I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 243 [Fan Wai] Wanzi Soba War (Part 2)

"...Although the miso soup can be added after drinking, you need to ask other waiters to come and help, which will waste a lot of time and lead to a direct sentence..."

"Let's go back one minute ago and see what happened to that bowl of miso soup?"

The host played back the non-existent video to one minute ago.

I saw Sosuke Araki, who was devouring the noodles in the storm, secretly reached out from below and passed the miso soup by Higashino Kohei in a very natural posture, and drank it with his head up in a motion that was too late to notice.

"That's it, that's how it is, it's worthy of the'Hungry Ghost's Stick' to maintain a winning streak, unexpectedly, without knowing it, used the secret technique [Drink other people's soup so that others have no soup to drink]..."

"Hmph, war is cruel and ruthless, there is no such thing as meanness..."

Araki Sosuke responded with a grinning grin in response to the fierce look in his opponent's eyes.

"In that case, I also want to drink yours..."

Kohei Higashino raised his eyes and looked around, as if he was about to take away the bowl of miso soup belonging to Sosuke Araki.

Immediately, his expression became desperate and empty, and he pointed tremblingly at Sosuke Araki: "Sure enough, you have planned all this long ago... And, have you been cruel to yourself to this point..."

"Only worthy of a despicable dog lying on the ground, wanting to rush to the sky where the king is soaring, don't think it is, mischievous! From the beginning, I didn't have any miso soup at all..."

Araki Sosuke turned his head arrogantly like an emperor, and continued to eat the noodles in the bowl, never looking at Higashino Kohei again.


Sitting across from him, Kohei Higashino, with these words, could no longer withstand the attack of the soba noodles, and sprayed the noodles in his mouth back into the bowl...

The loser is not qualified to be stared at by the king.

"...The Higashino contestant who was drunk with the miso soup by the'Hungry Ghost's Rod', because he spit the noodles back into the bowl, he lost the foul! What a pity...Looking like this, the winner of this competition will be... Wait...what did I see, what happened?"

Before the second host, Ryoma seemed to have seen something incredible.

"What am I missing, when did the '20 centimeters per second' player catch up... Is it possible to catch up to this level by just relying on the gap between two people drinking soup?"

Sitting in the corner, Siena eating soba noodles unhurriedly, the red bowl piled in front of him, quietly, has as much as Araki Sosuke.

Only Tori Mayumi and Mochizuki Ayano knew that just before Higashino Kohei broke through 200 bowls, a golden spiritual power was wrapped around Siena.

"This is the Holy See's Holy Light Art?"

Tori Mayumi looked curiously at the faint golden light on Siena.

Holy Light is the general name of Holy See's magic.

Driven by spiritual power, due to the user's practice direction, beliefs, and their own talents, the Holy Light technique can evolve a variety of uses.

Of course, the most common types are blessing, baptism, and healing.

"Uncle Siena's holy light technique is a bit special... for the time being it is a physical strengthening type... It seems that he is also starting to take it seriously."

Mochizuki Ayano approached her ear and whispered.

This black-robed priest wrapped in the holy light just eats the soba in his bowl like a bottomless pit, taking advantage of the time difference between Sosuke Araki and Kopei Higashino drinking soup and playing tricks, secretly Evened the number of bowls.

It seems that his holy light technique can greatly strengthen the entire body including the digestive organs.

"Oh, this time the challenger is quite strong. The'Hungry Ghost's Rod' has met its opponent! The limit of a normal adult man is probably around 250 bowls. What kind of anxious battle will the two who are about to break through the critical point be faced? Woolen cloth?"

"Hayi, duo."

With the slogan of Mother-in-Law Feather and the inconsistency of the two violent winds devouring each other, the "hill" formed by the red bowl became more and more magnificent."Breakthrough, the two broke through 250 bowls at the same time. After that, it's a world of competition for perseverance!"

"Hmph, you are so strong that you are perverted, ‘20 centimeters per second’..."

Inhaling soba noodles, Sosuke Araki said with ease.

"Please don't give others such an unclear nickname casually."

Mochizuki Aya on the side vomited.

Obviously you are even more perverted with the physical hard anal holy light technique.

"I admit that before I underestimated you, I first started to solve the guy Xingping... Dreaming high and aiming to dominate, this enthusiasm is indeed commendable. But soldiers, do you understand? The so-called dream, there is always One day is to wake up."

Speaking of unclear lines, Sosuke Araki's whole body changed.

He suddenly slapped his chopsticks on the table, took the bowl of Yumayumi Kotori, and placed it in front of him.

The mother-in-law Yudou on the side began to pour soba noodles into the two bowls in front of him with great understanding.

"Ms. Araki..."

Suddenly the bowl he had used was snatched away, and Tori Mayumi's face flushed transparently.

"'Hungry Ghost's Rod' seems to be about to defeat the opponent, and actually eats noodles with two bowls at the same time? It seems that he has retained his strength before..."

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, Araki Sosuke quickly stretched out his tongue, licked it, and even ate two bowls of soba noodles at the same time.


The most frightening thing is that he didn't use chopsticks.

"No, it's not just as simple as using two bowls at the same time! It's terrible, after the'Hungry Ghost's Stick' abandoned the chopsticks, it was able to suck the noodles in the bowl with only the strong suction of the lips and the flexible high-speed stirring of the tip of the tongue. ...Even the soup inside the noodles can't escape his suction power comparable to Dyson...Who can withstand such terrible ventriloquism?"

At the same time, the "losing dog" Higashino Kohei was also stunned by this scene.

"This guy, when did he become so strong... Is this the highest state of the legendary chopstick technique, without chopsticks in his hands, but with chopsticks in his heart?"

When everyone was surprised by Araki Sosuke's astonishing behavior, Siena on the opposite side was not affected by the sudden acceleration of his opponent, and he still ate the noodles in his bowl without hurriedness and enjoyment.

"'Hungry Ghost's Rod' has already broken through 300 bowls with the help of the profound meaning [True Empty Suck] and [Shuanglong Exploration Cave], and has reached the unknown territory! It seems that his opponent tonight seems to be only him. I'm..."

After arriving at the 300 bowl, Araki Sosuke's speed slowed slightly, and his stomach swelled.

He immediately showed a lonely smile.

"Really, is this the price of rushing to solve the losing dog?"

In order to solve the large amount of miso soup that Higashino Kopei forced to drink, it has been fermented in the stomach at this moment, and the eaten dough has become more swollen, constantly occupying the little space in his stomach.

"Just as'Hungry Ghost's Rod' slowed down for some reason, the '20 cm per second' contestant also broke through the 300 bowl mark, maintaining the same pace of devouring as it was at the beginning, and narrowing the gap with all its strength. It's like The chocolate ball's general epee no edge, great skill and unworkable strength is terrible!"

"Asshole, Zongsuke, you are the man who came here after defeating me. You can't lose to others!!!"

Higashino Xinghei, who was on the side, also uttered an unwilling cry.

"Hey, I finally got here, how can I easily stop...my stomach, squeeze a little more space..."

Araki Sosuke tremblingly picked up the bowl, supported it with willpower, and started smoking soba again.

As his aura condensed and his complexion returned to calm, the whole person entered a mysterious realm.

Obviously it seemed that the movements were not as fast as before, but they quickly wiped out the soba noodles in the two bowls very rhythmically and methodically.

"Oh ha ha ha, it's been a long time since the old man has seen the realm of'face-to-heart clearness'... let me see where your limits are..."

Seeing the mysterious aura on his body, the mother-in-law Yudou, who was calmly next to him, also changed her face slightly, speeding up the action of feeding them both at the same time.

"Hey, this kid, there are two things, I thought it would end here...As a spirit remover, if I lose to you here, what face is there in going to heaven to see Sister Chino in the future?"

Feeling the strong fighting spirit of Sosuke Araki, Siena, who has always been unhurried, speeded up his actions for the first time.

A more concentrated holy light surged toward his stomach in his body, focusing on improving his peristaltic ability.

"Oh, it seems that in response to the fighting spirit of the'Hungry Ghost's Rod', the '20 cm per second' players have increased their speed for the first time..."

"This guy actually forced Uncle Siena to this point... But why, I think the most terrifying thing is Granny Yudou..."

Looking at the madly accelerating two people, the grandmother-in-law Yudou who kept her face calmly and calmly maintaining the precise and high-speed tempo of adding her face, Mochizuki Ayano left a drop of sweat on her forehead.

Is this the legendary Japanese craftsman spirit?

"Both of them broke through four hundred and fifty bowls!!! Is this really something that humans can do? Are you sure you don't call an ambulance to induce vomiting?"

As the empty wooden bowls continued to pile up, Sosuke Araki led Siena by a subtle gap, breaking through the 450 bowl mark one after another.

Araki Sosuke's movements slowed down significantly, and the fine beads of sweat on his forehead became more and more.

He dared not swallow the noodles without chewing as he did before. With the reduced stomach space, the chewed noodles will be able to compress more opportunities for him.

And Siena, which is closely followed, logically speaking, is more comfortable in terms of digestion efficiency and stomach space.

But looking at his expression, he didn't seem to be leisurely at first, and seemed to be reaching the limit.

Is it the reason for the excessive consumption of spiritual power in the body?

"Oh... Breaking through 500 bowls! The movements of the two players stopped at the same time... Is it the end?"

After eating the 500th bowl, the movements of the two of them obviously stopped.

"Asshole, Araki... cheer me up, what's the point of losing to a foreigner in this traditional project?"

"Cough...impossible...give...swallow it for me!!!"

Sosuke Araki exploded with blue veins on his forehead, trying to forcefully swallow the noodles in his mouth.

"Ms. Araki...Don't force it, if you eat bad stomach, it will be troublesome..."

Tori Mayumi looked worriedly at Sosuke Araki next to him, and subconsciously pulled his cuffs.

At this moment, the two of them, relying solely on willpower to support them, both swallowed the soba noodles in a bowl at a fairly fast speed.

Pulled by her in this way, the state of "clear face" was broken, and the scale of victory began to tilt.

"Cough cough cough...puff...I...no...nothing."

As the noodles spouted from Araki Sosuke's nostrils, he quickly put the lid on his bowl, preventing Grandma Yudou from adding noodles, and surrendered first.

"Hey... Actually, I can't eat anymore..."

Seeing Sosuke Araki's "spraying noodles" concede defeat, Siena, who only ate a bowl of more than him, quickly covered the bowl in his hand.

"What a wonderful game! Then I declare that the one bowl advantage won by Mr. Siena '20 centimeters per second' who swallowed a whole 521 bowls!"

I don't know when the guests who were on the sidelines applauded.

"Then, here comes the problem..."

Watching this boring game finally come to an end, Mochizuki Lingnai sighed: "Who will be responsible for eating the pile of small dishes left on this table?"

There is a lot of delicate food left on the table, she and Yu Mayumi Kotori and Ryoma before the second can never be eliminated.

"Sorry, forgive me, you will really go to the hospital if you eat it again..."

"Boss, please pack..."After a while, mother-in-law Yudou and a male clerk walked over calmly.

In addition to a pile of packing boxes, the two also brought a few souvenirs.

"This is... the bondage rope? Do we have any noodles?"

Tori Mayumi asked curiously, looking at the cute and quaint knots in his hand.

"This is Iwate's special bond rope. Although it is not a valuable thing, it is said to be very effective... Anyway, these three guys have eaten several times as much as ordinary people. I will give you one for each."

Granny Yudou said indifferently.

In Japanese, "結" and Chanling are homophones, and the god of producing spirits is one of the three gods of good fortune in Japan.

Therefore, knot is regarded as the work of god, symbolizing the maintenance of spirit and body, the connection between people, and the flow of time.

"Oh? Have you added this kind of souvenir recently..."

"Ara... Mr. Araki!"

While Sosuke Araki was clutching his stomach and looking curiously at the knot in his hand, Yu Mayumi Toriyumi called him with a flushed face, and handed out the knot in his hand with both hands respectfully.

"...I...I prefer the color in your hand... Ma... please exchange it with me, please!"

This sentence seemed to have exhausted all the strength of Toriyu Mayumi, and when she finished speaking, her entire head was already buried in her chest.

"Hey, you like green, it just happens that I don't like this color... Then I'll change it with you..."

With that said, Sosuke Araki replaced the green knot in his hand with the other's red knot.

"Thanks...thank you, I will take good care of it!"

Tie the knot that Araki Sosuke handed over to the end of the hair, and Yu Mayumi sneered.

"Come on... here are the certificates for the three of you. Congratulations on the number of bowls ranked second and third in the history of Yokohama store...one, two, three, eggplant!"

Several people gathered around the three weak-faced "players" holding "520", "521" and "151", and took a group photo with the help of the waiter.

As the second and third in history, this photo will naturally be hung in a prominent place in the store.

"Is the 521 bowl only the second place? What is the first place..."

Seeing the clerk stepping on the ladder to post the group photo to the upper left corner of the photo wall, Mochizuki Lingnai looked over there curiously.

"Number one, I remember being a foreign girl full of energy... Twenty years have passed in a blink of an eye, right?"

Mother-in-law Yudou, who was standing by, looked at Siena with a bit of sorrow.

Mochizuki Lingnai's eyes stayed on the top left photo with the clerk's movements.

"This...this is..."

Seeing the person in the photo, she was a little surprised and covered her mouth.

Large crystal tears slid down her cheeks from her different colored pupils.

"Well, indeed, it's been twenty years...Although I have been trying to become stronger, in every sense, I still haven't been able to catch up with the big sister."

Looking at the photo in the upper left corner, Siena smiled nostalgicly, and then glanced thoughtfully at Sosuke Araki standing at the door.

In the yellowish photo, there is a young and energetic blond girl.

She grinned and smiled brilliantly, holding the two pale and painful teenagers with her hands on her left and right.

On the left and right, there are black teenagers with white eyes and teeth, and Japanese teenagers with messy hair and black-rimmed glasses.

The "Certificate" in the hands of the three people read "310", "570" and "75" from left to right.

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