Adachi Ward, Tokyo.

A bucket of cold water splashed on Higashino's face.

He slowly opened his swollen eyes, and looked around with his head down and calmly.

He looked quite embarrassed in the middle of an abandoned house.

He was tied to an iron chair with his top naked, his body and face covered with blue and purple scars and blood stains, only the three hellhound tattoos on his back were still roaring silently under the dim light.

After being tied back by those guys, he suffered a lot because he was "unwilling to tell the password of that box."

The sturdy alloy box contained some valuable cultural relics, so it could not be dismantled by force.

Fortunately, Brother Zhang didn't tell him the password, otherwise he might not be able to survive the torture.

"It seems that Zhang Fenfang cares about you a lot. He is willing to exchange you with the other half of that thing and the password... You should know a lot of his secrets..."

Jin Shan Akira looked at the embarrassed Higashino Kopei with an imposing manner, and he almost wrote "You have today" on his face.

The competition between Sankouzu and Nuluo Quan in the Kanto region is quite fierce.

As for the head of the Tokyo branch of the two major organizations, Higashino Kopei, who dared to fight and took the lead, is far more famous than the one who is good at making money.

This made him quite jealous, who had always been careful.

However, all this is completely different from today.

He is now a cadre of the "Kanto Joint Group", the fourth major force in Tokyo.

Without even looking at Jin Shanzhang, Higashino's eyes floated to a few tall, tattooed, and ill-looking men standing not far away.

Moli Dark Rose, the first generation Mee Yoshinaga Keisuke, the leader of the Night Sakura Club, Kato Yuya, and the first generation Mee of the Black Emperor, Junshi Guada...

These are all ruthless people who are rebellious, relying on their own strength to make a place in the Kanto area.

"Moli Dark Rose, Ye Yinghui, Black Emperor...Where is the backbone of you guys? Is it so happy to be a dog for a group of three?"

Before, it was these organizations that brought the elite of their subordinates, united with the Kizuna Association, sacrificed the munitions at the bottom of the box, and attacked the warehouse of Nu Luoquan.

As old as he is, he naturally sees the shadow of the three-member group behind the establishment of this "Kanto Joint Group".

However, Jin Shanzhang dared to stand here, and it seemed that he didn't intend to let himself leave alive.

What makes Higashino Xinghei want to break his head but also can't figure out, how can these guys who are rebellious and arrogant in daily life suddenly be willing to bow their heads to the trio?

Then you were very ambitious and worked so hard to build a group, just join the three-member group or the Sumiyoshi Club.

"I don't know if I'm not happy about being a dog for a group of three, but if I'm a dog for Master Guihu, they must be very happy..."

Following Jin Shanzhang's yin and yang weird words, a delicate and graceful woman walked into the room slowly.

"Master Teak..."

Seeing her come in, the few silent men in the room cast scorching gazes at her, as if they had seen the person they loved most.

The person who came was the core figure who contributed to the establishment of the "Kanto Joint Group", Teak Saya.

After confirming the admiring eyes of those people, Saya Teak showed a satisfied expression.

After all, during the daytime, the "charm failure" at Sosuke Araki made her a little uneasy.

Up to now, she has not figured out whether it is because the other party hates herself too much, or his girlfriend is too domineering, or because he is really a "spiritual remover"?

Moved Lianbu lightly to the front of Higashino Kopyeong, Teak Saya put his hand on his forehead, and smiled vaguely: "'Hell Dog' Higashino Koppa? Why don't you come and try as a dog for me, and you will know if you are not happy." NS……"

As his eyes met, a black air poured into Higashino's body.


Kohei Higashino's expression was confused for a moment, and then his eyes began to flicker, as if there was an extremely contradictory thing in his heart.

"Hey, it seems that in your heart, there seems to be someone who you really love lives..."

Teak Saya gently rubbed Higashino's messy dreadlocks as if stroking a pet dog, and a thicker black aura poured into the opponent's body.

Seeing this scene, the men behind suddenly showed envy and excitement.

"...Tell me obediently, what's the password for that alloy box..."

Kohei Higashino's facial muscles were shaking violently, as if experiencing a great struggle inside.

"I really do not know……"

He spoke tremblingly, and answered in a roaring voice.

"It seems that he really doesn't know... Hmph, I have not been able to give this last place..."

Seeing the man in front of him staring at him with fierce and confused eyes, Saya Teak who got the answer frowned dissatisfiedly.

After Sosuke Araki, she met another person who could not be completely charmed, which made her feel even more unbeautiful.

After half an hour.

"The anger fist sent the code for this box according to our request..."

Jin Shanzhang on the side tried to open the suitcase while looking at the message on the phone.

Inside the box is something similar to half a mask.

Because it was wrapped in a slim bandage with unknown runes written like a mummy, it was difficult to see the whole picture.

"Director Tianto...Yes, confirm that it is in the box. Next, just wait for the guys to take the remaining half to replace... Well, Master Ghost Fox said that Higashino's state is not stable enough... OK, I see!"

Hanging up the phone, Jin Shanzhang turned his head and said respectfully to Teak Saye: "Master Ghost, the guy that you charmed in the Bliss Club failed the sneak attack... Director Tianteng, please make sure to think of a way to give Zhang again after the transaction is completed. Fragrant sends a'time bomb' back."

With that said, his eyes moved to Higashino Kohei.


This guy is Zhang Fenfang's confidant, if he did it himself, it must be very exciting.

"This guy is too unstable. Lock it up first. I'll look for someone later... You take someone to stay here to assist in the Jin Shan Sang deal. They will go back to the hotel to sleep for beauty first. Staying up late can hurt your skin."

The power of Yuzaoqian is very useful for most lustful, single-stranded, unprincipled extreme ways.

But because the divine power is not strong enough, encountering people with firm will or strong obsessions will result in an unstable state like Higashino's Kohei, and he may break free from the state of charm at any time and bite him back.

Several men stepped forward and dragged Higashino's Yupei, who had a confused expression as if he had taken medicine.

Finally, he glanced at Higashino Kohei, Saya Teak shook his head, turned and left.

The leaders of the violent gang immediately escorted her into the car pleasedly.


"Zongjie, did you answer the phone for so long...Is it because the intention of going to the nurse's station was bad?"

In the ward, he looked at his cell phone boredly before the second.


A text message was sent to his mobile phone.

The sender was Sosuke Araki who went to the corridor to "take a call".

"...The bastard! It was decided without discussing it with me! In the midst of so many violent gang disputes, do you think you have played the family?!"

After reading the content of the text message, Ryoma couldn't help but yelled before the second, and sputtering stars splashed all over the screen.

In the text message, Araki Sosuke told him the ins and outs of the matter.

This frank and stubborn guy must be afraid that he would not let him go, so he chose to run away and tell himself through text messages as a backhand.

As for Xingping, as a police officer, it was not convenient to come forward directly.

It is also impossible for the Metropolitan Police Department to agree to use police force to get involved in the dispute between the Jidao and rescue a kidnapped Jidao activist.

The only thing I can do is to drag the neck that can't be turned, and accompany him in his own name.

This is why Sosuke Araki didn't say hello and left alone.

"...Don't underestimate people, Xingping, who is also Laozi's brother!"

The more he thought about it, the more frustrated, Ryoma angrily knocked over the infusion stand next to him.

He opened an APP on his phone, and there was a small red dot on the map that moved quickly.

A certain digital idiot must not know that even if he doesn't start the APP, he can lock his position.

"Since you let me be your backup, then I am as you wish..."


Late at night, Tokyo Port.

"Look at the address should be here..."

In an open container, a white van-type fully enclosed truck is quietly parked among several similar-style vehicles.

Sosuke Araki, pushing two oversized suitcases with both hands, first probed his head to observe the surrounding situation, and then walked carefully toward the truck.



When he approached about five meters, his keen ears could hear the sound of rushing from the carriage.


His throat moved slightly, Araki Sosuke stepped forward nervously and gently knocked on the back door of the van in accordance with the agreed rhythm of "nine shallows and one deep".

"The green dragon remains unchanged..."

Inside the car, a man asked in a low voice in Longguo dialect with a strong accent.

Araki Zongsuke's eyes twitched, his face sinking, and he replied in Longguo dialect every word: "...look at the quadrant out of the sheath."

Just as Alibaba had said the treasure house password, the trunk door of the car slowly opened like a horror movie.


The strong breath came out like socks that hadn't been washed in a year or the boys' dormitory that hadn't been cleaned in four semesters.

Inside the small van, a dozen or so men with expressionless faces and looking pitiful, dressed in tattered green underwear were densely packed.

Even in such a narrow space, they still stubbornly stuck out the black hole of the gun barrel from the gap in the companion's body, and silently faced Sousuke Araki.

Wrapped by endless killing intent, Araki Sosuke slowly raised his hands and said in Longguo dialect: "Don't shoot... your own person."

These seemingly thin men show strong and strong muscles from their cuffs.

And the eyes that the other person looked at him without emotional fluctuations were enough to prove that they could harvest anyone's life without hesitation and nonchalantly.

No one can tell that this group of men, who look like the smuggling refugees who have just arrived in the port, are the strongest team that Nuo Fist hides, Qinglongdao.

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