I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 244 Precious Living Material

"Be careful! Haunted house appraisal" on the third floor of the store.

"Um... uh... huh... this is a major discovery that can disrupt the world..."

In the dark "Truth Institute" with curtains drawn in broad daylight, there is still a messy scene.

Mai Hanyu, who was only wearing purple lace shorts, sat in front of the computer and stretched her bloody body indifferently.

With a strange blush on her face, while biting her finger, she watched attentively at the picture on the screen.

The other hand was placed under the computer desk, and an inexplicable voice murmured repressedly in his mouth.

On the computer screen, what is playing is not a picture that is not suitable for children.

On the contrary, it is quite a boring scene: in the night vision mode lens, under the dim light, a blond young man is leaning back on the foot of the sofa, snoring and sleeping soundly, with a clear glass hanging on the corner of his mouth. saliva.

On the coffee table not far in front of the young man, there was a latest portable DVD player with its back facing the camera, and it seemed to be playing something.

The small screen emits ever-changing dim light, reflecting on the young man's face, making his sleeping look even more terrifying.

But it was this video that made Hanyu Mai watched repeatedly dozens of times in a mesmerizing way.

This is certainly not because she has some unspeakable XP to the man in the video.

Take a closer look, and not far behind the sleeping young man, a pair of stone heads are scattered.

It was when the "Haunting House Test Sleeping" was finished that day and she was packing her things, she found the missing "Hexham Head".

The research materials purchased at high prices through the dark academia are missing, which naturally attracted her attention.

As the video played, Mai Hanyu focused and zoomed in to the corner behind the sofa.

A closer look reveals that a group of vague, child-sized black shadows slowly moved onto one of the stone heads, and then remained motionless.

But if you look closely, the group of black shadows staying in place is gradually becoming deeper and deeper at a slow speed.

Ten minutes after the video was fast-forwarded, another group of dark shadows slowly emerged from the portable DVD player...

The group of newly appeared black shadows seemed to want to move towards the sofa behind the youth, but for some reason it didn't go well.

Its movement became weaker and weaker, and at the end it even stuck halfway outside the screen. It took a long time before it rolled to the ground and slowly rushed towards the stone man on the ground.

Seeing this, Mai Hanyu couldn't help but glance at a portable DVD player on the shelf next to it, wrapped in layers of talisman paper with the characters of Dragon Kingdom.

After that night, the player just broke down.

Since this device is a "hidden energy field life body contact device", she still carefully "seals" it with a rune paper obtained from a certain channel.

When her gaze returned to the computer screen, the two groups of dark shadows were already entangled together.

The most exciting part is just beginning...

As the video played, on the floor not far behind the peacefully sleeping young man, more and more dark shadows entered the lens range from all directions of the house, centered on the two stone heads, like a worm. Entangling and devouring each other...

One of the stone heads flew out of the lens due to the fierce "fight", and was wrapped in a black shadow and rushed back.

Until the end, the two black shadows that wrapped the stone heads collided and merged into a complete and dense black human figure. They wrapped the two stone heads on their chests and slowly "stand up". ...

A dark red light flashed in the eyes of the stone head.

"Sure enough, will the phenomenon of quantum entanglement and fusion also occur between the hidden energy field life forms? Since the two stone heads can be taken away, that is to say, they have the ability to interact with the material world, and under what conditions are they ignored? Ordinary physics"

After the black shadow with four hands and four feet stood dumbly, the black energy like a thread condensed from it, and quickly wrapped around the sleeping man in front.

Entangled by the black energy, the man was unaware, still sleeping soundly.

On the contrary, it touched his black silk thread, and a static-like light spot appeared, spreading toward the black shadow like a ignited lead wire.

The black shadow seemed to be very afraid of this small spot of light, and without hesitation he tore off a large group of black shadows on his "head", and then disappeared from the lens.

In the lens, only the man sleeping soundly is left.

As for the black shadow abandoned at his feet, it was quickly swallowed and disappeared by the small light spot.

"It's really interesting... Not only was it a breakthrough to confirm the existence of the hidden energy field life form in the form of video for the first time... Uh... I observed the first-hand activity material... um... The most important thing is , It seems to have discovered some very precious living material that must never be known to'Black Claw'..."

Even after watching this scene countless times, Mai Hanyu's expression at the moment seemed to see something quite intoxicating for her, and her breathing became heavy.

"Huh...it's a pity, after that, the battery of the'True Eye Prototype One' which was originally enough for half a night ran out for some reason, and failed to capture more images...ahhh..."

Mai Hanyu squinted her eyes happily, the flush on her face became thicker, and she licked her fingers harder.

She clamped her slender legs and shook her body slightly uncontrollably, Mai Hanyu seemed to be relieved.

"It seems that it is not just a coincidence that Hou Hai can survive the'death car shock'...what is the difference in him, and what principle is used to make the hidden energy field life body'photochemical'? ..."

Gently pulling her finger out of her mouth, she took the lens on the table and looked at it carefully.

This "Eye of Reality Prototype No. 1" happened to be the same shot that captured the hidden energy field lifeforms in the apartment in front of Tibet and the haunted house.

Based on her current research hypothesis, it is speculated that the "Eye of Reality" can accidentally capture the image of the hidden energy life body, because of unknown reasons, the magnetic field frequency of the lens material and the hidden energy life body have reached the "same frequency". The "fit effect".

But after that, it seemed that the magnetic field frequency of the lens was gradually restored, and the ability to capture was lost again.

"The other question is why only the'True Eye Prototype One' can suddenly capture the hidden energy field life form..."

Scratching his head in distress, Mai Hanyu only felt that the more she knew, the more problems she had. The content of this video alone involved hundreds of new topics.

That night, there were a total of three of the "Eye of Reality" in the living room, but the pictures taken by the other two were nothing unusual.

In that mansion, what is it that makes the magnetic field frequency of "True Eye One" reach the "same frequency state" again.

The video on the screen was played back quickly, and suddenly it froze for a certain moment.

In the paused picture, the young man who was sleeping all the way was sitting in front of the sofa and suddenly tilting his head back.

A few drops of unknown liquid are flying towards the camera from the darkness.

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