In the afternoon of the next day.

Kanagawa Prefecture, outskirts of Yokohama City, Little Daisy Welfare Institute.

This is a dilapidated welfare institution consisting of a mottled three-story building and a large playground.

"So that's the case, has Moon Shadow-kun passed away four years ago..."

In the office, the tall Siena is talking with a middle-aged man with a sorrowful face.

"Yes, although it is cancer, I am peaceful when I leave. Please be sorry."

The middle-aged man in an old suit in front of him nodded slightly.

"May he rest in the arms of the Lord."

Siena sighed, drew a cross in the air, took the cross necklace on his chest and kissed it.

This deceased who used to work together and cut off the news 22 years ago suddenly wrote an email to himself ten years ago, saying that he had been working in the orphanage during this period, which was surprising enough.

Unexpectedly, when he set foot on the land of Japan again, the other party had already returned to the embrace of the Lord.

On the back of the door frame, you can vaguely see small heads, squeezing around to look at the situation in the office.

"Wow, it's really a black man, a living black man!"

"Get out of the way, I can't even see it... It's so tall!"

"That's, I've secretly heard Brother Araki mentioned before, these black people, pick any one of them, it's quite strong and long lasting..."

Mochizuki Ayano, who was leaning on the corridor with his hands on his chest (?), looked at several young boys in vests and shorts, ranging in age from five to twelve or thirteen years old, with a black line, thinking they were hiding in the door frame. Go up, and look curiously at the "black big and strong" Siena inside.

No wonder, in this small welfare institution, it should be the first time that black people have appeared.

"It's terrible... It's even more terrifying at close range. Will Uncle Yanagida be in danger... Listening to Brother Araki, black people have strange hobbies."

A little girl with short hair, only about six years old, is holding a shabby rabbit doll, standing behind a group of boys, looking like a small adult worrying about the safety of "Uncle Yanagida" in the office.

"The recent orphanage is instilling strange things to the children..."

Hearing the children's words, Mochizuki Ayano only felt an inexplicable headache rushing to her forehead.

"Then I don't know, the cemetery is...I want to worship..."

Not paying attention to the noise outside, the conversation between the two of them continued in the office.

"please follow me……"

"There is Dean Lao Liutian."

With that said, a middle-aged man named Yanagida led Siena out of the office.

"Ah, run, the attacking black man is here!"

"Uncle Yanagida is also out!"

Seeing the two turning around, the boys outside the door ran away in a hurry.

"You guys, I want to call my dean... By the way, it's time for reading, run slowly..."

Yanagida looked at the boys running away in a swarm.

Only the little girl who hasn't reacted yet stood there, not far from Mochizuki Ayano...

"The leaves are too skinny, they don't taste"

Seeing that tall black man looked to him, with a "demonic" smile and sharp white teeth, he seemed to want to reach out and touch himself...

The little girl who called herself "Leaf" hugged the rabbit doll in her hand tightly and burst into tears.

"I... Am I so scary."

Seeing Mochizuki Ayano had no choice but to come forward to comfort the little girl crying in the storm, Siena scratched her head and smiled wryly.


five minutes later.

"The orphanage is full of children. It has always been so noisy. Please forgive me..."

"You said that, it's a good thing. The Holy See has also built many welfare institutions in the Middle East to house war orphans. This kind of atmosphere makes me feel very cordial."

Following Dean Yanagida, Siena and Ayano Mochizuki walked up the narrow stairs to the third floor.

"President Qingren was frugal all his life. After his death, except for some personal things left to future generations, all the inheritance was donated to the orphanage, and he did not purchase a cemetery..."

"Monarch Moon Shadow, like his name, is a person who can make people feel as warm as the sun."

"His ashes and tablets are enshrined in the orphanage, in the room he was alive."

With that said, Yanagida pushed open the door of a room in the corner.

The strong scent of sandalwood comes from the surface.

"Ayano-chan, the dean, and you are also old, let's come and worship together."

With that said, Siena walked into the room slowly.

"Twenty years ago, when I first came to Japan, it was Moon Shadow-kun who served as a tour guide for me..."

Speaking of this, Siena seemed to think of some pleasant memories and smiled brightly.

"Have an old with me?"

Mochizuki Ayano, who didn't intend to go in, was stunned for a moment, and followed him obediently.

This is a traditional single dormitory room with tatami mats.

In addition to the wall cabinets and low tables, there are two others full of such things as "New Hundred Monogatari", "Kamakura Ancient Century", "Hyakki Nights Illustrated Book", "Rashomon", and "Tribal Culture of Conflict in the Middle East" A large shelf of various old books such as Interpretation.

It can be seen that the owner of the room was a very knowledgeable and book-loving person before his life.

In the otherwise small room, three men were sitting respectfully at this time.

The moment Siena stepped into the room, the three men looked back at him at the same time.

The three men's gloomy faces, criminal sitting postures and naturally murderous eyes made people feel like they had strayed into the gang's handmade medicine factory and were about to be wiped out.

The blond man with sharp eyes and a six-pointed star carved on the sideburns.

A pair of dirty braided men with gloomy eyes and cold eyes.

A short flat-headed man in a black suit with a pink badge and "I am a black policeman" written on his face.

In short, these are three men who can spread criminality out of thin air without having to put on expressions, and walk on the street to let patrolmen "automatically draw their guns."

Glancing at the three of them, Siena's keen nerves, which had been nurtured by the war in the Middle East for many years, almost made him touch his waist subconsciously.

Realizing that he did not carry a weapon, Siena couldn't help laughing at himself because of his over-sensitivity.

What do you think, here is peaceful Tokyo.

Even if someone suddenly opens your clothes at you, it will only reveal an unworn, covered leg hair, standing upright with only a 5cm lower body, instead of a belt made of explosives.

"Why are the three of you still here... There is an old friend of Dean Qingren here. If you want to worship, you should let it out."

In the face of these three people, Dean Yanagida was not at all timid, and drove people as intimately as the elders to the younger ones.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Uncle Yanagida... It was the guy before the second, and he had to report my'fairy jump' to Uncle Qing, and didn't want to think about how many times he himself was skipped..."

The man with the golden greasy head touched the back of his head and smirked. While watching the dark-skinned Siena curiously, he got up with the other two and vacated the room.

Siena nodded slightly to them, staggered into the room.

"Illegal child labor in the Metropolitan Police Department?!"

"Araki Sosuke and his bad friends?!"

Seeing Mochizuki Ayano, who had been blocked behind him, both sides let out a small exclamation at the same time.

"Hey, what hurts friends, we are also ruthless characters with names and surnames."

"Yes, yes, don't think you can look down on people if you have a high police rank..."

Two other "passers-by" immediately launched a protest.

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