Hearing the gunshots, the men inside and outside the factory subconsciously searched for shelters to avoid being affected by the explosion of the detonator on Araki Sosuke's body.

The expected explosion did not occur.

The "Bump Man" carrying Yuppei Higashino continued to run without looking back, and disappeared into their sight unscathed...

"Boss Jinshan..."

Several men turned their heads and looked suspiciously at Jin Shanzhang who was "handsome shooting".

Jinshan boss’s marksmanship...

Is it so watery?

Or is there any unpredictable strategy behind deliberately emptying the gun?

Jin Shanzhang, who stood still, was looking at the outer wall of the factory building directly in front of him out of focus.

Not to mention that the "detonator" on Sosuke Araki has no gunpowder at all...

The person who shot just now is not Jin Shanzhang either.

A small hole appeared on the outer wall of the iron sheet of the warehouse.

A beam of cold moonlight was pouring down from there, shining on Jin Shanzhang's face.

Above Jin Shan Zhang's forehead, there is also a crimson hole of the same size.

Through the blood-stained hole, you can see behind him, a brick wall covered with huge bullet holes and covered with blood.

In the eyes of everyone, Jin Shan Akira's body fell to the ground as soft as a rag doll, and blood spewed out like money after realizing it.

Echoing this gun from a distance, intensive gunshots and men's screams suddenly sounded around the factory building, as if a string of firecrackers were lit.

"Successful decapitation... The commando covered the retreat of'Bumpman'... the outer team continued to clean up..."

In a bungalow 800 meters away, Li Mingcong wearing a Pikachu T-shirt and baseball cap was lying on the roof, pushing a thick and long bullet into the barrel.

A hot bullet was still rolling gently on the ground beside him.

In front of him, there was an extremely long Barrett M82 sniper rifle.

On the LCD screen on the side, the image in the infrared night vision thermal imaging scope is displayed in real time.

The sight of the sight has been moved away from Jinshan Akira's figure as the heat is gradually dissipating...

"Damn it!"

"Boss Jinshan..."

The two men beside Akira Jinshan came back to their senses, and angrily pointed their guns at the "Bump Man" who had carried Higashino's Kohei into a black spot...


After two consecutive huge gunshots, the heads of the two men were like broken watermelons, spewing bright red juice.


ten minutes later.

Around the abandoned factory buildings, the peace of the past was restored.

"Report, the site has been cleaned up, and the enemy confirmed that 17 people were dead, which is consistent with the number of pre-war investigations. We slightly injured three people..."

"Received, the'Second Target' has been recovered here, and it is about to cover the evacuation of'Bump Man' and'Hell Dog'..."

Next to the three vans parked side by side, Li Yuncong was confirming the situation to his subordinates through communication.

The two valuable "cargo" were put in a suitcase at the moment and placed in the passenger seat.

"Zongsuke...what happened...I was not...by the way, there is a woman..."

In the car, Kohei Higashino had regained consciousness. He only felt that his brain was in a mess, and he was confused to confirm the situation to Sosuke Araki.

"Hey, you bastard, for you, my law-abiding people have been pulled in. Barrett's bullets passed by me just now!!"

Seeing him regaining consciousness, Araki Sosuke, who was worried all the way, grabbed his neck and roared.

"...I keep telling you to stop being savvy, and open a restaurant with me, even oden food stalls!!"

Over the years, he has been trying to persuade Yukhei Higashino to withdraw from the Jidao.

However, due to the shame that the two of them entered the Jidao trainee together, but they left early, he has been at the low point of morality, and he has no convincing power.

"Why are you talking about this now? This is originally a road that cannot be turned back. I had expected this day when I came out..."

Kohei Higashino directly ignored his roar and unceremoniously stretched out his hand to take out the cigarette from the opponent's pocket and set it alight.

Seeing the appearance of Kohei Higashino, Sosuke Araki sighed, and his face became low again: "Anyway, I just brought the Azure Dragon Swords team to rescue you according to the arrangement of Brother Zhang... I will not know what happened. It’s not very clear, anyway, many people died..."

The entire "transaction" plan was directed and arranged by Li Yuncong on the spot.

Just now, under the threat of bullet rain, Araki Sosuke just "run" according to the previous agreement.

Relying on his strength and strength, he carried Higashino Kohei and ran so fast.

It's like a little kid who has lit a hundred thousand firecrackers, panicking and pissing off, didn't dare to look back at all.

Looking back now, he was cautious and pounding.

Araki Sosuke lit a cigarette, didn't smoke it, just placed it gently on the side car window.

The flames of the cigarette butts flickered with the breeze, as if they were paying homage to the lives that died tonight.

Moli Dark Rose, Night Sakura Club, Black Emperor...

These ruthless "oden-cooked" people usually charge some "property fees", participate in weapon fights, and engage in gang fights.

Compared with the Qinglong Knife with professional military literacy and well-equipped, whether it is cooperation, combat awareness, or the use of weapons, it is not at the same level.

In just ten minutes, the entire "Kanto Joint Group" was completely transformed into "Oden" and was swept away without leaving a living.

After all, no matter how mighty and domineering the name is, the bullets that fly over can't be heard.

"Let's go, there will be a scavenger here to deal with it..."

Li Yuncong carried his suitcase and sat in the driver's seat.

The Qinglong Sword usually ends the battle in a "blitzkrieg" way, and it doesn't matter whether it is hit or buried.

There will be a professional local third-party "scavenger" on site to handle it.

Perhaps after today, they will return to a certain base to "rest", or they may go to a certain country in Southeast Asia to continue fighting.

But what happened on this land of Japan will never be documented.


"The order has been received, the support team will now begin to retreat..."

At the back of the plant, the Dragon Kingdom men in groups of three, after searching the current area, are ready to evacuate.

The man who led the team moved his ears slightly and keenly pointed his gun to the rear of the building aside.

The other two companions also dispersed silently, preparing to go around from another direction.

"Hey, have you been discovered? Japan's Jidao is quite powerful..."

A tall figure wearing a priest's robe and dark complexion appeared behind the building.

It is the black-robed priest, Siena, who has his own invisibility under the night.

"Hello, if you guys robbed that item only for money, I think we can talk..."

For his half-year-old Japanese, the group of Longguo Qinglongdao naturally didn't understand, so they raised their guns directly at him.

"Report, found something other than the target..."

At the same time, the strong black-robed priest showed his white teeth and moved.

I saw that he took out something from his arms and threw it towards the three of them.

It was a flat silver jug ​​with a few drops of water spilled out.

"Accept the baptism of holy water, may the Lord bless you..."

The Holy Prayer, [Miss Li Cheng].


The three men did not hesitate to squeeze the trigger at him.


However, no matter how they pulled the trigger, the gunfire did not sound.

A drop of water slid down their muzzle.

The inside of the gun, at some point, seemed to have been damaged by those drops of water.

"How can firearms that have been blessed by holy water be given death?"

When the three of them were in a daze, Siena had rushed to the front with a speed like a sprint champion, and punched one of the men on the chin.

His fists sank vigorously, and he directly stunned the veteran Qinglong Sword player.

Seeing that the gun failed for some reason, the other two decisively slammed up, attacking the priest's throat and crotch at the same time with great tacit understanding.

Obviously it is a military fighting technique that must be divided into life and death.

"You... are not like Ji Dao... this decisive and not afraid of death attitude, on the contrary, is very similar to the jihadists in the Middle East..."

Facing the deadly attack by the two, Siena did not evade, still whispering in his mouth.

If someone with inspiration is present, you can see his whole body, wrapped in a thin layer of holy light.

"The Lord said, someone slapped you on the right cheek, even the left cheek turned around and let him do it..."

With that said, Siena let the two attack on him.


The fists and feet of the two banged on the steel pipe, and the sound of bone cracking broke out.

While the two screamed, Siena slammed the sword with both hands on the opponent's neck quickly and accurately, and instantly slammed the two strong men to the ground, unconscious.

This black priest took less than a minute from appearing to subduing the three-person team defenselessly.

"Hey, those who dare to rob me are not as simple as ordinary Jidao... But sorry, the Holy Light technique cultivated in the Middle East just happens to restrain firearms."

With that said, Siena continued to make strides towards the plant.


"... The communication of the third support team is broken... the teams pay attention, it seems that a mouse has touched it from behind..."

Li Yuncong turned on the roof of the car for the first time and set up his Barrett and infrared thermal imager.

The infrared thermal imaging scope constantly scanned the surroundings of the factory building.

Suddenly, a tall figure galloping at high speed passed through the scope at a ghostly speed.

"...No, the target is too fast to aim. The second commando is careful, the mouse is heading towards you!"

The figure showed an inhuman physical quality, and approached one of the three-person teams at a speed exceeding the 100-meter world record.

The three members of the Second Commando responded quickly and raised their guns at the figure...

The expected gunfire did not sound.

Immediately, after a few seconds of close fighting, the figures of the three "Blue Dragon Sabres" collapsed in the thermal imaging scope.

Although he didn't know why the firearms failed, Li Yuncong's eyes became serious when he looked at the tall figure running wild, only to let go of the soldiers he brought out in a few seconds.

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