I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 237 Black-robed priest

The new vortex that appeared on the game map was as gray as the previous Pingjiang Gate and the current Hell Gate.


Moon Shadow Qiancao called out in surprise.

"Chest coconut... a name I haven't heard..."

He only felt that the ups and downs of life were too fast, it was too exciting.

After a while, the gray whirlpool named "Chest Coconut" suddenly shrank into an almost invisible gray dot, without knowing what happened, and then quickly moved from its original position to the corner of the map.

"Although I don't know what happened, the original two new works have merged into powerful ghosts and gods, and they have inherited the original rules of communication... Is this related to the'works' using the projection of real objects, or is it that? Is there anything in the house that allows the works to blend together?"

With a fanatical expression on the face of Moon Shadow Qiancao, his hands quickly tapped on the keyboard.

Whether it was the last Ping Jangmen or the zhen coconut this time, it seemed that they were combined with the reality of the legend to get the chance to be promoted to the ghosts and gods.

He decided to comprehensively analyze the rules of "Sadako" and "Cursing the House", as well as the relevant information about the haunted house, in an attempt to decipher the secrets of the fusion of the works into ghosts and gods.

If we can figure out the laws of this, wouldn't we be able to create ghosts and gods artificially?

As for Sako... who is it?


A few days later, Narita Airport.

"It's been ten years, the blue sky of Tokyo is still so close to the earth... It's been a long time, the breath of peace..."

A middle-aged black man with a suitcase, curly hair, black Roman collar robe and a cross hung on his chest, sighed in heavy but unusually neat Japanese as he walked down the escalator from the plane.

Looking up at the sky in front of him, he took a deep breath greedily as if tasting a good wine, and a look of nostalgia, pain and perseverance appeared on his face.

On the originally crowded escalator, his surroundings were extremely empty.

Although there is a rather loving smile on his face, due to his height of over 1.9 meters, the strong muscles that can't be covered by a black robe, and the dazzling white teeth that brighten the eyes with a smile...

As a result, the passengers who were disembarking from the front and back of him either ran away or hesitated.

"Uncle Siena."

At the pick-up gate, someone had already been waiting there.

It was a petite girl with two pupils and different colors, a golden ponytail.

"Oh!!! Ayano sauce, long time no see, still so petite and cute..."

Looking carefully at the girl in front of her, the middle-aged black man named "Siena" showed a real smile, her white teeth shining with warm light.

"Obviously it's been ten years since I saw you last time. I'm not happy at all because of Uncle Siena's comment..."

Mochizuki Ayano pretended to complain angrily.

Unlike ordinary children, Mochizuki Ayano never forgets, but remembers the details of every moment of life clearly.

Just like the data stored in the archives, it can be read and played back at any time.

This uncle named "Siena San Diego" is a close friend of her mother.

The last time the two met, it had to be traced back to when she was six years old.

Isn't it that she has been so appraised by the other party that all her efforts in the past ten years have been in vain, and she is not growing at all.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, uncle is not good at Japanese... The Lord said, although you were small at first, you will eventually become prosperous."

The black-robed priest remedied with a smile.

Seeing the little girl who was still crying when she was parting last time, and now she has grown into a water-spirited and independent girl, Siena is naturally relieved with tears in her eyes.

He stretched out his hand as if he was about to touch the other person's head, but he retracted it angrily under Mochizuki Ayano's eyes.

A slightly vague face in his memory resurfaced clearly in his mind.

Really, it looks more and more alike.

"This one is my partner, the deputy head of Lesson 9, Takeshi Iwata."

Mochizuki Ayano skillfully introduced Takeshi Iwata, who was also tall beside him, to Siena.

"Vatican, Holy See, Heresy Inquisition, Black-robed Priest, Siena."

Siena smiled slightly and shook hands with Takeshi Iwata who was only a few centimeters shorter than him.


The two shook hands, and Iwata took a look of surprise instantly.

It wasn't that the black priest's arm was too strong, or that he grabbed the palm of his hand while shaking hands with him.

It's because there are thick and exaggerated calluses between the other's thumb and index finger, the left and right sides of the index finger, and the palm.

The thick cocoons in these positions are naturally not... what can be punched out, only gun cocoons.

"Iwata-kun, he seems to be a master gunner, where did he serve?"

As if seeing through the other person's thoughts, Siena smiled calmly and took the initiative to ask questions.

"Not in service, but trained in Finland..."

"Finland? White Grim Reaper, the sniper guys, that kind of fighting style, there is no passion at all."

After being called by Siena to break the number of the secret troops he was trained, Iwata took a look: "Your Excellency... how did you know?"

"The cocoons of the first knuckle of the index finger, the middle finger, the ring finger and the third knuckle of the little finger... are they all written on your hand?"

Speaking with a smile, Siena opened the door first and entered the black commercial car on the side of the road.

"Eat ramen at noon? I stayed for more than ten years in a place where birds don’t lay eggs and you have to worry about soap bombs in a bath. I am super super super super super super super super super super super...I miss Japanese food!"

Only Takeshi Iwata was outside the car door, looking at his right hand in a daze.

Unlike ordinary gunners, snipers don’t shoot often, but they usually press their index finger firmly on the trigger guard when waiting for a fighter. A knuckle will also have a special gun cocoon.

This black priest didn't seem to be as careless as he seemed, but he had insight into so much information in a handshake.

After all, where is it sacred...

"Uncle Siena, but he is the only representative of the Holy See who has survived the war in the Middle East for more than ten years."

Mochizuki Ayano, who was behind him, said softly.

"Uncle Siena made a special detour to Tokyo to transfer back to the Vatican. There must be something very important, right?"

Mochizuki Ayano pretended to ask casually when the commercial vehicle was driving on the road.

Japan, in private, is called the last piece of "God's forbidden land" that hinders the globalization of Christianity.

Christianity was introduced to Japan with the missionary Sabile in 1549. After localization, it has gradually gained recognition from the Japanese.

Later, due to the rapid development of Christians and the conflict between doctrines and traditional Japanese culture, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and later the Tokugawa Shogunate issued multiple prohibitions to prohibit Christian missionaries from setting foot in Japan.

This behavior led to many Christian rebellions such as the Shimabara Rebellion initiated by Shimao Shiro Tosada.

The tradition of boycotting Christianity is still being continued by the Japanese imperial family and government.

In principle, Christian spiritualists cannot stay in Japan for a long time because they can easily cause "miracles" and affect the people.

"Hey, uncle, I have been working diligently for so long in the Middle East where I don’t have toilet paper, and I rely on a pipe to solve it. Of course, I have to take advantage of this opportunity to report to the Holy See and come to Japan for vacation and visit. Visited the deceased."

Hearing Mochizuki Ayano's question, Siena looked excitedly at the fast retreating streets on both sides, and answered casually.

"The Lord said, don't worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will worry about tomorrow."

Looking at the other person's heartless look, Mochizuki Ayano frowned and stopped talking.

Although I am very happy for my deceased's visit to Japan...

But if this deceased happened to be a powder keg that could cause trouble at any time, no wonder Lesson Nine paid so much attention to it.

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