I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 247 Fountain and Giant Beast

"Teak Saya, this is the investigation section of the sex crime investigation department. Now it is suspected that you are related to 36 cases of pornography and organ trafficking. Please help us to go back and investigate... You have the right to remain silent, but everything you say All will become evidence in court."

Behind Teak Saya, who is being handcuffed is a police officer with short black hair and a righteous face.

The righteous partner, before the second dragon horse.

"I see……"

Even though his hands were tightly handcuffed behind him, Saya Teak stood up gracefully and looked at Araki Sosuke with a light smile: "You will regret it, Araki-kun..."

Araki Sosuke raised his head to look at the sky, took a deep breath, and responded to her with a broad and silent back.

At this time, night fell, and the blue-and-white Skytree above the sky, lighted up from the bottom one by one.

Like a big tree ignited by the sky fire, the fiery red light spread from the bottom to the top, and quickly "burned" the entire sky tree, and then burst out with fireworks-like colorful colors.

"Let's go, you are the one who will regret it. The documents of dozens of cases are piled up in the office..."

Several police officers did not delay any longer and took the Teak Saya directly away.


Looking at the depressed, Araki Sosuke who didn't even turn his head to say hello to him, Ryoma sighed and turned to close the team before deliberately falling to the last two.

When the first love encounters a fairy jumping, and also personally call the police to send the other party in, this kind of thing can only let time heal.


"Sister Hanyu...No, President, I'm sorry."

After Ryoma walked on the first two days before, Araki Sect, with a low expression, walked to Mai Hanyu's table and sat down.

"You timed out for 5 minutes."

"I know... that's..."

"You don't need to explain to me, I'm not interested in anything other than research. In order to confirm who you met and whether you have rebelled, I have been there from the beginning... The feelings between men and women are just secreted. It's just the irrationality caused by polyphenylethylamine."

Mai Hanyu stared at the tablet in her hand, blocking his next words without looking up.

"Today wasted precious scientific research time to come to you, just to confirm one thing..."

As usual, she leaned forward, put her elbows and chest on the table together, and turned the tablet computer in her hand to Sosuke Araki.

"That...that...is it another urban legend video...sorry...I'm not in the mood right now..."

Seeing Mai Hanyu's familiar and seductive sitting position in front of him, Sousuke Araki sweated slightly on his forehead and looked away.

Mai Hanyu tapped the screen and shifted Sosuke Araki's eyes from somewhere to the tablet.

"It's an honor, Sleeper... What you will witness next is the historical observation results of the "Institute of Truth" classified as [Reincarnation Goddess Ponci]... Do well to be tortured by dozens of sturdy blacks in one way or another. Can't torture the awakening? "

Not waiting for Sosuke Araki to complain about the excessively long "confidential level" and answer "Of course not, why should I be treated by dozens of blacks...", she has already pressed the play button on her own.

What was shown on the screen was the video of Mai Hanyu repeatedly "researched" dozens of times.

"This is... me? Huh, do I have such a bad sleep and snoring so loudly? It must have been too tired those few days..."

Seeing himself snoring in the night vision camera, Araki Zongsuke smiled and stroked the back of his head.

"It doesn't matter what your sleeping appearance is, here, look here! In that mansion that night, a moving image of the hidden energy field life form was recorded!"

Looking at Mai Hanyu's fingertips, Sosuke Araki's eyes were also attracted by the vague shadow in the darkness.

With the rapid playback of the video, dark shadows constantly appear in the lens, intertwined, swallowed, and merged into one...

"This is……"

Seeing the weird activities of the fuzzy black shadows next to "I" on the screen, Sousuke Araki opened his mouth slightly, revealing a surprised expression.

At the same time, several black runes crawled up his face along his neck.

Araki Sosuke's whole body is like a computer that has been pressed for a pause, from facial expressions to body movements to a halt.

"Yes, this scene happened not far from your side at the time... Did you notice anything unusual that night? Are eating, drinking, Lhasa and playing [Beep...] normal after you go back?"

Mai Hanyu, who "shared joy" with her assistant, was also triumphant when she looked at the other's surprised and sluggish expression.

"Well, it depends on your contribution as an assistant to give you the second glory to prove a moment in human history... the Sleeper?"

Immediately, she noticed the strangeness of Araki Sosuke, and curiously stretched out her hand and shook in front of the opponent.

The surprised expression solidified on Araki Sosuke's face for twenty seconds.

"...President, isn't this fuzzy black shadow caused by distortion of the lens? This lens shouldn't be broken when you modified it."

Immediately, like resetting, he recovered his usual carefree appearance.

It seems that even the decline caused by the previous teak Saya incident has been left out of the sky.

"First, it was a daze for unknown reasons... and then without hesitation directly identified the distortion caused by the damage of the lens? Interesting perception..."

Seeing Sosuke Araki's reaction completely contrary to normal people, Mai Hanyu pondered.

Because of the distortion and distortion of the shooting caused by the change of the lens glass material, she has met many times on the way to make "Eye of Reality", and it is not uncommon at all.

However, the blur and distortion of the picture caused by these reasons will never be dynamic.

But she was not prepared to refute the meaning, instead she looked at Sosuke Araki with interest, as if she had observed some strange phenomenon.

"So, President, you came all the way to get me to confirm this video..."

Before Araki Sosuke had finished speaking, Mai Hanyu stood up, leaned over the table and stood up, bringing her pretty face in front of the opponent.

"There is one more thing... Now, from the first meeting, your sight, 73.5% of the time, stays on my chest, right?"

"Wh...I...that...is it so precise..."

Facing the opponent's sudden approaching face and the problem of hitting the key, Araki Sosuke's whole body went down in an instant, even stiffer than when he was watching the video just now.

"When I was studying in France... the local women had a ‘good habit’ when sunbathing on the beach... That is, you must untie your bikini..."

The entire upper body rested on the table, looking down at Sosuke Araki's Mai Hanyu, and stretched his bare hand gently toward his neckline.

"like this……"

The white shirt buttons, which had been soaring by the pair of murder weapons, fell apart one by one with her fingers lightly picking it up...

"You really want to see it..."

The pair of "prehistoric behemoths" in the white shirt gradually revealed their hideous features to Zongsuke Araki.


As if suddenly dragged into the Mariana Trench by a giant beast, the suffocation and oppression that blocked the chest surged...

Araki Sosuke's eyes widened, like a drowning person who is extremely hypoxic, his body leaning against the back of the chair, elongated in the person, and leaning on the pair of black hole-like nostrils, sucking in air frantically and continuously.

At the juncture of life and death, the brain was blank, and the indoctrination of Chiba Teacher rang out in the ears of Zongsuke Araki.

"...Zongsuke, in the face of a strong enemy, you must stare at each other's every move..."

Following the instructions of the master, his eyes stared like light bulbs, even though more and more bloodshot eyes filled his eye sockets, he never blinked.

"...Remember, as long as you close your eyes, everything is over."

"No... not good... if you don't close your eyes..."

Master, I am afraid today...


As the third button collapsed and flew to his face, Sosuke Araki let out a moan of inexplicable meaning.

The entire Mariana Trench has revealed a full picture of him.

Araki Sosuke only felt that the power of the wildness in his body kept gushing out.

Deceive... deceive people too much!

His eyes narrowed slightly, and the "Eyes of the Void" couldn't stand the provocation again, and passively triggered.

Cheats, virtual...

With the opening of the fourth button, under the white shirt, the fierce beast sleeping in the deep Amazon Trench, leaped, set off violent waves, and came out of the cage with a purple lace shell.

Under the unpredictable lights of the Skytree, it is as full and dazzling as a magnificent gem.

Beep Beep... Beep Beep Beep...


Under the dazzling light, the "Eyes of the Void" hadn't had time to unfold before it went down.


Araki Sosuke's eyes instantly lost their light.

With a happy and blurred blush on his face, his entire head fell back on the back of the chair, and the blood in his nasal cavity poured into the sky like a fountain.

"It turns out...you only have this level, I'm still prepared..."

Mai Hanyu quickly took out two test tubes from his pockets, held it with one hand on the nose of Araki Sosuke, who was in the form of a human-shaped fountain, and buttoned his shirt back with his other hand expressionlessly.

"Did you know that from the physiological structure, near the nasal septum, there are three very fragile small blood vessels meeting under the nasal mucosa."

Retrieving the full test tube, Mai Hanyu took the tissue and blocked her nostril.

"...For some people who are particularly fragile in that place, but with extremely strong qi and blood, as long as the heartbeat accelerates, blood flow accelerates, and blood pressure rises, this fragile blood vessel will instantly rupture and turn into a fountain."

"But, these have a dime to do with what you just did?!"

Araki Zongsuke, who had stopped his nosebleed a little, and came back to his senses at this time, asked a little embarrassedly.

Whether it’s a test sleeper or a research assistant, in short... this job is indeed a high-risk industry! !

After that night, my learning frequency was greatly increased by this woman, and my nutrition couldn't keep up.

Then every day when he "fishing" in the store, he was greeted by the CEO to study his books...

Now suddenly attacked by this trick, his already "weak" HP value instantly bottomed out.

Don't these brothers and sisters plan to give people some time to recover?

But thinking of the pair of purple beasts that just came out of the cage, Araki Sosuke felt that he could barely withstand the few more visits.

"Don't worry, it was just a whim just now to do a biological experiment... the time is almost up, you can get off work today."

Put the transparent test tube full of nosebleeds in a sealed bag and put it in the pocket of a white lab coat. Mai Hanyu raised her wrist to confirm the time, and ignored Sosuke Araki, and turned and left as if he had pulled out the ruthless scumbag. .

"what is happening……"

Only Sosuke Araki, who looked empty and confused, sat at the foot of the colorful Skytree and swayed in the wind.

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