Siena and Mochizuki Ayano, kneeling respectfully in front of the altar.

On the altar table against the wall, in addition to the Buddhist altars, burning incense sticks, tablets, relics, and bronze plates, there are also beasts and horses made of cucumbers and eggplants with toothpicks.

The words "Yueying Qingren" were engraved on the wooden tablet.

On the walls around the low table, there are many children's compositions, paintings and handicrafts.

Siena looked intently, and there was actually a "Notice of Admission to the Police School of the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department."


"Half an iron rice bowl is in your hands, and there is one less person who makes you worry about Uncle Qing."

At the bottom of the admission notice, there was such a sentence written, and the name of the person who signed it was written "One Dragon Horse".

It seems that among the children brought out by that guy, there are also very good talents.


Siye was brought into the township as he did, and gently knocked the copper out on the table.

In Japanese folklore, Tongqi has the meaning of evocative and calming souls.

After ringing the copper out, people in the "other world" can hear their own words.

"Mr Moon Shadow, I didn't expect to see you for many years, but goodbye is already separated by Yin and Yang..."

Siena clapped his hands and prayed silently, looking at the handsome man with black-rimmed glasses on the tablet, his eyes became deep and vicissitudes of life for a while, as if he was thinking of something in the past, and he meditated on the Bible...

"As the Lord said, I have finished the good fight, I have done the way I should go, I have kept the way I should keep... From now on, the crown of righteousness will be preserved for you..."

The three people who used to walk side by side turned out to be the only one left.

Mochizuki Ayano, who was sitting on her knees, also respectfully followed with her palms together.

Her thoughts were still immersed in the surprise of meeting the three people just now.

"Uncle Qingren, who lives to the limit, how can he still know such a black priest? Did he co-produce any movies together?"

"Hey, Ryoma, I'll bet 500 yen with you. The black man in it is definitely more than 20 cm! There is a saying in Ryoma, one inch long and one inch strong..."

"You are too simple, Zongsuke. How many times have I told you that black people are not all that strong. This is a misunderstanding caused by the'X-film casting survivor deviation'!"

The whispered discussion from outside the door immediately exposed Mochizuki Ayano's forehead, wishing to rush out the door to shut up the three of them.

"...By the way, you see, Sister Chino's daughter is so old, she looks so much like her back then, isn't it cute!"

Before the altar, Siena was still thinking about her deceased.

Hearing the word "Kino", Mochizuki Ayano narrowed her pretty eyes, bit her lip, and suddenly realized.

Chino Saint Catherine, is her mother's name.

Chino, in Japanese hiragana, is written as Ayano.

Her name comes from her mother.

That's why Uncle Siena came to Japan for the first time, of course he came with his mother!

So, this month cinema director, is he also dating his mother?

"May you be quiet in that world."

Thinking about this, she curbed her thoughts and solemnly joined her hands to worship the tablet.

"Ayano, you go out first, I want to be alone in this room for a while."

The past is like a smoke, and Siena’s tone is no longer as full of energy as before, but has a touch of oldness.

"Uncle Siena... don't think too much."

With that said, Mochizuki Ayano got up and exited the room with Dean Yanagida.


"...I'll buy it away, I'll follow him to the bathroom after a while..."

"Then I will pretend to be kind to hand him a bottle of mineral water?"

"Hmph, as the dealer, you didn't confirm the status of the handicap length in advance, so I defaulted to the weak state?"

"Damn it, careless...Xingping, you also bought 20 or more. Why don't you help him..."

Outside the door, Araki Sosuke had just received the banknotes from Ryoma before Kohei Higashino, and they were arguing about something together.


Mochizuki Ayano just prepared to scold these three people for their low-level behavior...

"Slap, slap, slap..."

"You three brats, give me almost a little bit in front of the guests!"

Unexpectedly, the seemingly gentle Dean Yanagida actually took the lead and rewarded the three men with a violent shudder with extremely skillful posture and lightning speed.

"It hurts..."

"To the effect, it turned out to be this trick again."

"Damn it's iron hand Yanagida, becoming the dean is even more strict..."

The three men with criminal looks and non-blinking murderers were beaten on the head by the good-looking Yanagida, but they could only cover their heads and complain, and did not dare to resist.

"Sorry, these three incompetent guys made you laugh... They just look a little bit fierce, but they are actually very good children."

Looking back, Yanagida hated iron and made steel and explained to Mochizuki Ayano.

Like the skillful and tried-and-tested violent chestnut just now, the explanatory words that followed his set of explanations are quite fluent, and come with open mouth. I don't know how many times he has said it.

Yes, Sosuke Araki, Kohei Higashino, and Ryoma before the two who appeared here today grew up in the Daisy Welfare Institute.

It coincided with today that the three of them returned to "home" again, and only met Mochizuki Ayano who came to visit.

At the same time, Sosuke Araki's cell phone rang.

"Mosimosi, is it the bird Yushi? It's finally here... Yes, just keep driving along that road."


On the playground of the orphanage.

More than twenty children of different ages are surrounding the three men with fierce faces.

Several of them are children with obvious physical defects.

In the face of the three criminals, they did not face the inferiority and cowardice of outsiders at all. Instead, they showed the naughty nature of children and rushed toward them excitedly.

"Yo Xi, it has grown taller again, Yushu!"

"Brother Araki, did you see it? Just now, our Little Daisy Investigation Corps, but we observed the black giant in the office from close range, attracted the attention of the other party, and saved the chief Yanagida who was almost swallowed!"

The boys who probed at the door of the office were also among them, and at the moment they were happily telling him about his previous "expedition".

" hurts..."

"Damn it."

"Chiba sauce, you actually sued..."

After speaking, the three of them were rewarded with a violent chestnut by Sosuke Araki.

"Hey, even if you face a 20cm giant, you can't do the low-level behavior of leaving the girl to escape!"

Behind Araki Sosuke, Chiba, who was holding the rabbit doll, poked her head out and made a face at them.

After a while, a truck with a banner "Sponsored by Akagi Shrine" drove in.

Those who got out of the car were the father and daughter of Toriyuu from Akagi Shrine.

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