I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 225 I Didn't Go To The Wrong Set

"Damn it, so many people who can't find dead bodies, are missing, and die outside of the house... really distressed."

Mai Hanyu seems to be accustomed to such haunted houses, but because she couldn't find the "scene of the crime" and accurately place the "Eye of Reality", she frowned with beautiful eyebrows.

"Hey, this room can be regarded as a super murder scene in the first place. Don't be afraid of harm, don't you think it is dirty at all?"

Sosuke Araki asked curiously.

From yesterday's magazine, he knew that Mai Hanyu was only 25 years old.

For the haunted house to be familiar to such a degree, how much sleep has to be done...

Even if you are a "scientist", this reaction is too non-human, right? There is no such thing as mental hygiene.

"Afraid? Dirty?"

Hearing Araki Sosuke’s words, Mai Hanyu smiled evilly without turning his head: "Humans are no different from ordinary carbon-based creatures. After death, they just decompose into CO2, H2O, NH3 and certain inorganic substances, re-entering the will of the universe. That’s it for the food cycle..."

Mai Hanyu bent down and installed a real eye on the ground, indifferently showing the soft legs and hips wrapped in black silk.

"Where is this... What I just read was just to confirm the case in this house. As for the story of this mansion, after those things just now, it has just begun."

Then, she directly handed the tablet computer in her hand to Sosuke Araki.

Since that incident in 2001, the Murakami family and their 7 relatives and friends, 2 Kitada couples, 5 Suzuki’s family from the housing agency, 7 police officers and their family members who were investigating the incident, and the Tokunaga family who rented a house 5 years later 4 people, 4 film crews who came to film the haunted house show... There are already more than 50 related deaths with records of visits alone.

In a sense, as long as the people who have been to this room died after leaving, more than half of them said they had seen a woman with a gray body or a naked child before they died.

"It is rumored that because of too many murders in this room, everyone who enters will be contaminated with an indelible curse, and will be chased and killed endlessly by the resentful spirit..."

"Never mind those who die in this house, and related external cases are counted on this house... No wonder, they can't be sold at a discount."

Seeing these materials, Araki Sosuke didn't care too much, but secretly felt distressed for that bank.

After entering the job yesterday, he had nothing to browse the "Beware! Haunted House Appraisal" website, only to realize that Japan is basically "hit houses everywhere."

In Japan, more than 20,000 people commit suicide each year, and more than 80% of them die at home and hotels.

This does not count as deaths caused by various homicides and accidents.

In other words, every year tens of thousands of houses become haunted houses or even more haunted houses.

The website marked on Google Maps, the torch symbolizing the haunted house, has almost "burned out" all of Japan.

And the house in front of me, based on the logical fallacy of survivors' deviations, after several murders occurred in a row for decades, as long as there is a trace of turmoil and an incident that can be connected, it will be rumored and spread more and more fierce.

"Roar, actually resisted my mental coercion? This sleeper doesn't seem to be so useless."

Seeing that Sosuke Araki understood the situation, she didn't have any fear of this murderous house, and Mai Hanyu rarely smiled approvingly.

The last "sleeper" was so frightened that he didn't dare to come over after reading the housing information in the office.

As Araki Sosuke conscientiously checked the list, black air continued to gush out from all over the house. After gathering on the ceiling, the tired birds returned to the forest and gushed toward his body.

From time to time, gray-white arms slowly stretched out from the cracks in the floor and behind the cabinets, and when they touched him, they turned into white light spots and scattered.

By the time "Large Range Hood" Sosuke Araki patrolled the entire room and struggled to fill up a large number of forms in his hand with crooked fonts, the sky was almost completely dark.

This house has undergone many reconstructions and has been abandoned for more than ten years. The main structure is still intact, but the interior decoration is almost useless. Basically, it has to be renovated if it takes over.

After finishing the arrangement of "Eye of Reality," Mai Hanyu, an hour ago arrogantly made him clear a space in the middle of the living room, and covered it with soft floor mats, large tent floor mats and two sleeping bags.


Seeing the other party take off his white coat and wearing a nearly transparent white shirt, leisurely enjoying the last sunset, lying on a mat and using a laptop to record something, Araki Sosuke just came downstairs and swallowed hard.

Whether it’s the several cameras facing this side in the corner, the superb figure on the mat, the cocked-footed Mai Hanyu, and the faint purple color in the other party’s skirt... all let him walk down the stairs, there is a kind of action film shooting scene male protagonist. The illusion of admission.

"The action is too slow, the sleeper, these things are left to you to deal with, don't waste my precious research time."

Ignoring Sosuke Araki's expression, Mai Hanyu skillfully opened the suitcase, revealing the emergency light, flashlight, power bank, mineral water and a pile of food from the convenience store, and ordered his servants to let him take care of it.

Obviously he was in the villa, but he came up with a camping posture.

No way, this house has been unoccupied for too long, and the water and electricity are naturally broken. The toilet has to be filled with mineral water.

Araki Sosuke swiftly lit the emergency light in the corner, and then used the light to look at the pile of food in front of him.

"This... is too rich."

Rich variety of this pile of convenient food is not the point...

The point is that these are all disaster-proof foods with a taste period of more than 25 years! ! !

In other words, they are the kind of food [Taste Ender] Sosuke Araki has no chance to swallow, and is hard to reach in this life.

SeiEnterprise’s vegetable soup, creamy chicken stew, shrimp porridge, biscuits, bread, cold water instant noodles, Yoshinoya’s various canned rice bowls...

With this pile of things and several large buckets of mineral water brought from the car by Sosuke Araki, you can eat and drink even if you are trapped in the house by the earthquake.

The price is naturally not cheap. Just the jar of creamy chicken soup costs 1,000 yen per person.

Sosuke Araki didn't pick it, and quickly laid out the food on the side table.

The taste of these expensive disaster prevention foods is of course indescribable. Sosuke Araki ate two mouthfuls of instant noodles soaked in cold water and immediately missed the fresh and expired food in convenience stores.

It's a pity that a clever woman can't cook without rice, and the ruthless king of convenience store food can only be broken in a haunted house without water and electricity.

Mai Hanyu seemed to be not picky about food. She just picked up the 25-year-old bread and dipped it in the creamy chicken soup and ate it in small bites, focusing entirely on the information in the computer.

"Calm down, Sosuke Araki, you didn't go to the wrong set."

I scanned the beautiful face of Mai Hanyu and the turbulent evil oppressing the table. Sosuke Araki only felt the silence of the air, but for some reason it brought a rich and beautiful atmosphere, which made him feel difficult to breathe. Uncontrollably appeared some scenes of putting the question.

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