The next afternoon, somewhere in Taitung District.

Mai Hanyu in a white coat pushed open the rusty black iron door and walked into the courtyard of an old single-family villa.

This is the "one-household" structure that became popular in Japan in the 1960s, and it was once considered the most ideal model for private houses.

Behind the iron gate is a wide courtyard, and then the front door of the house, and on the outside is the street parking garage connected to the house.

The courtyard is a two-story small building with steel and wood structure, with an area of ​​about 300 square meters, glowing with a warm luster in the setting sun.

Unfortunately, the overall structure of this well-designed house is decaying and decayed because it is unmaintained.

Not only the walls are covered with moss, the weeds in the yard are also quite luxuriant, and there are also a considerable number of black garbage bags piled up.

"It's a shame that no one lives in such a good house..."

Following Mai Hanyu is the "sleeper" and research assistant Sosuke Araki, dragging two large suitcases.

At this moment, he was sighing that when someone couldn't even rent a house, there was such a good house vacant in the city center.

This inexplicable and somewhat familiar villa is only a ten-minute walk away from the Kuramae apartment where he lives. If calculated according to the normal house prices in Tokyo, it would cost at least 200 million yen to start.

Seeing the black garbage bags stacked outside the courtyard, Araki Sosuke slipped a drop of cold sweat on his forehead for some reason.

"The house is a good house, but it's a pity that the property rights have been returned to the bank, and now I can't even sell it at a discount..."

Hearing what he said, Mai Hanyu smiled coldly.

The intermediary client this time is a large bank.

Such a house that has become a "mentally flawed item", the ultimate receiver will be a bank.

Because the heads of households who have passed away to another world one after another will not continue to repay their mortgages.

"A discount..."

Araki Sosuke put down his suitcase and took out the house information in his hand heartily to check it out.

After breaking your fingers, you can't afford the down payment if you don't pay, is there a bank that is willing to take a loan...

He found that he couldn't afford it for free.

For a house of this size, the annual fixed asset tax and urban planning tax alone are a large amount of expenditure.

When the Inland Revenue Department approves the cost of a house, it does not take into account the factor of a murderous house.

It is for this reason that the vacancy rate of houses in Japan is close to more than 20%, and there are a large number of vacant houses in rural and remote areas that refuse to inherit and are given away for nothing.

"I was born in the world empty-handed..."

At this moment, Sosuke Araki's phone rang.

"...Oh, Takumi, what did you say about the game cassette? Sorry, I'm sorry, but too many things have happened recently, and I just changed jobs. I will definitely bring it back to you another day...I will go out with you to do something tonight? No? I’m sorry, I’m on the first day of the day today, and it’s a night shift, so I can’t ask for leave."

Rejecting some kind of "Night Tour PLAY" invitation from Fujiwara Takumi on the phone, and letting the other party hang up with sobbing, when Araki Sosuke turned around, Mai Hanyu was no longer visible.

"...What are you doing in a daze, it's starting."

When he followed the voice and walked into the door, Mai Hanyu had put on a mask, opened the door of the house in the courtyard, and entered the hallway.

The living room of the villa is very large and the design is very clever.

The living room is directly emptied to the height of two floors, and there is a rather elegant escalator that leads directly to the second floor, forming a fairly wide connecting space between the first and second floors.

Decayed furniture, damaged electrical appliances, and some debris are randomly stacked in the living room.

All things seem to have been sprinkled by time with a layer of luminous ashes, freezing the happy memories of the former residents.

Putting on a mask and goggles, and opening doors and windows for ventilation, Sosuke Araki started his work as a "sleeper".

Such a large "psychologically flawed house" has been in disrepair for many years. He needs to compare the appraisal list and standards of "Beware! Haunted House Appraisal" to the use of house structure, walls and floors, doors, windows, furniture, circuits, pipelines, and even furniture. The condition and condition are checked one by one to ensure that no damage caused by improper use will bury a huge safety hazard for the house, and it is also for the owner to refer to the renovation costs that may be required after purchase.

"The wooden floor... is a new level... according to this standard... 10%?! Wouldn't it trap me from somewhere..."

While Sosuke Araki gradually checked the scene with the fool-like list and standards in hand, Mai Hanyu took out her tablet and checked her "research materials."

"In 1952, the police found the body of the owner Sha Tian Yang and an unknown woman in this house. According to investigations, the woman suffered long-term imprisonment and assault. Sha Tian Yang's death was killed by the woman with a kitchen knife. , And the woman died of hemorrhage caused by dystocia, but no trace of the fetus was found at the scene or around."

Reading the information on the computer, Mai Hanyu indifferently walked to Ms. Araki who was looking up in the living room to check the ceiling, and took pictures with the camera hung on her chest.

"It's really miserable... Um?"

Araki Sosuke turned his head and found that the two were sticking together at a very close distance.

The breath of a lightly mature woman in the other party constantly impacted his fragile heart.

Mai Hanyu stared at him indifferently, and calmly said creepy words: "The corpse was found where you and I stand now..."

Next, Mai Hanyu took out the tripod and the camera installed with the "True Eye Prototype No. 1", placed it in a corner of the room, and aimed at the "scene scene" that was located just now.

According to her bizarre hypothesis, the longer the time of death and the stronger the obsession, the greater the probability that "soul element particles" will be born and merged with the "holographic hidden energy field" after death.

While Sosuke Araki was concentrating on investigating potential safety hazards and identifying the condition of the house, Mai Hanyu constantly installed the "Eye of Reality Prototype No. 2, 3, 4, and 5" according to the location of the case, but the murmured lines He started to chill his back.

"In 1960, the family of three Odajima moved into this mansion soon. Father Kokichi Odajima and sister Odajima Kazuha disappeared inside the house. No body has been found. His younger brother Yasuo Odajima was subsequently taken away by the child welfare agency."

"In 1988, after Shen Zheze, the'psychic' visited this mansion, he died at home in horror the next day, and his entire mouth expanded into an'O' shape to the limit."

"In 1997, on the day Zhujiao and his wife moved in, they claimed to have seen a female ghost holding a baby. Husband Zhujiaoyong disappeared immediately, and his whereabouts are unknown and no body has been found. Wife Zhujiao Yongzi was sent to a mental hospital."

"In 2001, the housewife Kayeqin was imprisoned and tortured by her husband Takeo Saeki in the house, and the body was placed in the attic. His son Toshio Saeki was missing. The murderer Takeo Saeki killed her son's teacher Kobayashi's family for unknown reasons. The cause died tragically..."

Even though he is an atheist, but knowing that so many tragedies have happened in the house where he is located for decades, Sosuke Araki still shudder.

Sure enough, the scariest thing in this world is not a resentful spirit at all, but a human heart...

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