I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 240 Nothing to do with good and evil

"Ms. Araki... is this where you grew up?"

After greeting several people, Yu Mayumi Xiaotori looked curiously at the children in the orphanage and playground in front of him.

What kind of place is it that can nurture a powerful spirit remover like Mr. Araki?

"That...is that the woman of Brother Araki? Shall we go up and call sister-in-law?"

"No, according to my analysis, it should still be in an ambiguous stage, or even a stage of wishful thinking... Oh, don't take the lead, Dongye Brother..."

At the same time, several boys who curiously watched the little bird Yu Mayumi and whispered, were rewarded by Higashino Kohei with a horrible smirk.

"Well, although it's a bit remote, the environment is pretty good...By the way, thank you so much this time. I have long wanted to buy these things for the children!"

Seeing a car full of various appliances and supplies, Sosuke Araki bowed sincerely to his father and daughter Yutaro Torii and thanked him.

"Araki-kun has said this, but I am not talking about it. Let's not say that you are the great benefactor of our Akagi Shrine. Charity activities are originally the social responsibility of the shrine... By the way, do things go down there?"

As the "truck driver" Yutaro Kotori said, he walked to the back of the car and started to unload the goods.

Thanks to the success of Akagi Matsuri, Akagi Shrine's recent fame has become more and more prosperous, and there is a strong tendency to return to the "Edo Sansha". Naturally, the income of incense money is also increasing.

With a certain amount of savings, Akagi Shrine’s tradition of making charitable donations, which was interrupted by poverty, will naturally continue.

After hearing that the shrine wanted to do some charitable activities, Sosuke Araki immediately enthusiastically helped contact the "Little Daisy Welfare Institute" as a designated sponsored welfare home for Akagi Shrine.

"You...you...and you, help us place the heavier goods together. Others are responsible for counting and sorting..."

Before Kohei Higashino ordered a few older children, Ryoma started to help unload the goods from the car.

Looking at the abundant supplies in the car, the children showed admiration to the three.

"Big brother before the second, when I grow up, I will also become a policeman like you, using public for personal gain, using power for profit, and sponsoring the orphanage a little bit more!"

"Um... you become a policeman when you are a policeman, just forget it like me, and this batch of sponsorship is different from what I did before..."

"The four members of the'Little Daisy Group' participated, as expected to be the boss of Dongye, who was able to get such a good'cargo', what else to move...Oh, don't start..."

"Asshole, how many of you are only ten years old and don't think about making progress, thinking about mixed jidao?!"

The scene of moving supplies was chaotic and orderly.

"By the way, Mr. Araki, in addition to home appliances, teaching equipment and books, there are also a few boxes of small gifts I prepared for the children..."

Toriyuki Mayumi pointed to the cardboard boxes at the rear of the car and asked Sosuke Araki to move them down first.

Seeing the cardboard boxes full of snacks, books, clothes, toys and other small gifts, the eyes of the children on the side glowed brightly.

However, none of them came forward to take it without authorization, but habitually looked forward to the distribution.

"Come on, everyone chooses the same..."

Like an uncle who set up a street stall, Sosuke Araki began to line up to send gifts to the younger children.

"What? You said you want this Barbie doll? Please, you are a boy, a strange man who has grown from playing with this kind of big show to a lingerie addiction... You said I lied? I have really encountered this kind of... …"

Just when the children were queuing up cleverly, a little girl holding a rabbit doll ran up in front of Yu Mayumi Tori, and looked up at her curiously with innocent big eyes.

"Hello, my name is Yutou Mayumi, what's your name? Why don't you pick up the present..."

Looking at the cute, but thin girl who is not more than six years old, Yu Mayumi crouched down and greeted her affectionately.

"Cut, Chiba is not interested in those childish toys..."

Chiba hid the bunny doll behind him, turned his face disdainfully, and turned the corner of his eyes to the generous and dignified bird Yu Mayumi, and suddenly asked in a low voice, "You are Araki's girlfriend..."


Tori Yu Mayumi was caught off guard by the sudden question of the little girl in front of him.

"Hmph, don't deny it, although you seem to be a good woman... But I won't lose to you! After twelve years, I will compete fairly with you!"

Little Chiba, who was obviously only six years old, was on the ground issuing a statement of challenge to the little bird Yumi who was three times his age.

Tori Yu Mayumi's flushed face suddenly showed a complicated wry smile.

When you become an adult, you still don't know if you have regained the land of the gods and "retired with honor".


"Is Mayumi-chan also here... These three guys will actually help with charity..."

On the corridor on the third floor, Mochizuki Ayano from Siena was waiting, watching the warm scene on the playground with some curiosity.

The "Little Daisy Investigation Corps" formed by several naughty boys just used the traditional Japanese art "Millennium Kill" on the "Araki Giants" who were distributing gifts, and then took the opportunity to plunder the "trophies" in the hands of the opponents.

She had heard about Akagi Shrine's preparation for charity before, but she didn't expect to contact the orphanage where Sousuke Araki grew up.

Thinking about it carefully, it is also an unexpected and reasonable thing.

"Miss Mochizuki disagrees with this sentence."

Dean Yanagida on the side helped his glasses down with a solemn expression on his face.

"Sorry, please also ask Dean Yanagida to enlighten me..."

From the micro expression, it seemed that what she had just said offended the other party, Mochizuki Ayano lowered her head humbly and asked.

"This kind of thing, in the eyes of the three of them, has nothing to do with the so-called'good' and'evil' in the world. It's just adding something to the family and bringing some small gifts to the younger siblings..."

Speaking of this, Dean Yanagida suddenly asked with a serious face: "Miss Mochizuki thinks, how about the current child relief and welfare system in Japan?"

"That's right, it's perfect."

Mochizuki Ayano hesitated and replied.

As Japan's welfare system becomes more and more perfect, even children in the orphanage can enjoy basic life and the right to education before the age of 18.

Yanagida nodded, agreeing with her words: "Many of the orphans who have gone out of the Xiaodai Daisy Orphanage also have stable jobs, married families, and even become leaders in all walks of life. They are far more successful than the three downstairs. too much……"

"That's the blessing of adults like Tuoyue Cinema Director and Director Yanagida who have devoted themselves to them..."

However, Mochizuki Ayano's next sentence silenced Mochizuki.

"...However, after leaving, most of them never contacted the orphanage again, and never came back to visit."

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