and successively measured 100 dying people. The results of the measurement showed that there is no fat or thin gender, people die. In the first and second moments, the weight lost 35 grams... This 35 grams is considered the soul, strictly speaking, the weight of the'soul element particle'! So far, the most important piece of the puzzle of the theory of the integration of science and theology has appeared..."

Listening to the long list of titles of those scholars, watching the inscrutable and unclear video materials in front of them, Sosuke Araki only felt that the door of the new world was opening to him, and his eyelids were starting to close uncontrollably...



"Sleep, it's not time for you to fall asleep yet."

Mai Hanyu held the pointer and whip lightly on him, causing him to have a strange excitement.

"So, the meaning of this large amount of video materials, that is, theology, soul, etc., is a kind of scientific existence...So, soul crossing is also possible?"

After rationalizing his thoughts, Araki Sosuke asked with a somewhat complicated expression.

Although he has always believed in his "traveling", there is a scientific explanation.

But this is the first time someone has explained these supernatural concepts to him from a scientific point of view.

"I can't answer your question... Since Malthus's test process is not rigorous enough, the 35 grams weight is generally considered to be the gas and water lost after death. So far, no soul element has been officially captured. The solid proof that particles exist and are analyzed..."

Mai Hanyu shook her head, denying his expectation.

"Please don't deny yourself so easily!!"

The door of the new world collapsed.

"Scientific research is a process of constant self-denial. Without obtaining empirical facts and materially tested theories, it is only worthy of being called a hypothesis. However, there are countless examples of soul crossing in this world! "

With that said, Mai Hanyu accurately drew a book from the shelf and photographed it in front of Sosuke Araki.

"Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia School of Medicine specializes in this type of event. This is the result of their research."

The title of the book is "LifebeforeLife".

Araki Sosuke opened this thick book and checked it.

"Reborn?"People who reincarnate with souls and memories from previous lives are also called "reborn people."

Since there is no direct appearance of grievances in such incidents, the families and residences of those who regenerate and their previous lives are there, and researchers can go to investigate at any time, so it is quite suitable as a scientific research topic.

The University of Virginia School of Medicine used the "epidemiology" method to study more than 2500 cases of reproductive humans.

A 3-year-old boy in the Golan Heights told his parents that he had been killed in a previous life, and at the same time identified the murderer and the location of the burial.

After being hypnotized, Virginia of Colorado described the life details of her previous life, Bridet Murphy, in a strong Irish accent.

Leininger, Louisiana, from the age of 2, claimed to have been a pilot named James Heston, and identified the exact location of his plane crashed on Iwo Jima during World War II, and the names of his former friends. , Relatives and other life details.

There are countless such cases.

In a certain ethnic minority village in Longguo, there are even hundreds of reborn people living together...


Looking at the large number of "rebirth" cases in front of him, Sosuke Araki fell into confusion again.

This book simply uses statistical methods to record and count the investigated cases of "rebirths", and it does not and cannot further study the causes of "rebirths".

The "rebirth" recorded in the book and the details of the past life in the memory are all confirmed one by one.

But... I am different from them.

Although the overall structure of the world is similar, the "past life details" in my memory are quite different from this world.

"You seem to be very interested in regenerating people. Are there similar cases around you? However, these puzzles scattered on the desktop did not achieve a critical breakthrough until the discovery of the holographic hidden energy field!"

Mai Hanyu gently supported the glasses on the bridge of her nose, put her hands under her chest, and looked at Sosuke Araki with a certain nature...

It seems that this habitual movement can make her shoulders less sore.

"The holographic hidden energy field is a vacuum zero-point field at the sub-quantum level. It is like a vast ocean everywhere. The material world we are in is nothing but ripples and islands on the floating sea. Therefore, theoretically, the holographic hidden energy field Does not exist in our world."

"Question...Why would you know if it doesn't exist in the material world?"

"Obviously you speak Japanese, I don't understand why I don't understand it." Sosuke Araki asked like an elementary school student.

"Although it is extremely difficult to observe and confirm the holographic hidden energy field... But sea water is occasionally washed up on land by waves..."

Mai Hanyu pressed the remote control, and the screen began to play many strange videos, strange photos and urban legends circulating on the Internet...

"All over the world, there have been more and more frequent occurrences of supernatural events in recent decades, and the trend has been linearly rising, which is the proof of the'increasing sea level' and the holographic hidden energy field entering the material plane... more than ten years ago, The experimental data accidentally obtained by the European Large Hadron Collider initially confirmed the existence of the hidden energy field, which further supports the theory of the integration of science and theology..."

"So, what does this hidden energy field have to do with the theory of the integration of science and theology?"

"The sea water surging on the land, when it hits the sand on the beach, it will merge into new things... When the souls of various things merge with the holographic hidden energy field, a brand new life form will appear, which I call'hidden energy Field life hypothesis'. Based on this hypothesis, the legendary gods, wraiths, demons and ghosts and other supernatural life entities are just different life forms transformed by the hidden energy field."

Said this, Mai Hanyu raised her hands in front of Sosuke Araki with a fanatical expression, and slowly closed: "This hypothesis perfectly fits the traditional Japanese theory of ‘all things are animism’! Science and theology are at the same time by different paths at this moment."

"With so many religious theories, you are just picking a coincidence!"

"Coincidence? Do you know that there is a religion that believes in atheism as much as you do?"

Faced with a sneer from a female postdoc, Sousuke Araki, a fifth-rate university graduate, only shook his head.

"... That is, Buddhism! Buddhism believes that all living beings are Buddhas, and everything in the universe arises from the reconciliation of predestined conditions. The predestined conditions dissipate and die. People's destiny is driven by their own karma and does not depend on external gods. Even the Buddha was only a fully enlightened enlightened person, not an almighty god."

"Huh?! So the Buddhas whom the monks believe in are not considered gods in their hearts..."

This is the first time Araki Sosuke has heard of this statement.

I have to admit that whether it is science or theology, the woman's accomplishments are just like the gap in her chest, unfathomable.

"... Therefore, the law of karma mentioned by the Buddhists is also completely consistent with the theory of the'holographic hidden energy field'."

Araki Sosuke's thoughts were disturbed by a pair of existences she was constantly shaking and approaching.

"Even so, after talking for a long time, the above academic hypotheses are still at the theoretical level."

He could understand that Mai Hanyu, the seemingly reasonable "hidden energy field life form" and "theory of science and theology", remained at the level of hypothesis, lacking the most critical link.

Supported by evidence.

Unless the other party brings a "hidden energy field life body" to the world, this "theory of science and theology" is no different from the overwhelming pseudo-scientific hypotheses on the Internet.

Otherwise, the other party will not waste saliva with himself in this small apartment, but will stand on the Nobel Prize award platform to express their opinions.

"All the world's supremacy is just a formula, there must be a solution. And my formula, just wait for the last equal sign..."

With that said, Mai Hanyu took out a black, thick and long...SLR lens.

"I feel honored, Sleeper, because you have signed a non-disclosure agreement, making you the fourth person to see this future-changing prop, "Eye of Reality"!"

"Eye of Reality? It looks like a worn-out SLR lens."

"Ignorance! The Eye of Reality, but after comprehensively analyzing the shooting conditions of tens of thousands of supernatural photos around the world, it was made with special materials and magnetic fields, and it was able to capture the cross-age invention of the'hidden energy field life form'... Because of this invention, the talents of'Black Claw' will do everything possible to infiltrate the Institute of Truth."

Mai Hanyu lowered her voice vigilantly in the middle of speaking, and walked to the side and drew the curtains.

"...I will show you the precious research results."

Several Polaroid photos were placed in front of Sosuke Araki.

The first photo was taken of a long and dark apartment corridor.

In the corner at the end of the corridor, a black shadow resembling a little girl could be vaguely seen.

In the second photo, there is a shabby round low table placed on Japanese tatami mats.

From the shooting angle, you can see a fuzzy black shadow curled up under the low table.In the third picture, in a rather narrow bathroom, a cloud of dark shadows is lingering on the shower head on the wall.

In the fourth photo, a pretty girl wearing a mask, red coat and white dress is walking by the subway station at night; her body outside her clothes is made up of the vague black shadow.

"This is……"

Looking at those photos, Sosuke Araki's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Hmph, feel the collapse of the worldview! The vague dark shadows in'Truth' No. 1-4 are the photos of the hidden energy field lifeforms I captured in the murder house somewhere through the real eye prototype machine! Although! After going there several times, no matter how I took it, I couldn’t capture it again. After all, this is a prototype that is still being debugged..."

Mai Hanyu took back the few precious photos and was full of pride.

"How you look at it, it's just a picture that was blurred after the lens was broken by you... The supernatural photos on the Internet are much clearer and scarier than yours... And how do you see the corridor, the low table and the shower head more and more? Familiar? And how can this woman look familiar..."

Araki Sosuke kept flipping the photos in front of him, seeming to confirm something.

"Huh,'Truth No. 4'was taken by the dead house of Houhai to publish some'measurement speculation' on the Internet. You should have seen it on the Internet... As for the common things like corridors, low tables and shower heads, they are not everywhere. Almost?"

"This... was taken in the room I lived in! I have all taken photos like this, and dare you to charge me an agency fee to rent the apartment to me?!"

After repeated comparisons, Araki Sosuke finally reacted.

He used the low table covered with talisman paper at the bottom every day. After replacing the broken shower head, he squeezed it once, how could he not recognize it.

"Tsk, have you been found out... Don’t worry, your apartment was well cleaned with rune paper... Although at that time, because Shi Ben was not in Tokyo, I went to Asakusa Shrine to buy some rune paper...Anyway, you Don’t you live in peace now?"

Mai Hanyu turned her face and said with some guilty conscience.

"In short, it took my precious time to train you. Now you should be clear about your mission, Sleeper."

"Isn't I the best paradox of your hypotheses till now... So, after talking for a long time, what is the content of my work?"

Sosuke Araki, who has been instilled with a lot of "pseudo-scientific hypotheses," is still at a loss for this job.

"As a researcher...assistant and sleeper, of course your mission is...to sleep with me..."

Mai Hanyu leaned down and stared at him, and a pair of swaying evil beings exerted an irresistible and powerful aura on Araki Sosuke.

Let him be like a rabbit stared at by a cheetah, except for swallowing saliva, he can't move.

"...The murder house. Of course, I will also help me observe the hidden energy field lifeforms in various spiritual places. When my experiment is successful and the day I win the Nobel Prize, I will mention it in my acceptance speech. Your name! Any questions?"

"That's really an honor... There is only one problem... Now... Is it time to withdraw now..."

Araki Sosuke leaned back nervously.

Damn it, "pseudo-science" is even more terrifying than religious pyramid schemes, and he was almost deceived by the evil in front of him and broke his defenses.

"Hmph, you already know so many secrets, do you still want to leave alive? Sorry, I learned the lesson of the previous sleeper who ran away. The breach of contract in the agreement you signed four hours ago has already begun. Effective, the liquidated damages are a figure that you will never be able to repay."

Mai Hanyu smiled with a successful conspiracy.

"Furthermore, I finally got an appointment for a ‘sleep trial qualification’ in a haunted house with a long history. How can I give up halfway through."

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