"Retreat first with your things! I'll stop him..."

Li Mingcong took out a saber from his boots, rolled over from the car, and rushed into the rain.

He will delay time for the two of them.

The five squads of Azure Dragon Swords, which were heavily armed, were completely wiped out by one person with bare hands. This was beyond his cognition.

Although Qinglong Dao was originally a mercenary with no honor at all, at least, the mission could not be failed.

"How about it, Kopei, can you run?"

"What else, Azure Dragon Sabre can't do it, you have to run if you can't run..."

Araki Sosuke carried the box, supported Higashino Yupei, bumping and ran in the opposite direction of Li Mingcong.

A drizzle of golden light across the two human bodies.

Those raindrops slipped from Araki Sosuke's body, and the golden light disappeared immediately.

The two of them just heard the intensive gunfire, and thought that a large group of people came to support them with firepower, but they didn't know that from beginning to end, there was only one person on the opposite side.

With the sound of unconcealed footsteps, the figure of Father Hei Pao rushed out of the dense raindrops and came to the front of the Sanliang van.

"Hey, ran away with things... in that direction?"

Taking a look at the empty vehicle, he turned his head to look in the direction where the two of Araki Sosuke had left.

A jet of dark knife light cut through the golden raindrops, swept out from under the car, and ran towards the ankle of the priest of the black robe.

"God is in the rain, everything has nowhere to hide..."

Like a tap dance, Siena continuously raised his heel to avoid the light of the knife in a very rhythmic manner, then fell heavily and stepped on Li Mingcong's wrist.

Feeling the pain of a heavy blow on his wrist, Li Mingcong didn't say a word, his legs shot out like a scorpion wagging his tail, kicking into the crotch of the priest.

Accompanied by a rhythm like "tap dancing," Siena clasped his hands on his chest and leaped slightly.

The military boots lifted the hem of the priest's robe with leg wind.

With Li Yuncong’s height, leg length, and leg angle, combined with Siena’s height and the height of the jump, both of them knew that this chain of legs would inevitably cross by a few centimeters, and then the two of them There will be another round of fighting...

Mr. Shuren once said that one inch is strong, details determine success or failure, and the smallest difference is a thousand miles away...

These two hand-to-hand masters obviously missed one thing.


With the imperceptible golden light flashing, Li Yuncong only felt that he had kicked an indestructible stick-like object.


The powerful anti-shock force came from the stick-like object, directly injuring his feet.

The other party... even hid a body armor! !

"Fak, haven't you escaped..."

After complaining, Siena rubbed a place in his crotch, and ignored Li Mingcong, who had lost the ability to chase under the car, and chased him in the other direction.

His goal, from beginning to end, is only that thing.


The drizzle in the night sky has stopped at some point.

"How about it, did you get in touch with Brother Zhang?"

"No, the signal around here is too bad. You can only check if there are convenience stores around...or check if there are parked cars that can let you ‘borrow’ like before?"

Soaked in the whole body of Araki Sosuke and Higashino Kohei, they are running helplessly under the cover of the dense forest on the side of the road.

The two ran all the way out of the factory area before, only to find that Araki Sosuke's master machine had no signal at all nearby.

The nearest town from this factory is also more than ten kilometers away.

The forest path beside the road was pitch black, and under the cover of dense vegetation, even moonlight could not penetrate.

Suddenly, Araki Sosuke, who was running ahead carrying a box, his eyes throbbed wildly.

Relying on instinct, he swiftly stopped, his feet bowed back, the center of gravity dropped, and the alloy suitcase in his hand was blocked in front of his chest.

Like a tacit cooperation, he had just made a move, and a figure sprang out from the dark forest, kicking the suitcase with a violent whip kick on the suitcase.

Sosuke Araki immediately sank, stepped back and unloaded the force from the box into the mud behind him.

In the dark dense forest, the black figure in black clothes and the moonlight could not see the image. He did not give Araki Zongsuke a chance to breathe. He landed on one leg, twisted his body, and kicked again in the air.

"It's a master... Be careful..."

Looking at the opponent's standard military combat technique and the extraordinary serial whip kicks, Mongsuke Araki unexpectedly did not block anymore. Instead, he threw the suitcase in his hand to Yukihei Higashino behind him, facing the opponent's powerful leg wind. Ravaged up.

I saw his hands spread out one after the other, twisting the other side's tyrannical foot to the side!

The moment the two touched, the person's movements slowed for some reason...

Grasping the broken shell, Araki Sosuke slammed the opponent with a fierce punch.

"How could it be... uh..."

In the middle of the air, the man hit a fist without knowing where, and snorted stiffly.

The figure that fell to the ground from the tree trunk and melted into the darkness was precisely Siena who was chasing up from behind with the strong physical qualities blessed by the Holy Light.

With the induction of the holy water remaining on the enemy, he quickly walked around to ambush the two of them.

However, what surprised him slightly was that, unlike what he sensed, the enemy who ran away with the goods was not the one he sensed, but two.

Could it be that the man who had not been sensed by him came from the outside and was not caught by his own "sacred rain"?

Immediately, he lay in ambush in the grass with his determined kick, and was incredibly blocked by the man with his strong reaction ability.

Not only that, in the face of his coherent second leg, the opponent used a more flexible barehanded technique to resolve it.

With just two fights, he has already seen that the opponent is using the Long Kingdom boxing technique called Wing Chun.

And this opponent has profound martial arts attainments, strong physical fitness and rich practical experience.

In the midair, he originally had a way to defuse the opponent's counterattack.

But on weekdays, relying on the protection of the holy light, he is more accustomed to using a powerful body and breaking the opponent's arm, such a trouble-free method.

The unpretentious punch that the other party hit on him was far heavier than he thought.

The effect of force is mutual. The greater the force that bombards him, the greater the strength of a body that is as strong as gold and iron.

No matter how strong the fighting ability is, it is ultimately a mortal body, unable to exceed the limits of the human body.

In midair, he seemed to have heard the sound of the opponent's hand breaking.

Then, what caused Siena, the "Holy Light Arsenal", who had been in the Middle East for ten years, to show a surprised expression in the face of swords, guns and artillery...

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