"Um... Sister Hanyu, you have lived in the murder house so many times, what interesting things have you encountered..."

He couldn't stand the atmosphere that raised blood pressure, so he took the initiative to break the embarrassment.

"Please call me the president during work hours... Hmph, except for the few photos of hidden energy field creatures taken in the area of ​​the apartment in front of Tibet, no matter how you take them later, the guys on the academic committee don't recognize me. Evidence, my paper was written in vain..."

When it comes to this matter, Mai Hanyu seems to be out of anger.

Theoretically speaking, the "Eye of Reality" she invented wants to capture the "hidden energy field life body", and the most important thing is "the same tone and frequency."

That is, through materials and electromagnetic fields, the magnetic field of the lens material is changed to synchronize it with the frequency of the "hidden energy field life body" to achieve observable results.

I don't know if the magnetic field of the lens gradually restored itself after the change, or for other reasons, only when I went to the apartment in front of Tibet for the first time, I took a picture of the "suspected life form of hidden energy field".

After that, whether I went to the apartment in front of Tibet again or went to other murderous houses, no similar photos were taken.

"Ha...haha, then my luck is really good..."

Araki Sosuke agreed with a smile.

With so many haunted houses, the "supernatural photos" were taken in the room where I lived. From a probability point of view, I can win the lottery.

In the silent room, the two of them each ate food, looked at their mobile phones and computers, and enjoyed the leisure of the end of work.

Inside the house, traces of residual black air still gathered and hovered above the ceiling, and then swooped into Araki Sosuke's body.

What no one knows is that above the stairs on the second floor, a little boy who is naked and wearing only a white loincloth with a bluish-white body is squatting behind the wooden handrail, holding the column tightly with both hands, staring in horror. Holding two people.

Behind the little boy stood rows of expressionless men, women, and children, rolling their eyes and staring at the two people below with him blankly.

Since the terrible man entered the house, he was as unreasonable as his "father" back then, plundering the resentment that Toshio relies on for survival in the house.

As grievances continued to drain, "everyone" movements began to become slow and weak.

Toshio drove a number of "toys" to test, but he couldn't even alarm the other party, so it turned into an unknown white light and dissipated.

Intuition tells Junxiong that the man who looks like a little blond bastard and who is about to swallow the grievances in the house is a much stronger existence than the sleeping "mother".

Because Junxiong felt the "similar breath" like an abyss on him.

This feeling of being dominated by fear can't help but affect what is buried deep in his memory. Junxiong followed the instructions of his "mother" and hid in the cabinet, listening helplessly to the time of the man's wanton abuse.

Almost forgot, Junxiong and "Mom", have lived in this world as real as before?

Fear and smile gradually mixed into a complex expression on the boy's face.



After eating that meal can only be regarded as a "life-sustaining" dinner, Sosuke Araki tidied up the tabletop and continued to lie on the floor mat and play with his mobile phone.

The haunted house tried to sleep. After completing the house appraisal and arranging the research equipment, all that was left was just a "sleep".

To some extent, it is quite boring and boring.

"You must be boring, sleeper."

Mai Hanyu, who was originally staring at the screen, asked nonchalantly.

"Also... okay..."

When asked by the "president" off guard, Sosuke Araki was somewhat panicked like "catching a fish".

"Would you like...play with me..."

While saying this, Mai Hanyu, who was originally sitting on the ground, twisted her waist and pouted peach hips, with an interesting twisted smile on her face, walked around the low table between the two, and stepped towards Araki. Zongjie climbed over.


Lonely man and widow, quiet room, dim lighting, sexy female BOSS crawling towards her with her legs twisted between her legs...

Steady, Araki Sosuke, 22 years old, a virgin (?).

"VAN...VAN...what to play..."

Araki Sosuke, who was slurred and panicked, stepped back subconsciously, leaning his back firmly on the sofa, constantly doing self-construction and adjusting his breathing.

Before he could react, Mai Hanyu's richly fragrant body had already pounced on...

"Damn it, is this the legendary unspoken rule of the workplace? It's too..."

With a twisted blush on his face, Araki Sosuke's vision was obscured by the huge evil pair that was shaking in the dim light.


Just when he thought he was about to offer a strong body to the sexy and attractive female president, a red string was hung around his neck.


Sosuke Araki curiously picked up the string around his neck and looked at it...

If it’s tied up, the length is not enough, and it’s too thin. It won’t be good if you accidentally break free and affect the rhythm...

Just when he was about to apply for a larger prop, he discovered that there was a slightly larger triangle talisman hanging under the string.

On it, the five dragon characters of "Hurry, like a law" can be seen faintly.

"For the time being, put this on. This is the Dragon Kingdom Powerful Talisman I obtained through private channels. It is not the same as those of the most popular products..."

Sosuke Araki noticed that the same red string could be seen on the inside of Mai Hanyu's shirt collar.

It's just that the talisman at the bottom should have been swallowed by her unfathomable Amazon Trench, so she hadn't been able to find it before.

"...Although science cannot explain why wood pulp paper combined with cinnabar and ink graffiti can expel the hidden energy field life form, considering the ‘hypothesis of the integration of science and theology’, let’s just believe in the principle that there are different paths to the same goal."

In the stunned eyes of Sosuke Araki, Mai Hanyu turned and opened another suitcase on the side, and began to take out all kinds of strange things and put them on the table.

"Hey, I have known long nights, you will be very boring, so I specially arranged some ‘small projects’ for you to relieve boredom, which can also assist my research by the way."

"What the hell is going to ‘VAN’... the latter ‘by the way’ is your true purpose, right..."

With Mai Hanyu’s high-speed movements, DVDs without a cover, two ugly stone heads, a shabby white note, and an ultra-thin foldable portable flat-panel DVD player continue to appear on the low table. superior.

Looking at the pile of shattered things in front of him that seemed familiar and seemed to be seen somewhere, Araki Zongsuke's face was unlovable.

"It's me. The plan codenamed "Sword of Dawn" has been opened, and the plan will be merged to implement the "Dark Dimension Breakthrough" plan. If I don't contact you after tonight, remember to destroy the relevant information in the "Truth Institute" and go to Thailand Change your identity, appearance, and gender, and live an ordinary life of sexual happiness from then on."

Mai Hanyu, with her back to him, was whispering to someone on the LINE in a brave posture.

Afterwards, the phone immediately rang the thick voice of the land and the sea, and kept replying like "Why didn't I know that there was this plan", "Now life is ordinary enough", "Why do I have to change even my gender?" Words.

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