I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 241 Oasis in the Desert

"Don't contact me anymore... why... there should be many partners here..."

Facing Dean Yanagida's abrupt words, after a long silence, Mochizuki Ayano finally couldn't help asking.

"It's not to blame them..."

Yanagita shook his head helplessly.

"Perhaps, in the bottom of many children's hearts, this place where they grew up represents the unfortunate experience, the scars of not being accepted by the society, and the pain points pointed by others. It is the eternal desert of their hearts."

Orphans whose material life can be basically guaranteed grew up in a circle isolated from the outside world like the orphanage, and have been immersed in inferiority, confusion, and cowardice since they were young.

Since they had to quit the orphanage at the age of 18 to support themselves, what they received was not orthodox clothing education, but a duck-filling mode with learning social common sense and survival skills as the top priority.

Once in the society, many cognitive and spiritual "deformities" will be exposed.

Because of her special life experience, she has been subjected to various speculations and even discrimination from friends, colleagues, lovers, and bosses, leading to self-defeating.

"What children who grow up in such a poor soil lack most is the sense of social identity and hope for the future... This is also what makes us educators desperate because we can't give."

Sighing, Yanagida smiled and looked down at the playground.

"Those three guys, despite their misconduct, since they left the orphanage, they have insisted on sending money back regularly, no matter how many."

"...Even the boy Araki, who worked a few jobs at the same time to go to university, used to have 1,000 yen left at the end of the month and was embarrassed to say that he wanted to transfer..."

Looking at the playground below, the well-behaved and depressed children who received their favorite gifts on weekdays rarely showed joy and excitement to apply, and a layer of water mist appeared on his thick lenses.

"That's it, I apologize for my gaffe..."

Knowing the reason for this, Mochizuki Ayano sincerely apologized.

Maybe because my eyes can perceive a lot of truth, or maybe because of my professional environment, I don't know when I developed the bad habit of impatiently judging strange things.

"No, I made a serious statement just now. Because the material is not lacking, and the three guys are not married yet, at first we let them not have to send money and buy things often. But then we gradually discovered that , The three guys who walked out from this place turned out to be heroes in the hearts of the children..."

Pointing to the brilliant smiling faces on the playground, Dean Yanagida showed a proud smile on his face: "The warmth of the family, the hope for the future, the recognition from the outside world... what we can't give our children is up to them. I have truly passed it on. Moreover, I believe that just like an oasis in the desert will expand on its own, the children affected by them will continue to pass on this warmth."

Listening to the words of Dean Yanagida, Mochizuki Ayano looked at the crowd on the playground in a daze, if she realized something.

At the same time, Yu Mayumi, who was helping to hand out gifts downstairs, happened to raise his head to look at Mochizuki Lingnai, who was on the third floor with only half of his head exposed.

"Ayano sauce!"

Seeing the golden ponytails and blue and black pupils behind the guardrail on the third floor, the Miko suddenly showed an unexpected smile on her face and waved her hand at the other side.

Mochizuki Ling Nai also waved at her.

"What are you talking about, I'm very happy."

Behind him, Siena, who had finished worshipping, happened to walk out of the room.


Three hours later, at the entrance of the orphanage.

"Thank you very much for your kindness and generosity. Not only did you sponsor so many materials, but you also helped organize an afternoon... You guys, thank you very much for coming together!!"

Dean Yanagida sincerely bowed to thank the father and daughter Toriyu, Mochizuki Rena, and Siena.

Behind him, the three of Araki Sosuke, as well as more than twenty children also bowed obediently.

In addition to some urgently needed items in the welfare home, the supplies brought by Xiaoniaoyou and his daughters also carefully prepared corresponding gifts for each of them according to the list and gender of the children.

Mochizuki Lingnai and Siena not only stayed behind to help organize them, but also contacted international charitable organizations familiar with the Holy See to provide regular assistance to the Little Daisy Orphanage.

"The Lord said, love your neighbor as yourself... If you say that this orphanage has been a concern for Monarch Moon Shadow for most of his life, this little thing is the only thing I can do for him."

After spending an afternoon together, the children no longer feared this "black giant", and they quarreled with him. This allowed Siena to be "cured", to cheer up from the death of the deceased, and to restore the iconic smile.

"Hey, since Uncle Yanagida said so, we will arrange the dinner for you, as a thank you!"

Kohei Higashino enthusiastically suggested.

There is only one aunt who cooks in the Little Daisy Welfare Institute. She is too busy just to prepare the children’s dinner. On weekdays, they try not to pick a meal time, not to mention there are seven adults here. .

"Okay, then leave it to the three of you, don't do anything rude again..."

Dean Yanagida nodded and exhorted worriedly.

"If you eat, I will avoid it. The truck has to be returned to others on time, and there can be no one at the shrine..."

Kotori Yutaro declined with regret.

"Then, Mr. Araki, let's first..."

The bird Yu Mayumi on the side heard the words, and immediately bowed his head to Sousuke Araki with some disappointment.

"...So Araki-kun, please help me send Mayumi back later."

Yutaro Kotori's next words made her look surprised.

"Eh, wait...Is it okay for my father to go back alone?"

"No problem, everything is empty, just drive the car back... Besides, you can hardly get a trip to Yokohama. Of course you can't miss the young people's party."

From the cuff, Yutaro Kotori gave a thumbs up to Sosuke Araki secretly and smiled brightly.

"Well, it's really disappointing that Uncle Birdyou can't participate, just leave it to me here!"

Although he couldn't understand the other party's unclear gesture, Sosuke Araki responded with the same bright smile, seemingly understandable.

"Well, will there really be a father who will give his daughter to three criminals like this... No, I must stay to protect Mayumi-chan!"

With that said, Mochizuki Lingnai dangled the arm of Toriyu Mayumi.

"Hey, what are you talking about, there is also a justice agent from the ninth class of the Sexual Crime Investigation Department. How can you tolerate any crime from happening under your nose!"

After hearing this, the two front Ryoma in the rear protested dissatisfiedly.

"I heard that there is a new guy in the Sexual Crime Investigation Department. He often enters and exits those low-level places in the name of his work, and even brazenly asks for invoices to reimburse mission expenses..."

Mochizuki Lingnai didn't want to eat his set, and revealed certain facts ruthlessly with a sullen face.

"How do you know...No, Police Mochizuki, what you said will make the brothers who are overdrawn in the red light district day and night, overdrawing their bodies and working hard to investigate the case, chilling."


Siena, who was completely speechless, looked awkwardly at the quiet and "smiling" Higashino Kohei: "Am I the only one who cares about what you eat for dinner?"

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