"Police Officer Sakashita Ryosuke, are you and Araki-kun friends?"

Inside the police car, Saya Teak glanced at the work card of the police officer next to him, and asked softly.

"Sorry, it's working time..."

The police officer named Ryosuke Sakashita was preparing to verbally reject the other party's question. Suddenly, his eyes became blurred, and his mouth also put on a warm smile.

"...I'm not familiar with that guy, but he seems to be the best friend who grew up with Jun Erqian."

"So, do you have the heart to watch people be taken away and put in jail?"

Teak Saya looked at the towering giant tree changing with brilliant light farther and farther away in the rearview mirror, and asked softly.

"Of course... not anymore."

"Hey, Sakashita-kun, before returning to the interrogation room, don't just talk to the suspect..."

Ryoma, sitting in front of the second driver of the co-pilot, couldn't help but reminded him.


The muzzle of a black hole hit his temple at some point.

It was Ryosuke Sakashita with blurred eyes in the back seat.

"Hey, don't joke during the mission..."

A drop of cold sweat suddenly shed from Ryoma's forehead before the second.

"Do you think I am joking...Stop immediately!"

Ryosuke Sakashita, who was armed with a gun, smiled evilly. Before Ryoma tried to touch the gun secretly before the second, he stunned the colleague who had only invited him to take a bubble bath yesterday with the handle of the gun...

The driving police car made a sudden brake and stopped on the side of the road.

"This is a downtown area, try to keep a low profile..."

Teak Saya reminded him softly.

"Ok, as you wish."

After a while of chaos, Sakashita Ryosuke pulled the car door and threw the knocked out Erqian Ryoma and another driving colleague to the side of the road.

As he got into the cab, the black police car drove away.

"I'm sorry, Araki-kun, I didn't make you wish..."

During the whole process, Teak Saya was like a queen, sitting gracefully on the back seat, motionless.

"I hope you and the Nuluoquan guys haven't gotten too close... Next time we meet, maybe it's the enemy."


Port of Tokyo.

Rugou's last quarter moon is hidden behind the dark clouds, but the entire busy port is still brightly lit.

"Brother Xingping, everything is ready."

In a warehouse full of wooden boxes, Higashino Xingping was quietly counting the goods with a few of his men.

"Since we are all here, let's load the car as soon as possible... After this trip, I will invite everyone to eat ramen."

"Wow, then I want to add two portions of barbecued pork!"

"...I want to add a sausage and two eggs."

Hearing what he said, several of his men worked harder and began to move wooden boxes to the truck.

As a legal violent group, Nu Luo Quan naturally also has a gray chain of interests.

Smuggling is one of them.

After the smuggled goods are "washed white" and mixed with the goods that are normally sold, high profits can be easily obtained.

Of course, the stakeholders in this stable chain of interests, in addition to Nu Luoquan, naturally also include certain politicians and people in related departments.

"Dongye-sang, since we have ordered everything, then we will leave first... By the way, this thing... Zhang Sang has confessed to hand it to you alone."

In the warehouse, two men with obvious Middle Eastern ancestry, speaking in obscure Japanese, handed him a silver alloy portable password box.

"Is it this stuff? It's heavy, what's in it..."

Kohei Higashino took over the seemingly extraordinary cipher box, and was instantly shocked by the weight of his hand.

This time, Big Brother Zhang asked him to pick up this batch of "goods". In the final analysis, it was for this thing.

Occasionally, Nu Luo Quan will also undertake some "delivery" business.

Look at the special material of this suitcase and the special code lock, even under the impact of the bomb, the stuff inside can survive.

"We don't know what exactly is installed, but we have heard that it is a terrible thing cursed by the devil. The shipping rules for this item are that you cannot open it until you die..."

The headed Middle Eastern man confessed in a low voice to Higashino's ear.

Afterwards, the two started a minivan and prepared to leave.


With the dull gunfire processed by the silencer, a blood flower bloomed on the forehead of the man in the cab, splashing the face of Kohei Higashino, who was standing aside respecting them.

"Someone attacked!!!"

Several men in black suits immediately appeared at the door of the warehouse and silently shot inside.

The Middle Eastern man in the passenger seat reacted extremely quickly and leaned down, avoiding the deadly bullets.


Seeing that the companion beside him had become a sieve under the rain of bullets and lost his breath, he took out an AK47M from under the seat and started shooting sturdily.

This Middle Eastern man's marksmanship was quite sturdy, and he temporarily suppressed the enemy at the warehouse door with one person's power.

"Find cover!"

Taking this opportunity, Higashino was too late to wipe the blood from his face, and went straight to the back of the wooden box, took out the pistol around his waist, and fired back towards the door.

"Damn it...I hate guns..."

He was muttering that he didn't want to use a gun, but his marksmanship was as accurate as before, and he instantly hit the thigh of a man on the opposite side.

A shot in the movie is handsome, but in real battles, it is more strategic to cause disability and increase the burden on the enemy.

However, the group of people on the opposite side seemed to be prepared, and the firepower was quite fierce, and the sound turned out to be an M4 carbine equipped with a silencer.

On my own side, because they were only carrying out the weekly "receiving", a few people just took pistols symbolically.

With the exchange of fire between the two sides, the situation has become increasingly unfavorable.

The Middle Eastern man trapped in the car by the rain of bullets had already been shot several times at the moment, lying weakly on his seat.

"Uh... Higashino-san, they... must have come for that ‘good’... that thing must not fall into the wrong hands..."

With that said, he exhausted the last bit of strength and slid the AKM in his hand along the ground to the plane of Higashino.

In the darkness, the flame in the huge eyes of the "partner" who had been acquainted with Higashino for several years went out.


A gloomy light flashed in Higashiye Xingping's eyes, and without hesitation he picked up the AKM automatic rifle on the ground, went around to the other direction and started to fight back.

The opposing group of people are equipped with hard enough equipment and tactical literacy is beyond the reach of ordinary Jidao, naturally he will not be naive enough to have the idea of ​​keeping his hands.

As the tongue of fire in his hand gushed out, several more men were shot in the arm and fell to the ground.

"Uh...Xingping brother...this group of guys are here prepared, the firepower is too fierce..."

However, under the firepower disparity, several of Higashino's subordinates also quickly paid off.

"Brother Xingping, we have just notified the headquarters, and we have encountered some trouble over there. Brother Zhang asked us to take that item from the ‘secret road’ and leave the other goods alone..."

This is one of their long-term "department houses", and naturally there is a secret path that can be retreated.

"I hold them, you go first!!"

A subordinate who was shot in the thigh yelled at him stiffly.


Koping Higashino lay on the ground and used the gap under the shelf to hit the ankles of several men.

"Don't hesitate, I can't walk anymore, it will only drag you down... You owe your bowl of ramen first!"

When he raised his head, the man named Mo Ze, who was of dragon national origin, had dragged his injured leg to his feet, and fired consecutive shots at several approaching men, attracting the other's attention.

"Brother Xingping, don't hesitate, go!"

Another subordinate had already taken the opportunity to push open the cargo box in the corner and pulled open a square manhole cover below.

"Damn it..."

Kohei Higashino frowned, made up his mind, and entered the tunnel with the other two men.

After the three of them entered, they directly locked the manhole cover from the inside.

Then, there was the sound of wooden boxes rubbing on the ground.

It should be Moze who pushed the wooden box back into place.

Running along the dark tunnel, Higashino's heart sank to the bottom as he listened to the waning gunshots behind him.

Mo Ze's bowl of ramen, he probably won't make it in his life.

When it is found out which force is secretly doing the trick, Nu Luo Quan will surely make them pay for it!

"Brother Xingping, it's safe above..."

One of his men opened the manhole cover at the end of the tunnel, leaned out and looked around.

This is an independent garage located in a remote corner of the pier.

In the closed garage, a black car was parked.

The three people opened the trunk of the car, and there were two 9MM American UMP submachine guns, a few pistols, and a first aid kit.

Obviously it was prepared for an emergency like today.

"Those guys should still be searching nearby. Let's retreat now."

The three of them put on their weapons, started the car, and opened the electric garage door to break through.

As the electric rolling door slowly rises, the three black vans are greeted by the high beams of the day.

A dozen men armed with automatic rifles quietly aimed at them.

The light spots of the infrared sight are densely distributed on the heads of several people.

"As expected of the "Hell Dog" Kohei Higashino... crippled several of my brothers, the marksmanship is accurate..."

Under the backlight, the man standing in the middle of several men spoke.

As soon as this person spoke, Higashino Kohei recognized him.

Jin Shanzhang, the head of the brother-in-law of the Tokyo branch of the Sanguo Group.

"Hey, Jinshansang, this is the three-member group, are you going to have a full battle with Nu Luo Quan..."

Seeing the dozen guns facing him, Yuki Higashino in the car slowly raised his hand, his face extremely ugly.

The other party even knew the location of the safe house in advance.

This can only show that the opponent has a ghost in Nu Luoquan, and his status is not low.

It seems that I was besieging the warehouse just now and not attacking, I just asked you to enter the urn.

The things in this iron box are also a hot potato.

Jin Shanzhang smiled slightly.

"What are you talking nonsense, I have already retired from the three-member team, and now I am serving as an assistant to the cadre of the'Kanto Joint Team' established because of dissatisfaction with the style of Nura Fist..."

"Kanto Joint Team?"

Glancing at the familiar men behind Jin Shanzhang, Higashino Koping only felt a chill in his back.

An unrealistic guess flooded his mind.

Impossible... How could the rebellious violent groups unite together? !

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