I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 253-God in the Rain

"Attention, the first commando team, the mouse is approaching your position at high speed, and the target is extremely capable of close combat, so it can disperse and ambush on the spot! The first and second support teams immediately go over to support them and pull away cover..."

Li Mingcong decisively directed the remaining three teams to move from three completely opposite directions according to the terrain around the factory building, enclosing the target in the middle.

"What happened... the support of the guys from the Kanto Joint Team came?"

Inside the car, Araki Sosuke and Higashino Xinghei, who were unaware, poked their heads to look at Li Mingcong who was lying on the roof, and asked curiously.

"I don't know... Only one person came... very strong..."

After saying this, Li Mingcong tilted his head intently and took aim seriously.

"Confirmed the target location... shoot!"

Not far away, under the cover of the building, the blue dragon swords, which were distributed in a triangle shape and surrounded the black-robed priest in the center, did not hesitate to pull the trigger in his hand at the same time.

Intensive gunfire sounded immediately.

Facing the rain of bullets coming from three directions at the same time, Siena, which was blocked in the narrow alleyway, slid on the building next to it, leaped high, and then climbed like a monkey to an abandoned house. The second floor.

"The target has entered the second floor of the house! Don't rush, keep your distance, and block his course of action."

Li Mingcong decisively issued a new order.

Although I don't know why the close-range shooting will fail, as long as the long-range shooting is effective, I am not afraid of the unarmed "melee master" on my side.

Immediately, he used the scope to check the subordinates who had been "killed" before.

The heat on several people showed no signs of dissipating.

That terrible guy, faced with a group of three, tacit cooperation, and fully equipped Azure Dragon Sword, there is still room to keep his hands!

"It's changed later, please take the'goods' with you two to the place designated by Brother Zhang first."

With that said, Li Mingcong threw the key in his hand to Sousuke Araki.

"Yo Xi, then I'll leave it to Brother Li to you!"

Sosuke Araki naturally pulled Higashino Kohei into the car and prepared to run away.

He is just a malnourished sleep tester, whose sole purpose is to ensure Xingping's safety, and other extreme disputes have nothing to do with him.

Moreover, if it is an enemy that the gang of Qinglong Dao can't handle, the two of them will stay here for nothing.

"Since you don't move anymore..."

Seeing that the person hiding in the second-story building stopped moving, Li Mingcong decisively pulled the trigger...


Although the other party left his own life, he is not a polite person.

Although the civilian version of the Barrett M82 in his hand only used the weakest M33 ordinary bomb, as long as it was rubbed a little, it basically ended up with fractures and hemorrhage.

The life of Qinglong Sword is like this Barrett's bullet, and there is no turning back.

There is only one end for the enemy of Qinglong Dao, and that is death.

The bullet roared through the brick wall, spreading white smoke.

That is the sodium carbonate monohydrate in the M33 warhead. After the rupture, smoke is formed so that the shooter can observe the bullet point.

The scene that caused Li Yuncong's pupils to dilate appeared in the scope.

At the moment the gunshot sounded, the tall figure hiding in the house, like a conditioned reflex, leaned down to the ground and rolled to the corner of the house.

Perfectly dodges a shot that he thinks is inevitable.

"I met an expert..."


"M82?! There are still people using this old antique? Is this really peaceful Japan? Or am I actually still in the Middle East?"

After evading the opponent's tricky sniper by virtue of his strong physical fitness, looking at the bullet holes in the wall Siena was also a little afraid.

I originally thought that, compared with the war-torn Middle East, the automatic rifle was already Japan's upper limit.

Unexpectedly, even the old-fashioned civilian Barrett M82, which was once popular in the United States and Russia and known as a "cheat device," appeared.

Judging from the precise sniping of the partition wall, nine out of ten are also equipped with infrared thermal imaging targeting equipment.

Could it be that these guys were sent by "that organization" after they noticed their actions?

"It seems to be more serious."

Siena once again took out the silver flat flask in his arms, and gathered his spiritual power on it.

"God said, if there is rain, there will be rain."

Holy Prayer [The Original Rain].

As the prayers spread, light rain began to fall within two kilometers centered on him.

This light rain is as fine as cow hair, with a faint golden light, softly and silently infiltrating people, adding a layer of misty smoke between the world and the earth.

On the top of the van, the screen of the infrared thermal imaging camera beside Li Yuncong went out.


In the van, Araki Sosuke, who was about to "run", hit the fire several times in a row, and the keys were almost twisted and deformed, but the engine was still unable to start.

"Damn it, are the spark plugs of this broken car so bad?"

After changing two cars, the situation remains the same.


Swearing an swear word, Araki Sosuke violently smashed the shell under the steering wheel with a fist, and skillfully pulled out the wires inside and scraped out the bare wires, and then tried to connect them barely.

With this series of professional car stealing in the 1990s, Kohei Higashino's eyelids jumped as he looked weak.

This guy, did he even carry out the business of stealing cars behind his back?

However, no matter how skillfully Araki Sosuke used to bridge the wires, no sparks appeared.

"Damn it, is the battery broken?!"

In the drizzle, they were not the only ones who were helpless.

Siena on the second floor, opened the window.

The firepower was originally locked to his three teams, and they shot without hesitation.


However, only the intensive empty board sound can be heard.

"Impossible! The teams...keep away from the target... move closer to me... hello?"

On the roof of the car, Li Yuncong, who also pulled the empty trigger, also showed an incredible expression.

Whether it is the M4 American carbine used by his men or his Barrett, they are capable of shooting underwater. Even if the gunpowder sealed inside the gun cannot be ignited because of moisture, it will not affect the mechanics of the bullet firing ability. right.

Whether it was the gun in the hand, the communicator at the waist, and the van under him, it seemed that they all failed at the moment when this weird drizzle fell.

This two-kilometer factory area is like returning to the virgin forest where mankind was born.

"God rains rain on those who believe in the Lord, but also on those who do not believe in the Lord."

Losing firepower and communication, the Qinglongdao trio team instantly became a lamb to be slaughtered in front of Siena, who had surpassed the limit of human physical fitness, holy light protection, and night skin color bonus.

Even though the performance of the Azure Dragon Blades team is still tough, under the "Iron Fist of Love" of the black robe priest, it is only the difference between one punch or two punches that lose their power.

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