I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 234 My Last Stubbornness and Me

Signing up for this task tonight, Fujiwara Takumi's bowels are regretful.

After sneaking a glimpse of the tragic condition of the agent who was only half of his body left, he was able to insist on sitting on the bed without fainting or wetting, which was his last stubbornness.

He originally planned to bring Sousuke Araki to participate in the mission as a family "assistant", adding an insurance.

Fortunately, the guy refused his invitation because of his work.

Even if that guy comes over, with his half-monster bloodline, there is no way to take this invisible, invisible, powerful spirit remover weird.

No matter how courage he is, he can never do things like involving his friends in dangerous tasks because of his own selfish interests.

After all, he has piles of figures and games, but this one is the only friend.

"By the way... Yin... Yin Yang technique..."

Subconsciously, Takumi Fujiwara gathered golden light in his hands.

Under the crisis, he resorted to the onmyoji that he once was best at.


The main hall of Meiji Shrine is not open to the general public.

Behind the torii, there is a worship hall, which is a place for ordinary people to worship.

If people want to enter the worship hall, they must go through the purification ceremony of priests before they can enter, otherwise they can only worship outside the worship hall.

"... Purification and blessing!"

At that time, the young Fujiwara Takumi was also assigned to watch the worship hall and presided over various ceremonies every day.

The purification ritual was the most familiar technique used by the priests of the Fujiwara clan and performed hundreds of times a day for the people and high-ranking officials who came to worship.

At the same time, there are many important ceremonies in life that involve people, royal families, financial groups and even popular idols every year. Various important ceremonies in life, including newborn naming ceremony, coming-of-age ceremony, graduation ceremony and wedding, are held at Meiji Jingu. Priests are needed. Presided over the blessing ceremony.

For the sake of convenience, the young Fujiwara Takumi simply combined the two styles into one, turning them into a compound technique that has both effects.

This move made Fujiwara Grand Priest proud for a long time.

Even though he has been cultivating for many years, this trick that has been used thousands of times has been deeply engraved in the bones of Fujiwara Takumi, and it is still used for conservation and collection of figures from time to time.

Although he didn't know if it would be useful, he drove this technique naturally like breathing with the idea of ​​a dead horse as a living horse doctor at the time of life and death.

Onmyoji, purifying and praying.

With Fujiwara Takumi as the center, the majestic, sacred and inviolable chrysanthemum pattern spirit power spread out, covering the entire command room.

Enveloped by the spiritual power of that gorgeous chrysanthemum pattern, the eyes of several agents turned back to clarity.

At the same time, the golden chrysanthemum blooms on the bodies of several spirit exterminators, only to feel that the whole body is concentrated with a strong force of luck.

The remaining few "Zaozi" were touched by his technique, as if burned by flames, but they did not dissipate.

"It's tonight~ Zizi~ Zuo~ Zizi~ Sauce~ Zi..."

The last sentence of the ballad was mixed with unidentified electric noise, but they were still sung firmly.

Mochizuki Ayano showed desperate eyes when he heard the last lyrics.

She could feel that what Fujiwara Takumi used was an unheard of and quite clever compound onmyoji.

In addition to purifying curses and bad luck, it seems that people can become extremely lucky in a short time through blessings.

But this kind of technique is not enough to completely purify this powerful weirdness.

"These resentful spirits are not the main body... the main body should be the song that can summon ‘Sako’ on the Internet."

As before, just clearing out those "Soko" will not stop the killing of that song.

While everyone was waiting for the pain of losing their legs, the few "Soko" lying on the ground suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Only the people present looked at each other.

In the command room, even a needle dropped on the ground can be heard quietly.

Obviously, the ballads were over, but nothing happened.


Five minutes ago.

Abandoned mansion in Taito District.

"Sachiko~ Since childhood..."

Snoring Araki Sosuke, the music in the headphones suddenly changed the melody, tuned to a simple nursery rhyme.

"Zi...Like...Zi Zi...Banana..."

Suddenly, a strong resentment penetrated from Sosuke Araki's earphones into his ears, and then the whole earphones burst into bright white electric lights...

"Ah, it hurts..."

A sudden electric shock to his ears awakened the sleeping Araki Sosuke.

He turned over and sat up as if frightened, and pulled off the scorched earphones on his head.

"Is this inferior thing leaking?"

The four eyes that were peeping through the gap in the ceiling suddenly became horrified, and instantly disappeared in the darkness.

He had just witnessed with his own eyes, coming through a certain "passage", he should have spied on the resentful spirit of the holy body like himself, and launched a "suicide attack" on the man.

But just being gently touched by the other party, he returned to the origin of the world.

Although the resentful spirit who launched the attack seemed weak and courageous to him, the man's overwhelming level of strength was enough to make him tremble.

The body that I came here was already very weak, and was severely injured because of the painful loss of hair before.

If he gives time to recover, the upper limit should be much more than that, and he should have a fight with that man.

"The Sleeper..."

Mai Hanyu, who seemed to be woken up by a scream, sat up in a daze, sitting across from Sosuke Araki.

When she sat down, the silk sleeping bag that was originally covering her chest slid down onto her chest and lay flat.

With the moonlight outside the window and emergency lights, her half-slippery shoulders and the Mariana Trench on her chest looked even more charming and unfathomable.


Suddenly seeing this beautiful scenery, Araki Sosuke's nostrils that had been badly injured not long ago were itchy again, and he raised his head quickly.

Immediately, a rustling voice came from Mai Hanyu.

When he eased his nasty nosebleeds, Mai Hanyu had put on the white coat in the sleeping bag and got out of it.

Did I just miss something...

"...Go and replenish the energy block for the real eye..."

Mai Hanyu stood up and handed a bag of things to Sousuke Araki.

She stood arrogantly, the white coat simply couldn't cover the smooth and delicate long legs, and she suddenly blinded Araki Sousuke.

Moreover, judging by the figure under the white coat and the close-fitting clothing still placed next to the sleeping bag, there should be nothing in the white coat...

Araki Sosuke finally strangled the nosebleed in the cradle, and suddenly it surged out like a fountain.

He hurriedly used a tissue to plug his nostrils, while receiving the "energy block" that the other party handed over.

"Isn't it the camera battery..."

While thinking about it, Araki Sosuke walked to the "Eye of Reality" in the living room and replaced the camera with a battery.

"Wait... I will... go up together..."

When he was ready to go upstairs with a flashlight to replace the batteries of the other two "True Eyes", Mai Hanyu, who was wearing only a white coat and showing her long legs, followed behind him.

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