I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 249 Green Dragon Sword

Shibuya, Hiroo Hospital.

In the middle of the night, the corridors of the hospital were extremely silent.

"Hello, how do you get to Ward 305."

In front of the nurses' platform, someone suddenly asked.

"Sorry, the visitation time has passed now, except for the registered family members."

The nurse on duty, who was sorting out the medical records, said gently and firmly without raising her head.

"Sorry, I'm a better brother than my family, because I was seriously injured..."

"Sorry, no matter how touching the story, the hospital also has hospital regulations..."

The nurse raised her head impatiently, then swallowed the words in her throat, and subconsciously protected her chest.

Standing in front of the nurse's desk was a man with a golden oil head and a hexagram sword flower on his sideburns.

The frowning man had a terrible expression on his face, and his squinted eyes were full of regret and self-blame.

It was Sousuke Araki who heard that Ryoma had been caught in an accident before the second arrest.

"... Ward 305 is right at the end of the corridor."

The nurse shivered and squeezed out a smile, and obediently pointed the direction for the other party.

Combining the words "good brother" and "seriously injured" that the other party said before, she has imagined a gang deal, the good brother desperately to cover the man's retreat, the root of his life was damaged, and the last breath was sent to the hospital and wanted by the police. A series of plots such as the man's desperate visit to the sick.

In the face of the terrible Jidao, the "hospital regulations" are naturally worthless.

As for the police... wait until this "dangerous man" leaves.


Araki Sosuke bowed slightly, hurried across the corridor, and stopped in front of the ward at the end.

He then froze for a moment.

Isn't this ward the same one I lived in after the last "Miss Sawada Incident"?

"Ryoma... Are you okay?! It's all my fault..."

With guilt and worry, Araki Sosuke opened the door abruptly.

"Oh yes..."

"Oh Faq...hiss..."

In the ward, Erqian Ryoma, who was "seriously injured", was holding a mobile phone in one hand and a "little Ryoma" in the other, moving at high speed.


Facing Sosuke Araki who suddenly pushed in, his movements stopped instantly.

"Oh too... oh too... East Stop..."

The dull two people, the frozen air, only the "English learning materials" in the mobile phones are still playing the increasingly urgent and pure "American-style oral teaching materials."

five minutes later.

"Asshole, didn't you say on the phone that you have been given a critical illness notice?! There is still time to shoot an X gun?"

Sitting in front of the hospital bed, Sosuke Araki angrily condemned the other party's behavior.

"It's just a joke, you guys don't use their brains, whoever has been given the critical illness notice still has the strength to call you in person."

There is a fixator on his neck, which looks like a hyperthyroidism patient, Erqian Longma, said with a smile.

"It's just a slight concussion, and the neck was twisted...By the way, that guy Sakashita was really ruthless..."

However, the faint blood stains in his bandage showed that the injury was not as light as he described.

"Sorry, if it wasn't because of me..."

Araki Sosuke lowered his head and said apologetically.

If it weren't for his business, Ryoma wouldn't lead the team personally before the second lazy, and arrest Teak Saya without going through the procedures, so naturally he wouldn't be injured.

"How can I blame you, this was originally our case, it's just...a thousand counts, but I didn't count that Sakashita-kun was actually a black police..."

Speaking of this, Ryoma showed a complicated expression before the second.

"... Until now, I think this thing is very strange... Every time I ordered this night package, Sakashita who gave an extra tip, how could he be a black policeman?!"

"Well, let's not think about that...just to take advantage of this injury to fish for a few days...but you, beware of the revenge of the gang of Bliss Club."

Turning his head to see Araki Sosuke still blaming himself, Ryoma stretched out his hand and rubbed his head before, and in turn comforted him: "By the way, the nurse in this hospital is very tall. When he came to take his temperature before, , I'm lying under the bed... guess what color it is..."

"Ohhhhh? Isn't it... transparent?"

"You are too naive... She didn't wear it at all... When I saw it, I almost twisted my neck..."

"What? Will I take my temperature at night? Why don't I sleep under your bed tonight..."

Just as the two began their "regular chat", Sosuke Araki's cell phone rang.

"It's so late...who...Moximosi..."

Seeing the unfamiliar caller number, Sosuke Araki suddenly had an ominous premonition and walked to the door to pick up the phone.

"Ah, Zongsuke, wait a minute... come in... bang... bang... bang..."

What came from the phone was a intensive silence of pistol gunfire.

"Mom [beep...]...sorry, I just dealt with some [beep...] things..."

The man over the phone speaks fluent Longguo dialect.

"Big Brother Zhang?! What happened..."

Araki Sosuke instantly heard the identity of this fragrant man.

Anyway, the eldest brother he used to talk to, he naturally has the phone number of the other party.

But when Big Brother Zhang changed the number to call, things were naturally not easy.

"...The third-rate violent groups in Kanto don’t know why their heads are convulsed, and they formed a'Kanto Joint Team' overnight, thinking they can become the'Extreme Men's Heavenly Group' and make their debut in the C position instead of Nu Luo Quan... …To rob our goods directly..."

Brother Zhang on the other end of the phone, in his plain tone, was wrapped in a strong killing intent.

"It seems that if the Azure Dragon Sword is not out of its sheath for too long, others will think it is rusty... I'm sorry, but I shouldn't complain about this to you. What I want to say is obviously another thing..."

"What? Xingping was kidnapped by some ‘oden’, asking you to change things and passwords?"

On the phone, Brother Zhang quickly explained what happened last night.

"It's the'Kanto Joint Team'! Well, it seems that the guys only learned after the cargo was hijacked. The'cargo' was transported in two parts and two routes, so only half of it was obtained... the one responsible for the'unloading' Xingping also left a small life..."

"Then where is he now, you quickly get another item to exchange him back!"

Hearing that Higashino was in danger, Sosuke Araki's face suddenly turned pale.

"Do you think that if you take things to the other side, you will let people go? Originally, I wanted to visit my door and bring Koping back... However, the impact of the gunfight on the dock was too bad, and I was organized by the crime countermeasures class in the past two days. The gang of mad dogs stared so hard...The most troublesome thing is that the identity of the inner ghost who exposed our "safe house" has not been finally confirmed..."

On the other side of the phone, Big Brother Zhang seemed to be in a rather devastated situation.

"Although I secretly tuned the'Blue Dragon Sword' and the munitions here... But, you know that they are only responsible for the'out of the sheath,' and they don't even speak Japanese. They can't buy things at a convenience store, and they don't know the way. , Needs someone to bring..."

"So, I, who is out of sight of the police, knows the road, and speaks Japanese and ordinary post, became the best candidate for a'deal'?"

Araki Sosuke naturally understood what the other party meant and interrupted him directly.

Now that the Nuluo Fist had adjusted the "Blue Dragon Sword", things were not as easy as Big Brother Zhang said.

It is said that in every battle, Nuluo Quan will use the smuggling channels to mobilize retired overseas special forces named "Qinglongdao" to carry out a decapitation operation called "out of the sheath".

This standard combat mode used by the Dragon Kingdom Jidao is also known as the "Airborne Soldier Mode", which makes other Jidao fearful.

The members of the "Qinglongdao" not only have excellent military quality, well-equipped, and hard-handed actions, but also the identity of a foreign black household that makes the police "no trace to be found."

"I know this request is too much for you as an ordinary citizen. It doesn't matter if you don't want to do it... I will..."

"No, I'll do it."

"What?! So simply, don't you think about it anymore?"

Araki Sosuke agreed without hesitation, but Zhang was caught off guard.

"What are you kidding me, this guy Xingping, but my most important brother and family... Instead of being scared here, it's better to be a'tour guide' for you...send me your contact information."

After that, Sosuke Araki hung up.

He still didn't say something in his heart.

Just repay your kindness by the way.

Had it not been for Zhang's effort to protect him, as a "trainee Ruozhong," he would have to leave at least a little finger if he wanted to easily quit Nuluoquan and go to college.

"Hey, you also missed the most crucial sentence..."

On the other end of the phone, facing the "dududu" phone, Big Brother Zhang, who had a pale face and a messy haircut, murmured.

In a room full of bullet holes, a man who was shot dead and stubbornly lay at his feet.

The sticky blood soaked the inferior wooden floor into a little swelling.

Drops of red liquid were dripping along the shot arm of Brother Zhang.

He didn't care. He just knelt down and looked at the man lying on the ground with painful and bewildered eyes, and gently closed his eyes.

Because most of the members are descendants of the Dragon Kingdom, the member structure of Nu Luo Quan is the simplest and most loyal, which is also an important factor for their development and growth.

The man who suddenly drew a gun to attack Zhang Hong, but now lies on the ground unsatisfied, is the cadre of the current Nuraquan Tokyo branch who has followed him for more than ten years.

"...In this situation, you are the only person Xingping and I can trust."

Both the "Department House" and the "Safe House" were exposed, Yukhei Higashino was robbed with goods, and his brother who had been with him for many years attacked him suicide for no reason...

A series of things that happened recently left him a little bit at a loss.

He had a great distrust of the original rock-solid Anura Fist.

If the sharp-edged "Blue Dragon Knife" is handed over to the wrong person, it may bring catastrophic consequences.

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