The man on the outermost side of the carriage pointed at the suitcase next to Sousuke Araki with his muzzle.

Sosuke Araki immediately understood, slowly spreading the two suitcases open, revealing the contents, raising his hands and stepping back a few steps.

The leading man stepped forward to check it carefully, digging out the contents one by one and placing them on the ground.

In one of the boxes, there are a large amount of fried noodle bread, croquette and mineral water bought from a convenience store.

In the other box, there are a lot of GU discounted clothes and more than a dozen walkie-talkies with headphones.

The man took out the water and food, carefully distinguished, and after eating, he took out his clothes, replaced them on the spot without paying attention, and took apart one of the walkie-talkies to check them carefully.

After waiting ten minutes, he nodded to the men in the trunk.

If there are any problems with this batch of things, he will be the first one to be recruited.

"Sorry, we just followed this batch of smuggled cars over here. Zhang Hong said that the situation here is a bit must be careful."

Wearing a "GUx Ghost Pokémon" co-branded T-shirt and a "GUx Water Shadow Ninja" co-branded baseball cap, the Long Country man put the carbines on his back behind him, and stepped forward to negotiate with Sosuke Araki.

Behind him, the group of men had filed out of the carriage, changing clothes and replenishing food and water without a word.

Seeing the boxes of ammunition and various weapons exposed in the cargo compartment after the men got out of the car, the corners of Sousuke Araki's eyes twitched.

This car can really fit.

"Line up!"

Seeing that his subordinates are almost done, the headed man said softly.

The men who were dressed up, showcasing, and full of the two-dimensional aura quickly gathered behind him in two rows.

Due to time urgency and personal taste, Sosuke Araki could only buy some clothes in a GU that is open 24 hours a day.

"Li Mingcong, the 12th squadron of the third squadron with the Qinglong Knife reported that he can get out of the scabbard at any time...Is it going to be an assassination, a lightning decapitation or a regional indiscriminate strike this time?"

No one would believe that this dark-skinned middle-aged man, who looks simple and honest like a farmer, turned out to be the captain of this Qinglong Sword team.

Li Mingcong held a silver alloy suitcase impressively in his hand.

It was used to exchange Higashino Kohei, another "goods."

The men who are lined up, fully armed, and dressed like those brainless dead houses in Akihabara, are not weak at all from just crossing the ocean, like an army waiting to be reviewed, quietly exuding in the dark container The breath of killing.

The all-black carbine, the bulging bullet belt around the waist, the round grenade...

And a very thick and long handle that the two men just lifted out of the car...

"Hello, that's Ba... Ba... Ba... Ba? Brother Zhang, did this give me an arsenal?"

Looking at the men in front of the two-dimensional costumes who couldn't hide their muscles and showed cruel smiles like wolves, Sosuke Araki only felt their vests numb.

Why do I always feel that the soap in the prison is beckoning to myself.


Adachi Ward, Tokyo.

Around the abandoned factory buildings are scattered small and large houses, like a jungle of reinforced steel.

Before the advent of the bubble era, this area used to be a thriving small industrial area.

The man wearing a black hooded sweater and a concave-convex mask, carrying a silver alloy box, stepped into one of the largest factories.

"Nu Luoquan, as agreed, came here with the goods."

The man wearing the concave-convex mask stopped at the entrance of the factory.

Because the muzzles of the two black holes have protruded from the side of the factory building, they hit him with the spot of the infrared sight.

Several men walked out of the factory building and checked around with guns.

"Hmph, Zhang Fenfang, if you don't dare to come, let's send you this guy who pretends to be a fool to take off the mask first!"

After confirming that only one person came, Jin Shanzhang proudly appeared on the second floor platform of the factory.

The man reluctantly removed the "concave-convex man" mask on his face.

"Big Brother Zhang is taking care of everything, this little thing, just leave it to my humble subordinate."

"Ara... Araki Sosuke?"

Seeing the man's face, Jin Shan Zhang was startled at first, and then he showed a ferocious laugh.

"You guy is really not that simple. I should have guessed that you are the one from the anger! First search this guy's body, and then unpack and inspect the goods."

The "Bump Man" who came to the transaction was Sosuke Araki.

In order to avoid trouble for him as an "ordinary person", as well as to conceal his facial expressions and the headphones he was wearing, on Li Yuncong's suggestion, he took this special mask at a convenience store.

No way, in order to buy clothes and food for the gang of Qinglong knives, he has exhausted his poor savings.

However, Nu Luoquan called this team of "Blue Dragon Sabres", and after avoiding the first round of searches by the opponent's peripheral personnel, they had quietly approached the surroundings of the factory building.

"Wait... I want to see Yukhei Higashino first."

Seeing the man in front of him stretched out his hand to prepare for a body search, Sosuke Araki pulled down the zipper of his sweater, revealing a row of detonators wrapped around his waist.

"...If things are not done well, a small character like me will die when I go back. It's better to explain it with this valuable item... Friendly reminder, as long as I press the button or my heartbeat stops, my body will be dead. The bunch of fireworks will bloom unceremoniously."

Seeing the dense detonators around the opponent's waist, the two men with guns immediately stepped back carefully.

Unexpectedly, this guy was so cruel to himself, Jin Shanzhang's face was also cold, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he turned around and said, "Bring the Hellhound."

Barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes. The primary goal of the newly formed "Kanto Joint Team" in this operation is the goods, and the secondary goal is to take the opportunity to consume the power of the anger fist, and it is impossible to fight this desperately.

As for his personal grievances with Sosuke Araki, after the transaction is completed, there will naturally be a break.

"It has been confirmed by a thermal imaging camera that there are a total of 34'Piglets' near the target location, which can threaten the total of 17'Bumpman'..."

"The'piggy' outside the factory has been locked and can be killed at any time."

"The support team at the rear of the plant is in place, and it only takes 10 seconds to reach the fire support range."

"The commando team is in place right in front of the factory..."

Along the way, in the earphones covered by the hood of Araki Sosuke's sweater, men's stern words of the Dragon Kingdom continued to be heard.

"'Bump Man', you are already in my line of sight, please show me the position of the opponent's leader using the direction of your face."

On the channel, Li Mingcong's reassuring voice sounded.

Sosuke Araki immediately looked up at Jin Shanzhang behind the handrail on the second floor of the factory building.

By the moonlight, he naturally recognized this "acquaintance" a long time ago.

The fight between Sankouzu and Nuluoquan was good, all he wanted was to exchange for his brother.

"The target has been confirmed. After the'Hell Dog' appears for a while, follow my instructions and act."

At the same time, the two men brought Higashino Kohei with his hands tied up.

"Xingping...what did you do to him?!"

Seeing Yukhei Higashino, who had no gods in his eyes and a confused face, Sosuke Araki frowned.

It seems that the trauma is not too serious...Did these guys use medicine on Xingping?

"We have agreed with Zhang Fenfang, we only guarantee that this guy is alive, and I am not responsible for after-sales problems... You see, you still have a good breath, you can inspect the goods."

Araki Zongsuke silently put the box in his hand on the ground, and opened it slowly according to the password given by Zhang.

Lying in the box was a half-mask-like thing wrapped in rune bandages.

"What kind of antique is it, worthy of a semi-open battle with Nu Luoquan?"

Looking at this unremarkable thing, Sosuke Araki was also a little puzzled.

"Yes, it's this..."

Seeing that incident, Jin Shanzhang showed longing eyes.

As long as this thing is handed over to Minister Tianteng, he will be qualified to become a "divine envoy" and set up another door. There is no need to work for the "ghost fox" anymore.

As Jin Shanzhang's eyes gestured, a man beside him immediately took Higashino Kohei to Araki Sosuke and took the suitcase on the ground back.

"Xingping... can you hear it? Speak!"

Holding the delirious Higashino Yuppei, Araki Sosuke carefully checked the opponent's situation.

A trace of resentment rushed from Higashino's body and ran towards him.

"Who am I... where am I... who... fucking me..."

As the grievances dissipated, Higashino's eyes gradually regained clarity, and he looked at the man in front of him suspiciously.

"Zongjie? The money you owe me... When will I pay it back... I have to make up enough mortgage down payment to get married..."

"Asshole, why is the first reaction to tell me to pay back...if you have something to say later..."

Araki Sosuke directly picked up this nonsense guy, turned around and ran outside the factory without hesitation.

At the same time, Jin Shan Zhang above the factory has already brought the two things together and confirmed the shape.

As the distance gets closer, the two mask remains-like things attract each other like magnets and tremble slightly.

"It's a genuine product... Now, Minister Tianto's mission is finally..."

In ecstasy, Jin Shanzhang looked back at the two people who had run to the entrance of the factory...

That guy, obviously carrying an adult man, also ran too fast.

"Araki Sosuke...I agree that you can go now?!"

He reached out and picked up a carbine, and the small dot of the infrared sight suddenly appeared on Araki Sosuke's body.

"It turns out that the'Kanto Joint Group' is just a bunch of guys who don't speak humanity, justice and credit, and like to eat black."

Araki Sosuke sneered under the mask, ignored him, and carried Higashino's head and rushed out of the factory.

The other party made it clear that he didn't intend to let the two of them go, so he obediently stopped to be a target?

"Hmph, have you ever been able to run a gun? Let's let you and Hellhound turn into fireworks together!"

This distance has exceeded the explosive range of the detonator.


Jin Shanzhang pulled off the safety latch, squeezed his index finger on the trigger, and aimed his head sideways with a smirk.


The thunderous gunfire rang.

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