I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 246: Never See You Under The Skytree

Tokyo Sky Tree, also known as Tokyo SkyTree, is a radio tower and observation tower in Sumida City, Tokyo, Japan.

With a height of 634 meters, it is certified as the "world's tallest tower" by the Guinness Book of World Records. It is currently the second tallest building in the world, second only to the Burj Khalifa in Dubai.

In the afternoon, the Skytree Tower, which combines the five-storied Japanese ancient architecture and modern design concepts, is based on the traditional Japanese blue dyed white, exuding a slight cyan luster in the setting sun.

At this time, Sosuke Araki was sitting on the small open-air square on the second floor at the foot of the Skytree, staring down at his toes.

Whether he was running around in the dark or returning to the apartment in front of Kuramae after get off work, he was able to see from a distance the towering blue tree that supports the sky of Tokyo.

This Skytree is as colorful as the dream of countless Tokyoites, but unattainable.

But he never thought that when he first came to the foot of this "sky tree", he didn't have any mood to look up at the tall tower that he usually longed for in front of him.

Today, he is no longer at a loss as to what attitude he should take to face Teak Saya.

Time is the best medicine to cure everything.

Now he doesn't have much love or hatred for this woman.

The only thing that I remember in my heart that made him intoxicated was the taste of suspicious love that he had never tasted before, growing up in the orphanage.

Even if the taste is false.

However, one thing is certain is that as the "bait" of the Bliss Club, the other party's hands are definitely not clean and should be punished by law.

But when this day really arrived, his mood was mixed.

"Araki~ Jun."

Just as Araki Sosuke sat down in the square with a tangled look, a slightly playful female voice sounded behind him.

Araki Sosuke raised his head stiffly, turned around, and looked at the owner of this familiar, but seemingly unfamiliar voice.

Teak Saya.

Wearing a cute painter's hat, a warm and cute dress, and a little pink, she is a little less feminine and more pure than before, set off by her short black shoulder-length hair.


Sosuke Araki looked at the familiar and strange woman in front of him with complicated eyes.

He opened his mouth slightly, and only felt that his throat was dry. There were countless questions and a thousand words, but they were all stuck in his chest.

The other party is like the tall, charming, colorful Skytree in front of him, close at hand but far away, looking up all the time, but never really walked in front of him like today.

"Araki-kun, you must have a lot of questions... it doesn't matter, find a place to sit down, I will tell you everything today."

Saya Teak used her watery eyes to stare affectionately at Sosuke Araki, stepping forward, naturally trying to take the other person's arm as usual.

An undetectable resentment suddenly spread from her surface.

Silently poured into Araki Sosuke's body.

Smelling the long-lost but never-fading orange scent from the other party, Sosuke Araki did not speak, but gently avoided the opponent's protruding arm, and walked into the square first with a confused expression. Outdoor cafe.

Seeing Sousuke Araki's dodge, and his increasingly confused eyes, Saya Teak's face first tightened, and then he relaxed.

"What happened that night... What happened to'Araki Aohara'?"

After ordering two cups of coffee indiscriminately, after sitting down in the corner, Sosuke Araki asked directly.

Hearing his question, Saya Teak's face was a little surprised, and then he pursed his lips again.

It's no wonder that I haven't been completely charmed by myself, it turns out to be entangled with this question...

It seems that what happened that night hurt him quite deeply.

"My hometown is in Nasushiobara City, Tochigi Prefecture, which is a remote place with nothing but hot springs."

Teak Saye didn't answer his question directly, but sighed softly and said.

"Since I was young, my parents passed away accidentally. It was my uncle who brought me up... He owes a large loan shark to the president of Uchimura, so we can only act under the orders of the Bliss Club, otherwise we will even have a small life. It's hard to guarantee..."

Gently holding up the coffee in her hand, she looked up at the skytree above her head.

"So, what happened that night was just as you imagined... I was just responsible for bringing you to the hotel. I don't know what happens after that."

Listening to the other party's account, Araki Sosuke lowered his head and did not speak, holding a stirring rod, mechanically stirring the coffee in his hand.

"However, Araki-kun, you don't need to worry, Uchimura Ryusei is already dead... From now on, let us be together and serve a stronger organization than the Bliss Society..."

Seeing that the opponent's movements became more rigid, Teak Saya only assumed that his charm had begun to take effect.

Araki Sosuke's willpower seems to be much stronger than others, and his charm has taken so much time.

"So... the "Araki Aohara" matter is also fake?"

Araki Sosuke suddenly raised his head, and looked at her and asked.

"Oh, Araki-kun, that is of course...people are joking...but after we are together, maybe there will be..."

Faced with this unexpected problem, Teak Saye smiled, and suddenly found out what was wrong.

"Huh... I was greatly relieved to hear you... Haha... After all, I can't even afford milk powder now..."

She only then realized that the eyes of Araki Zongsuke looked at her, so bright and clear, there was still time to joke.

"Yes, as long as we are together in the future, there is nothing to worry about, everything will be there..."

"Huh huh, sleeper, so you are here... are you skipping work early for a date?"

A tall and pretty figure rushed in front of Araki Sosuke somehow, and unceremoniously interrupted the conversation between the two.

It is Mai Hanyu who has a charming face and a white coat that can't hide the S curve.

"Araki-kun, who is she?"

Seeing the beautiful woman in front of him, Saya Teak asked pretending to be jealous.

She was looking forward to the expression of this woman when the charmed Araki Sosuke left with her.

"Hurry up with me, I have important things for you to confirm."

Regarding the teak wood on the side as air, Mai Hanyu radiated the queen's aura to Sousuke Araki on her own, and took his arm.

"Wait, I'll take a leave first..."

Saying this to Saya Teak, Sosuke Araki pulled Mai Hanyu aside.

"President...I'm sorry, I have something wrong now, can I ask for a leave, I will explain the reason later..."

The embarrassing scene of slipping the post ahead of time and being caught up by the boss to catch the scene, Araki Sosuke also encountered it for the first time in his life.

He can only intercede with each other with his hands folded.

"No problem, I'm not the kind of unkind person... I'll give you ten minutes of paid leave to solve it. I'll be waiting for you here. There are important things."

Mai Hanyu was "amiable" and allowed him to take a ten-minute vacation. He ordered a cup of coffee on a seat in the distance, found a tablet, clicked on the countdown, and then watched the news leisurely.

"Araki-kun...who is she...is your new girlfriend?"

Seeing Sosuke Araki's return, Saya Teak took a look at the woman who was comparable to her in terms of body and appearance, and some sizes were slightly better than 100 million dollars, and asked pitifully.


Without answering the other party's question, Araki Sosuke lowered his head and lit the cigarette in his hand, and took a hard breath.

"Huh... My childhood was spent in an orphanage. My parents don’t know what things like this look like... My friends who grew up together must leave the orphanage at the age of 18 and try to support themselves... "

Mai Hanyu's interruption eased the complicated emotions and calmed him down.

"...Even so, no matter whether it is to give your life to struggle, to join the communication industry, to return to Thailand as an idol... no one has ever thought of using someone else's life to continue oneself."

In the smoke, Araki Sosuke's face became more and more hazy, making Saya Teak a little unclear.

"Even if it is Hunji Dao behind, Brother Zhang has taught me that everything that people have done has a price."

"You, are you teaching me... why don't you... don't you love me? Why are you different from others?"

Seeing Sosuke Araki, who was not "charming" by himself at all, but preached instead, Saya Teak showed an expression of disbelief.

Araki Sosuke's previous feelings for her were as keen as she had always felt.

Including today on the phone, the other party still has no choice but to be led by the nose obediently.

It stands to reason that such a goal, no matter how firm the mind is, it should now be affected by the "divine power", and it is the right thing to let yourself take what you want and what you want.

"Sorry, I admit that I was moved to you before... After that happened, I also thought about whether you didn't know it, maybe you have your own difficulties... But I found that the reasons for helping you, even me I can't convince myself..."

"So I came today, just hoping to let you personally confirm it for me."

"No, Araki-kun...I..."

Sosuke Araki's strange tattoos and a scene in front of the revolving door of the Metropolitan Hotel in Ikebukuro suddenly came to Saya's mind.

"...I'm also a powerful part-time spirit remover with an appearance fee of up to 500,000 yen..."

Didn't he joking with himself, he really is the mysterious "spiritual remover" mentioned by Ryuu Uchimura?

"What I want to ask is clear. There is nothing to talk about between us. For the rest, someone will naturally talk to you...bye...no, never see again."

Before she could think about it, Sosuke Araki had already picked up the coffee and turned and left.

When Saya Teak hadn’t figured out the situation, someone pressed her arm from behind...

Immediately, the unique cold touch of the handcuffs wrapped around her wrist.

Behind her, some men in black suits and pink badges stood at some unknown time.

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