I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 233 She likes bananas very much...

After singing a song, the agent still sat awake in his seat like a dream.

But in the aisle behind him, I don't know when there was a young woman with long hair, dark red blood stasis, and pink skin on her stomach.

She was wearing a somewhat outdated high school uniform, and her slightly longer skirt was dragged empty on the ground, with only half of her upper body propped up.

Seeing her appearance, Mochizuki Ayano immediately confirmed with the information circulating in the 2CH forum in her mind.



Zuozi raised his head and smiled quietly at the agent on the side.

"Zojiang, I have to borrow your leg to walk."

She spoke awkwardly in a soft and tender voice.

"Her killing rules have been reached, stop her quickly!"

Tokimoto Ichiro and Mochizuki Ayano had a tacit understanding, and the flames of the pupil technique and the shining talisman paper had exploded on the half-length female ghost on the ground.

Following this weird listener who hummed the song, even Bao Hulu Yin could not block its lock-on chase.

With a cry of pain, Sako turned into a grievance and dissipated in everyone's sight.

At this time, Yamada Kengo and Tsukita Hiroshi also stood up and looked at the situation between the courts.

"It seems... solved?"

Mochizuki Ayano's blue left pupil turned golden, and she scanned the command room, but found no abnormality.

Then, her gaze fell on Fujiwara Takumi, who was still wearing earphones, motionless, and exuding majestic chrysanthemum patterns.

"Fujiwara Takumi didn't make a move, and was still listening to the radio...Could it be..."

Mochizuki Ayano's eyes waved, seeming to have grasped some key.

"Section chief, just now, the same case occurred in Saitama Prefecture. A taxi driver who was listening to the radio and a passenger in the back seat lost both legs at the same time and caused a series of car accidents!"

The words of an agent broke the silence in the command room.

"Sure enough... escaped?"

This song was able to attack multiple victims at the same time, which Mochizuki Ayano had never expected.

Could it be that that song is the weirdness itself, and the resentful spirit is just the appearance of it.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help looking admiringly at Fujiwara Takumi who was still lying on the bed, but excitedly spreading the powerful chrysanthemum pattern spiritual power.

It is worthy of being a "favored person who has met once in four thousand years." Such an unheard of weirdness is completely unable to interfere with his state of mind.

He was still listening to the radio calmly, did he want the resentful spirit to come to him directly and confront him?

"Immediately destroy the recording of the song just now to avoid further dissemination."

Mochizuki Ayano turned his head and said to the agent behind him who had just escaped from the Wraith Spirit.

The ninth lesson naturally sets up the recording function while monitoring all the broadcast channels.

However, considering the terrible spreading ability and non-specified characteristics of this song, leaving the recording may lead to weird rule upgrades and even further enhancements and other unknown results.

The agent sat in the position, did not speak, still staring blankly at the screen in front of him.

"Hey, it's okay, your kid won't be scared to pee..."


The colleague next to him gently pushed him, and suddenly heard the sound of water dripping.

Under a push, the agent who had been motionless fell weakly to the ground.

Popo's blood, for some unknown time, was centering on his location, spreading around him like a tide.

The detective who fell in the pool of blood did not know when his legs were broken and disappeared, leaving only the talisman paper whose chest was turned to ashes, as if silently laughing at everyone in the room.

"Soko", I don't know when, has already taken his legs.


There was silence in the command room, and everyone was shocked by this weird and unsolvable rule...

"Sachiko~ I've called myself Sajang since I was a child"

"It's ridiculous~ Zuojiang."

The ballad started to ring in the earphones, communication channels and speakers in the command room at the same time.

"Quickly turn it off!"

Mochizuki Ayano shouted at several agents.

"The power supply in the room has been cut off for the first time!"

An agent replied.

"She likes bananas very much, but she can only eat half a banana at a time since she was a child."

"It's so pitiful~ Zuojiang"

Even if the power is cut off, that weird song continues.

"The salt dances wildly!"

Hiroshi Tsuneta stood up, spilling a lot of peppery exorcism salt in his hands.

In the command room, like a heavy snowfall, both people and equipment are covered by fine salt crystals.

After doing all this, Tsukida Hiroshi scanned the room sharply.

In the face of such invisible wraiths, exorcism salt covers a large area and is the best detection method.

Immediately, countless earphones and playback devices that were removed and thrown aside were covered with exorcism salt, which produced a lot of black gas.

"This weird body is on the playback device! Remove the spirit from those devices!"

Yamada Kengo, who was fully awake, reacted very quickly, and took the rune sword at hand and directly smashed several earphones in front of him.

Several other people also picked up their spiritual power one after another, using the earphones and playback equipment around them to use their spirit-eliminating methods.

In the chaotic scene, only Fujiwara Takukai, who did not know when he took off his headphones, still sat on the bed in a calm manner, closed his eyes and muttered something in his mouth.

As several playback devices were removed, the volume of that song gradually weakened.

However, the song is still going on.

"Zojiang has gone far away a long time ago, so she should forget me."

"It's so lonely~ Zuojiang"

Because, beside everyone present, I don't know when, there is an extra half-length female lying on the ground in high school uniform.

They were opening their mouths slightly, humming softly in their sweet voices and innocent tones.

Sako, there is more than one.

"That song is the main body... can't let her sing it! Once the rules are completed, it will be troublesome!"

Shimoto Ichiro said loudly, and the talisman in his hand flew out again and again, and several "Soko" were beaten up.

The agents also drew their guns one after another, ignoring the issue of stray bullets, and fired at the nearest resentful spirit.

All of a sudden, he commanded the room to jump around and the bullets rained.

However, the urging curse-like ballad still echoed in the command room.

"Zaochan~ I got my legs taken away by the tram. I have to borrow your legs to walk."

"My legs are gone, will you give me yours?"

At the end of the song, several agents were already confused and began to sing along with their mumblings.

"Don't find me... Don't find me..."

He opened his eyes and glanced at the female resentful spirit who was lying on the bedside "gently" staring at herself and singing softly. Fujiwara Takumi, who had already taken off the earphones, quickly closed her eyes.

He was so scared that he couldn't even move.

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