I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 245 I'm going to be... a father?

"Be careful! Haunted house appraisal" on the first floor of the store.

The new full-time "sleeper" Sosuke Araki is sitting in front of the computer "fishing" in boredom.

Since Mr. President seemed to be obsessed with some research in the past two days, apart from arranging him to go alone to "try sleep" in a small apartment that was said to have been hanged, he never arranged a trip as exciting as the last time.

The key is that "small apartment hanged to death", so that it is not dead, is his room 304 upstairs.

What's the difference between this and putting him home to sleep...

Although the personal belongings in the room had been taken away by his family and the real estate agent redecorated it, he still recalled the hurried meeting with Ms. Okimoto Rika through the window and the friendly conversation through the door.

What a pity a good person.

With this thought in mind, Araki Sosuke reverently slept sweetly in that apartment.

During other working hours, he can only fight against Hou Hailu in the shop.

It is said to be a slaying, in fact, it is to order takeaways, purchase living supplies, repair the broken doors and windows of household appliances in the house, contact the owners and tenants who contacted the telephone consultation, and come to the door to look for things for these two bosses who can't get out of the house. Miscellaneous things such as Jidao.

As for website operation...

Since someone's knowledge of computers is limited to the level of "observation and learning", and Houhailudou's strength in this area seems to be surprisingly strong, the operation and maintenance of the website is not even worthy of "playing hands".


The CEO, COO, CFO, CTO, and CIO of "Watch Out! Haunted House Appraisal" sitting opposite him whispered to the only employee in the company.


Sosuke Araki raised his head and saw the thick sea and land wearing a T-shirt and a baseball cap with inexplicable words such as "Ukudo Girl Saigao", "Ari-chan's Benming", "Handshake Meeting Commemorative Edition", etc., facing him. He winked.

"Could it be..."

Facing the "crazy hint" from his immediate boss, Sosuke Araki's face was instantly serious, and he glanced at the time in the lower right corner of the computer screen.


He began to type frantically on the keyboard with both hands. With precise and skilled hand speed, it took less than a second to enter a certain section of the 2CH forum.

"Sure enough... that one has been updated!"

He showed a knowing smile to Hou Hai Lu Dou, and the two immediately looked at it with gusto, and exchanged ideas from time to time.

"Hey, this position is something I didn't expect at all..."

"This movement frequency is completely incompatible with fluid dynamics... and from the perspective of human physiological structure, is it possible that there is a sensitive zone in that place?"

Unlike the rude Araki Sosuke, the veteran network otaku Ho Hailu Dou has profound knowledge in this regard, and his taste angle is also very tricky.

At the same time, his forum ID "Deep Rukia" is also a well-known person who has been in the 2CH forum for many years.

The author of "[The Rift Girl] Reasonable Measurements", "PUA Master teaches you to rush to the home base" and other popular high-quality posts with more than 10 million clicks.

No netizen could have imagined that they were regarded as the home base strategy post of the Bible. It was actually a technical house who had never been in love while reading the book in the company and translated and combined several sets of overseas guides in English.

"...I was born in the world empty-handed..."

When Sosuke Araki was seriously "learning", the phone on the desk rang.



On the other end of the phone, there was a crying voice from a woman with a familiar voice.

"You are……"

Hearing this voice, Araki Sosuke instantly shook his pupils and unknowingly squeezed the phone.


He had imagined countless times how it would be like to see Teak Saya again.

However, he never thought that the other party would take the initiative to contact him.

"I heard it right away. It's Araki-kun as expected."

On the other side of the phone, Saya Teak sobbed moved.

"You...After so many things happened, you still dare to contact me..."

"Araki-kun, I know what to say now, you won't believe me anymore... But, I hope you can understand that I was controlled by the Bliss Club before and couldn't help myself... It was hard to get in touch with you. I can’t see you first, I will tell you the truth about everything..."

On the other side of the phone, Teak Saya spoke eloquently, seeming to have endless difficulties.

"Hey, until now, you thought I would still believe... I didn't receive your call. If I have any difficulties, I will speak slowly after I surrender to the police..."

Sosuke Araki sweated slightly on his forehead, pretending to resolutely refused the other party's request.

Well done, Sosuke Araki, can't be fooled by that woman anymore.

"Really, I didn't intend to tell you, it seems this is the last chance...Araki-kun...I, I have..."

But Saya Teak's next sentence broke his defense in an instant.

"Impossible... I obviously didn't come that night... Wait... Could it be that I am no longer..."

Araki Sosuke flushed, hurriedly spitting into the phone.

"It's understandable that you don't want to see me, Araki-kun. I will raise the child by myself... If you are a boy, you can call him Araki Aohara."

On the other side of the phone, Saya Teak whimpered.

"...It's like the vast forest at the foot of Mount Fuji that we looked at together that day."

"Hey... Why do you use your name without permission... You must make it clear to me about this!"

I'm going to be... a dad?

In Sosuke Araki's mind, there was already a picture of himself holding a black baby who did not look like him at all, and nursing him skillfully.


"Houhai-kun, I'm a bit urgent to ask for a leave, and I have to go to the Skytree..."

After hanging up the phone, Sosuke Araki dialed another call and rushed out.

"Eh... how can a newly updated book in the Skytree Tower look good?"

Taking a look at Sosuke Araki who hurriedly left, Houhailudou was immersed in his own world again.

With the sound of high heels, Mai Hanyu, who was wearing a white coat and professional suit like usual, walked downstairs.

"Where's the Sleeper..."

She looked around the small office, but she didn't seem to see the person she was looking for, showing a slightly unhappy expression.

"Oh, Araki-kun said he was going to the Skytree in a hurry, so he went out in a panic..."

Hou Hailu Dou stared at the computer screen and replied without moving his eyes.

"Could it be that he is going to sell our information to "Black Claw"? No, that guy doesn't seem to have that kind of IQ... or is "Black Claw" finally going to get him? "

After pondering for a while, Mai Hanyu also went out on her own.


In Taito District, a gorgeously decorated office.

"It deserves to be the'ghost fox' of the former Bliss Club, with first-class acting skills."

Sitting behind the large desk, Kazuo Amato clapped his hands at the woman who just hung up the phone not far away.

"Minister Tianteng praised... With that guy's fascination with me before, coupled with my current ability, as long as you make an appointment to meet, you will be able to successfully recruit him to your command."

It was a slender teak Saya with black shoulder-length hair and a slender figure who hung up the phone.

Behind her, four powerful men with Kong Wu stood neatly.

"Yes, with your ability, I don't have to worry about the problem of talents. This is a solution to my confidant problem... The people on this list are almost done... That Araki Sosuke is very Important, I am going to let him give Zhang Fenfang a big gift for me..."

Kazuo Amato said, and placed a pile of materials on the desktop contentedly.

"The minister can rest assured...then, if all the recruitment is successful...the minister promises others' miraculous things..."

Saya Teak took the pile of materials and looked at Kazuo Amofuji in favor.

A faint black air, centered on her, spread slowly in the room.

"Huh...I just took the "Miraculous Thing" once, so you dare to test the "Blessed One" like me?"

Kazuo Tento snorted coldly, and a tenfold black aura rose from his body, isolating the other's breath.

A strong murderous intent, instantly enveloped Teak Saya.

"Minister calmed down, Saya was just gaining divine power for the first time and was not well controlled. He definitely didn't mean to offend..."

Teak Saya quickly kneeled to the ground in fright.

After gaining the power of Tamazou on that day, she originally wanted to use this powerful charm to control a certain super-rich or politician to serve herself.

However, this newly acquired "divine power" was not as powerful as she had imagined, and was capable of indiscriminately overwhelming sentient beings.

Not only is the time and effect required for the charm different according to the target’s sexual orientation, hobbies, and determination, the number of charms at the same time is only single digits.

Moreover, the effect of charm cannot be repeatedly applied to the same person, and the duration will gradually weaken due to the other's true affection for her until it becomes invalid.

The longest I have tried so far lasted for three days.

A pervert who accidentally encounters "I will kill you if I love you" may be life-threatening.

What shocked her most was that those consortia, dignitaries, and royal families seemed to be sheltered by large shrines and religions. Many Buddha statues and talisman papers that made her feel uncomfortable were invited back to let her The ability is difficult to play.

It was the first time she tasted the "supernatural power", ambition and desire that surpassed ordinary people, how could she stop here willingly.

For more and more lasting "love", she took refuge in the former home of Ryuu Uchimura, Kazuo Amato.

Kazuo Amato, who was desperately eager for talents, immediately hit it off with her. Not only did he promise to give her the treatment of the envoy, let her take care of the trip, but also gave her a "recruitment list."

On that list was the "Kanto New Generation Talents List" collected by Kazuo Tento.

"Recruited" one by one according to the list. At the end of the list, Saya Teak was surprised to find the "Haruna Mountain Downhill Race Record Holder", Sosuke Araki, who had just logged in.

So she dialed the phone of this "old acquaintance".

That's the scene just now.

"Get up...Although your ability is a non-combat divine power, as long as you work hard for the organization and recruit more talents, there will naturally be more ‘miracle things’ for you later."

Kazuo Amato flipped the "Sankou Shinbao" in his hand, and continued: "The divine envoy who has just gained divine power is normal to swell a little. Whether the offense just now is taken to heart depends on your subsequent performance... after all , The old man is not a villain..."

"Minister, please rest assured, Saya will not let you down."

Teak Saya stood up and looked back at the man behind him: "Sorry, we need to make a place here... I can only ask you to do it for me..."

"I see, as long as it's for you..."

The man turned his head in confusion, and walked out of the office tremblingly.

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